#80 特別編【こども(Kids) Radio】Nina

英語×沖縄ウチナーグチ iYASASA RADIO - イヤササレディオ-

07-03-2024 • 30 mins

Haitai everyone! *English below イヤササレディオ初のこどもゲスト『iYASASA kodomo Radio』を開催しました! 3組目はほぼ毎日そろばんに勤しむにーな! 毎日そろばんしてたら他に時間ないんじゃないかと思う多忙っぷり。 将来の夢はそろばんの先生と〇〇⁉️ ここまでそろばん推しなのに1番好きな教科は〇〇⁉️ ※本エピソードは2024年3月3日に嘉手納町で開催された18歳の児童養護施設の卒園者を支える沖縄チャリティー音楽フェス「HAPPY SUNDAY」のイヤササレディオブースにて収録いたしました。 The third our Kodomo(kids) radio guest, Nina! We were surprised that she practice her abacus skill almost everyday. Yet her favorite subject at school is not math 🤣 She seems a bit nervous before recording but right after we started she starts speak with confident! Thank you for coming to our show! *This episode was recorded at the Iyasasa Radio booth during the "HAPPY SUNDAY" Okinawa Charity Music Festival, held in Kadena Town on March 3, 2024, to support the graduates of children's care facilities who are 18 years old. #okinawa#kidsnattative#dream#scarything#abacus#沖縄#そろばん検定#将来の夢 --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/iyasasa-radio/message

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