Beyond Policy

Beyond Policy

Beyond Policy is a podcast presented by the Palmetto Promise Institute. Your host is Dr. Oran Smith, Senior Fellow of the Palmetto Promise Institute. Policy talk can often be cold, dead, and boring. On this podcast, we've banned boring. Our object on this podcast is to look Beyond Policy. We look beyond statehouse rumors and backroom politics to real communities and people in South Carolina. We explore how actions at the South Carolina Statehouse impact people in South Carolina like you. read less


Josh Archambault - Healthcare in Crisis: Exploring the Broken System and Opportunities for Improvement | Beyond Policy Episode 12
Josh Archambault - Healthcare in Crisis: Exploring the Broken System and Opportunities for Improvement | Beyond Policy Episode 12
Welcome to another episode of The Beyond Policy Podcast with your host, Oran Smith. In this episode, we are joined by a special guest, Josh Archambault, as we dive deep into the topic of healthcare reform and explore solutions beyond policy. During the episode, we discuss various aspects of the broken healthcare system, acknowledging that Medicaid is just one piece of the puzzle. We question whether healthcare systems are losing money due to inefficiency or ineffective care delivery. Drawing comparisons to other industries, we explore the need for a rethinking of delivery methods to address these inefficiencies. Josh Archambault shares his insights on the growing interest in direct primary care. We delve into the benefits of direct primary care, where physicians sell memberships to their practice, providing unlimited access to care for a flat monthly rate. We also explore Christian healthcare sharing, which is not insurance but a practice where people with the same faith and beliefs share their healthcare bills with one another. In our conversation with Josh Archambault, we delve into the importance of transparency in healthcare costs and the Patient's Right to Save initiative. We discuss the potential benefits of incentivizing patients to choose cash rate providers over insurance, leading to cost savings. We envision the use of a third-party app to help patients find and book appointments, transforming healthcare into a marketplace that benefits patients. Along the way, we explore case studies and examples to illustrate the growing cost of hospital services and the impact of government involvement. We examine the effects of Medicaid expansion under Obamacare and the need for prioritizing access to healthcare over mere insurance coverage. We discuss alternative avenues to provide access to care, such as federally qualified health centers and supplemental payments. Finally, we highlight the healthcare reforms implemented in Tennessee, Maine, and Arizona, allowing patients to shop for healthcare options and receive deductible credits. We emphasize the importance of the patient's right to save, which aligns incentives and supports motivated patients and independent providers offering cost-effective services with good outcomes. Tune in to this thought-provoking episode of The Beyond Policy Podcast as we go beyond policy and explore innovative solutions for a better healthcare system.
Dr. Shaunette Parker - Empowering Education: Unlocking Potential through ESAs in South Carolina | Beyond Policy Episode 10
Dr. Shaunette Parker - Empowering Education: Unlocking Potential through ESAs in South Carolina | Beyond Policy Episode 10
In this week's episode, we have a captivating conversation with a special guest, Dr. Shaunette Parker, from the National School Choice Awareness Foundation, Inc. Dr. Parker is a remarkable advocate for the newly passed Education Savings Account (ESA) bill in South Carolina. Her unwavering dedication and influential voice played a pivotal role in the bill's successful passage. Join us as we delve into the fascinating world of ESA's and explore the concept of school choice in today's educational landscape. Dr. Parker shares her invaluable insights on the benefits and potential impact of ESAs, shedding light on how they empower parents and students to make informed decisions about their education. We discuss the broader implications of school choice, examining how it can foster innovation, improve academic outcomes, and enhance overall educational equity. Whether you're an education enthusiast, a policy wonk, or simply curious about the evolving landscape of education, this episode is a must-listen. Gain a deeper understanding of the ESA bill's significance, hear inspiring stories of positive change, and gain insights into how school choice can transform the educational experiences of students and families. Tune in to the Beyond Policy Podcast with Dr. Oran P. Smith and special guest Dr. Shaunette Parker of the National School Choice Awareness Foundation, Inc. This enlightening conversation will leave you inspired and informed about the power of ESAs, school choice, and more.
Diane Hardy - The Mom and Pop Alliance: Advocating for Small Business Owners | Beyond Policy Episode 9
Diane Hardy - The Mom and Pop Alliance: Advocating for Small Business Owners | Beyond Policy Episode 9
Welcome to the Beyond Policy Podcast! In this week's episode, we are thrilled to have Diane Hardy, a remarkable guest and symbol of the Palmetto Promise. Diane's journey from a dual degree holder in psychology and nursing to becoming an entrepreneur and advocate for small businesses is truly inspiring. Diane opened the Nothing Bunt Cakes Bakery in Greenville seven years ago, and she has experienced both the challenges and triumphs of starting a small business firsthand. Join us as she shares her entrepreneurial journey, including the obstacles she faced and the strategies she employed to overcome them. As a small business owner, Diane also navigated the complex landscape of government regulations. She will shed light on the intricacies of dealing with regulatory frameworks and provide valuable insights on how small business owners can effectively navigate these challenges. Diane's background as a nurse adds a unique perspective to her entrepreneurial story. She will discuss her transition from the medical field to entrepreneurship, highlighting the skills and mindset that proved invaluable in her journey. Furthermore, we delve into Diane's involvement with the Mom and Pop Alliance, an organization dedicated to advocating for the rights and needs of small business owners. Discover the important work of this alliance and gain a deeper understanding of the issues faced by small businesses in today's economic landscape. Finally, Diane will share her experiences and struggles with remodeling her bakery and obtaining a Certificate of Occupancy. She will discuss the bureaucratic hurdles she encountered and provide advice for other small business owners who may face similar challenges. Tune in to this episode of the Beyond Policy Podcast for an insightful conversation with Diane Hardy. Gain valuable knowledge about the challenges and triumphs of starting a small business, navigating government regulations, transitioning from nursing to entrepreneurship, and the important advocacy work of the Mom and Pop Alliance. Don't miss out on this empowering and informative discussion!
Wendy Damron - Transformational Wins (Part I) | Beyond Policy Episode 8
Wendy Damron - Transformational Wins (Part I) | Beyond Policy Episode 8
Join us for an enlightening episode of Beyond Policy as we welcome Wendy Damron, the trailblazing President and CEO of Palmetto Promise Institute, a non-profit organization devoted to crafting policies that foster freedom, opportunity, and prosperity for real people in the Palmetto State. In this compelling conversation, Damron and our host, Dr. Oran Smith, delve into two transformational wins for Palmetto Promise Institute: Education Savings Accounts (ESA) and Certificates of Need (CON). They explore the years-long journey of these efforts, from inception to implementation, in a collaborative effort between Palmetto Promise Institute and allied groups from all over South Carolina. Damron provides insightful commentary on the transformative potential of ESAs, a policy designed to give families more control over their children's education. She also discusses the coming phasehout of the CON program, and the exciting prospects for the health sector and the people of South Carolina without it. This episode celebrates policy success, demonstrating the positive impact of carefully crafted, people-focused policies on a community. Get ready for an inspiring look at policy-making in action, its triumphs, challenges, and its profound effect on the lives of individuals and families in South Carolina. Take this engaging episode of Beyond Policy, where policy is not just about rules but about people. Please tune in to Episode 8, and join us as we go beyond the policy to understand its real-world implications and the joy that comes with success.
Mark David Hall - The Blend of Religion and Liberty | Beyond Policy Episode 6
Mark David Hall - The Blend of Religion and Liberty | Beyond Policy Episode 6
In this episode, we dive into the world of thoughtful conservatism and its intersection with religion and liberty with our guest, Mark David Hall, PhD. Mark David Hall is Herbert Hoover Distinguished Professor of Politics and Faculty Fellow in the William Penn Honors Program at George Fox University. He is a leading scholar on the relationship between religion and American politics, and has authored numerous books on the subject, including "Roger Sherman and the Creation of the American Republic" and "Did America Have a Christian Founding? Separating Modern Myth from Historical Truth." In this episode, Dr. Smith and Dr. Hall discuss the concept of thoughtful conservatism and its role in shaping American politics. They explore how thoughtful conservatism, with its emphasis on limited government and individual liberty, can coexist with religious beliefs and values. The conversation delves into the founding fathers and their views on religion, the Constitution, and the role of government in American society. Dr. Hall also gives us a sneak peek into his upcoming book, "Proclaim Liberty Throughout all the Land," which explores the history of religious liberty in America and how it has shaped our nation. Join us for a thought-provoking and informative discussion on the intersection of conservatism, religion, and liberty in America on this episode of the Beyond Policy Podcast with Dr. Oran P. Smith and guest Mark David Hall, PhD.
Daniel Suhr - The Effects of Woke & Cancel Culture on America | Beyond Policy Episode 4
Daniel Suhr - The Effects of Woke & Cancel Culture on America | Beyond Policy Episode 4
Welcome to another episode of Beyond Policy, the podcast that explores ideas and issues shaping the world of public policy and the people that are affected. In this episode, we are joined by Daniel Suhr, senior attorney at the Liberty Justice Center. This nonprofit, public-interest litigation center fights for individual liberties and free-market principles. Today's discussion will focus on some of the most pressing issues in American society, including the woke agenda, cancel culture, American values, and education. We will dive deep into these topics, exploring how they impact our country and citizens. We explore the woke agenda, a cultural movement that has gained significant momentum in recent years. Daniel will share his thoughts on the woke agenda, how it manifests itself in society, and why we must understand its implications. We also dive into the world of cancel culture, a phenomenon that has been closely associated with the woke agenda. We will explore how cancel culture affects free speech, intellectual diversity, and the ability to have constructive dialogues about important issues. How do these ideas and cultural phenomena affect our American values? Tune in to find out. As always, this podcast aims to move beyond the headlines and explore the ideas and issues shaping our world. So join us for an insightful and thought-provoking conversation with Daniel Suhr on Beyond Policy.
Jonathan Butcher - Education vs Indoctrination | Beyond Policy Episode 2
Jonathan Butcher - Education vs Indoctrination | Beyond Policy Episode 2
Jonathan Butcher is the Will Skillman Fellow in Education at The Heritage Foundation. He is the author of Splintered: Critical Race Theory and the Progressive War on Truth (Bombardier Books, April 2022). He co-edited and wrote chapters in The Critical Classroom (The Heritage Foundation, 2022), discussing the racial prejudice that comes from the application of critical race theory in K-12 schools. In 2021, South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster nominated Jonathan to serve on the board of the South Carolina Public Charter School District, a statewide charter school authorizer. He has researched and testified on education policy around the U.S. Jonathan co-edited and wrote chapters in the book The Not-So-Great Society, which provides conservative solutions to the problems created by the ever-expanding federal footprint in preschool, K-12, and higher education. In 2018 the Federal Commission on School Safety cited comments from his testimony in the commission’s final report. He has appeared on local and national TV outlets, including C-SPAN, Fox News, and HBO’s Vice News Tonight, and he has been a guest on many radio programs. His commentary has appeared nationally in places such as the Wall Street Journal, Education Week, National Review Online,, and, along with newspapers around the country. In 2017 he was a co-recipient of the State Policy Network’s Bob Williams Award for Most Influential Research for a proposal to protect free speech on campus, alongside Stanley Kurtz of the Ethics and Public Policy Center and Jim Manley of the Goldwater Institute. Jonathan previously served as the education director at the Goldwater Institute, where he remains a senior fellow. He was a member of the Arizona Department of Education’s first Steering Committee for Empowerment Scholarship Accounts, the nation’s first education savings account program. He is also a Senior Fellow with The Beacon Center of Tennessee, a nonpartisan research organization, and a contributing scholar for the Georgia Center for Opportunity. Prior to joining Goldwater, Jonathan was the director of accountability for the South Carolina Public Charter School District. Jonathan previously studied education policy at the Department of Education Reform at the University of Arkansas and worked with the School Choice Demonstration Project, the research team that evaluated voucher programs in Washington, D.C. and Milwaukee, Wisc.