The John-Henry Westen Show

John-Henry Westen | LifeSiteNews

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Elon Musk and his family of 12 MUST become Catholic | here's why
Elon Musk and his family of 12 MUST become Catholic | here's why
In Elon Musk’s interview with Jordan Peterson, this billionaire tech giant said that he had “vowed to destroy the woke mind virus,” and spoke in heart-breaking detail about how this “virus” had affected his family.In this episode of The John-Henry West Show, John-Henry sends a special message to Elon Musk himself – that the only way he can hope to destroy “the woke mind virus” and secure justice for his family is to convert to Christ and to become a Catholic.Christianity is not a set of good values that can be good for society or admired from afar. The values which Musk said that he admires are only of any worth because they are true – and can only be of any use if they are believed.Although this may sound surprising to some, only the Catholic Faith can give Musk what he needs to enter the spiritual combat we are facing. But more than that, only the Catholic Faith and Jesus Christ himself can satisfy the deepest and noblest ambitions of Musk’s heart, which has talked about many times.LifeSiteNews prays for Elon Musk’s conversion every day, feeling sure that if he submits himself to Christ, then Christ will specially use him in the world currently in free fall.Download the all-new LSNTV App now, available on iPhone and Android!LSNTV Apple Store: LSNTV Google Play: ****SHOP ALL YOUR FUN AND FAVORITE LIFESITE MERCH!   +++Connect with John-Henry Westen and all of LifeSiteNews on social media:LifeSite: John-Henry Westen: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
America's Largest Pro-Life Event | An Epic Relay Race
America's Largest Pro-Life Event | An Epic Relay Race
Many people think that the March for Life USA is the biggest spanning pro-life event in the world. But in fact, LIFE Runners is another US pro-life group doing a massive event across the length and breadth of the country. John Henry Westen sits down with Pat Castle, who tells us about this amazing effort. The LIFE Runners Across America Relay is the world's largest spanning pro-life event, covering over 5000 miles from coast to coast and border to border.Participants, wearing shirts or jackets emblazoned with "Remember the Unborn," walk or run in five-kilometer segments either on the official course or in their neighborhoods. The relay kicks off at significant locations such as Planned Parenthood sites and iconic landmarks, culminating in Overland Park, Kansas. This event, supported by bishops and pro-life advocates, brings the pro-life message to the streets, raising awareness and encouraging a culture of life through faith-driven action.Listen as Pat Castle tells John-Henry Westen about some of the wonderful encounters and heart-touching moments from this amazing effort for life.LEARN MORE AT: Download the all-new LSNTV App now, available on iPhone and Android!LSNTV Apple Store: LSNTV Google Play: ****SHOP ALL YOUR FUN AND FAVORITE LIFESITE MERCH!   +++Connect with John-Henry Westen and all of LifeSiteNews on social media:LifeSite: John-Henry Westen: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Here’s How the Jesuits Cancelled One of Their Most Faithful Sons
Here’s How the Jesuits Cancelled One of Their Most Faithful Sons
John-Henry Westen sits down with Karen Hall to discuss the legacy of the late Fr. Paul Mankowski and the current state of his order, the Jesuits.Hall reflects on the impact of Fr Mankowski’s work and his dedication towards defending the integrity of the Catholic faith. He stood firm on many theological issues and tried to address the challenges following the Second Vatican Council.The Jesuit order is a controversial subject today, serving as fodder for anti-Catholic conspiracy theories. Hall discusses their history and current trajectory, giving insight into the internal struggles and the ideological shifts that have taken place within the Jesuits over recent decades – as well as their role in shaping the direction of the ‘Conciliar-Synodal Church’ itself.Karen Hall also sheds light on the broader implications of Fr. Mankowski's legacy and the Jesuit order's evolution. Fr. Mankowski’s enduring legacy may provide the key for faithful Catholics in responding to these challenges and working towards preserving the Church's teachings. Download the all-new LSNTV App now, available on iPhone and Android!LSNTV Apple Store: LSNTV Google Play: ****SHOP ALL YOUR FUN AND FAVORITE LIFESITE MERCH!   +++Connect with John-Henry Westen and all of LifeSiteNews on social media:LifeSite: John-Henry Westen: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Jesus' Crown of Thorns was More Like a Helmet Than a Ringlet | The Shroud of Turin Suggests
Jesus' Crown of Thorns was More Like a Helmet Than a Ringlet | The Shroud of Turin Suggests
Experts agree: The Shroud of Turin is the most remarkable witness to the crucifixion, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ in the world.It contains so many secrets and hidden insights, and only keeps revealing them as time goes on – as if it was meant to engender a thirst that will be continually satisfied and renewed.In this show, John-Henry Westen talks to experts at the National Eucharistic Congress, who draw out the ways in which traditional details of Christ’s crucifixion are proved or clarified – and how these details are themselves the fulfilment of prophecy.After all, God punished Adam by saying that the world would more easily bring forth thorns and thistles for him – and this is precisely what Christ was crowned with in his passion.These experts also reveal what they think the Shroud shows us about how Christ was crucified, including the position of his arms, the nails, and the horrible scourging he suffered before for love of his Father and for us.Download the all-new LSNTV App now, available on iPhone and Android!LSNTV Apple Store: LSNTV Google Play: ****SHOP ALL YOUR FUN AND FAVORITE LIFESITE MERCH!   +++Connect with John-Henry Westen and all of LifeSiteNews on social media:LifeSite: John-Henry Westen: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Pro-life Advocate Mark Houck Raided by FBI Now Seeking JUSTICE
Pro-life Advocate Mark Houck Raided by FBI Now Seeking JUSTICE
Pro-life advocate Mark Houck is suing the Biden DOJ for ‘malicious’ and ‘retaliatory’ prosecution, as well as for ‘abuse of process, false arrest, assault, and intentional infliction of emotional distress,’ after the FBI traumatized the pro-lifer’s family with an armed raid in the early hours of 23 September 2022.The case drew intense national scrutiny and outrage, and in January 2023, a jury found Houck not guilty. Pro-lifers highlighted Houck’s case as an example of the Biden administration weaponizing law enforcement against its political opponents.Mark Houck’s lawsuit against the DOJ is seeking accountability for what he sees as unjust governmental intrusion and highlighting concerns about civil liberties and the freedom of the pro-life movement in the United States.Last August, Houck announced his candidacy for Congress – underscoring his campaign to hold institutions accountable and to defend the principles he holds dear. His story is a focal point for the intersection of activism, legal rights, and the pro-life cause.Download the all-new LSNTV App now, available on iPhone and Android!LSNTV Apple Store: LSNTV Google Play: ****SHOP ALL YOUR FUN AND FAVORITE LIFESITE MERCH!   +++Connect with John-Henry Westen and all of LifeSiteNews on social media:LifeSite: John-Henry Westen: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Brain Death and ORGAN HARVESTING: What You NEED to Know
Brain Death and ORGAN HARVESTING: What You NEED to Know
LifeSiteNews’ John-Henry Westen sits down with Dr. Paul Byrne, a neonatologist and an outspoken critic of the concept of ‘brain death’ and its exploitation by Big Pharma.Dr. Byrne explains the troubling concept of ‘brain death,’ which he says is medically and philosophically flawed. He argues that it was created to facilitate organ transplantation from otherwise living human beings – in other words, organ harvesting. This is a crime against the natural moral law.In fact, Death is understood to have set in when the body starts to decompose. This definitely isn’t so for a person who is only ‘brain-dead,’ and can still have very many signs of life. Further, in Dr. Byrne’s own experience, even those who have been declared ‘brain-dead’ have later shown signs of ‘brain-life.’Organ donation sounds like a great gift for the world at first, but the implications are much more concerning. Dr. Byrne discusses these implications with John-Henry, whilst also touching on the legal aspects of ‘brain death’ and the influence of ‘Big Pharma.’Dr. Byrne sets out powerful ways in which you can protect yourself and your loved ones, including getting educated on the importance of informed consent and legal protections, and the various points at which you need to opt out of organ donation – that is, if you want to avoid organs being harvested whilst you or your loved ones are still alive.Download the all-new LSNTV App now, available on iPhone and Android!LSNTV Apple Store: LSNTV Google Play: ****SHOP ALL YOUR FUN AND FAVORITE LIFESITE MERCH!   +++Connect with John-Henry Westen and all of LifeSiteNews on social media:LifeSite: John-Henry Westen: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Jaw-Dropping Vatican Financial and Sexual Corruption EXPOSED
Jaw-Dropping Vatican Financial and Sexual Corruption EXPOSED
John-Henry Westen and Steven Brady discuss corruption and scandals in the Vatican and with clergy – including homosexuality and financial corruption.In 2000, Brady exposed the “Saint Sebastian’s Angels” website, on which priests and bishops were sharing homosexual messages and images, and spreading distortions of Catholic sexual ethics.Brady also discusses the money laundering links with the Vatican, as well as threats issued to businessmen who have revealed it.He shines a light on the complicity of bishops in covering up abuses and misconduct – particularly with Cardinal McCarrick, who was publicly denounced by now-excommunicated whistle-blower Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò – when they knew about and overlooked McCarrick’s crimes for a long time.He praises the late Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (Benedict XVI) for his efforts to address these issues, despite facing resistance from various quarters.Download the all-new LSNTV App now, available on iPhone and Android!LSNTV Apple Store: LSNTV Google Play: ****SHOP ALL YOUR FUN AND FAVORITE LIFESITE MERCH!   +++Connect with John-Henry Westen and all of LifeSiteNews on social media:LifeSite: John-Henry Westen: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.