Don't Call Me Cupcake

Tracey Wheeler Noonan

My name is Tracey Noonan. I took a hobby turned business from my home kitchen, to a multimillion dollar acquisition. My experiences and the lessons learned, as well as those of my guests, will help you understand how to start and grow your business. Learn how to recognize, overcome and crush the 4 major roadblocks entrepreneurs inadvertantly place in front of themselves. And most importantly, learn how to actually turn a profit! In my Wicked Quick Biz Tips, I share a specific story from Wicked Good Cupcakes and/or my other business ventures.In these personal narratives, I talk about how we attacked a specific problem or implemented a new idea, all in under 15 minutes! Trust me, if I can grow a multimillion dollar business, so can you! I’m surviving and thriving in spite of myself. Entrepreneur, Public Speaker, Author and Shark Tank Survivor, Season 4 Wicked Good Cupcakes. read less
