Can You Really Coach the Ikigai Concept?

The Ikigai Podcast

10-09-2023 • 24 mins

Is the ikigai concept something you can coach?

In this solo episode, Nick explores this question and looks at how ikigai is relatable to philosophy, positive psychology and existential positive psychology

This episode takes a deep dive into the elements central to ikigai; life affirmation, goals/dreams, meaning of life, meaning of existence, sense of fulfilment and commitment, and  intertwines them with Dr Martin Seligman's PERMA model of flourishing.

Nick also touches on Health and Ikiagi advisors in Japan who help retirees transition from working life to the rest of their life – from becoming “a company person to a social person."He discuss how these Health and Ikiagi advisors in Japan are required to study Mieko Kamiya's theory of Ikigai and Maslow's hierarchy of needs to gain certification.

By the end of this episode you will have an answers as to  whether ikigai is coachable or not.

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