Andy and Azin discuss Appetite for Destruction, the 1987 debut by Guns N' Roses, with Marcel Contreras and Hristiyana Becheva. Listen to the album and join them for the chat.
Recorded 28th March 2021
Marcel Contreras is a guitarist, audio engineer, and owner of the most enviable hair in London. He is a beacon of virtue in the UK music scene and plays alongside Andy in The Heretic Order, simultaneously the most evil and most listenable metal band this side of Hell.
Check out The Heretic Order:
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Hristiyana Becheva is an NHS mental health professional, unstoppable creator of fun, and Andy's favourite human. She would advise you to enjoy yourself but stay safe at the same time.
If you wish the challenge her for the title of Biggest Fan of Axl Rose then send us an email, but be advised that she is the indisputed champion of the Inner Solar System and won't give up her crown lightly.
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