The Kia Orana Podcast

Haydn Adams & Chantal Napa

Kia Orana! The official greeting of the Cook Islands—meaning hello, but also may you live long. On the main island of Rarotonga (where a majority of the locals live) you'll find a lagoon nearly encircling the entire island that you can swim and snorkel in. Take an adventure up to the top of the island, through the cross island trek. And sample myriad of locally-fresh dishes from home grown foods and locally-caught fish. Purchase freshly-grown veggies and hand-crafted black pearls from the weekly markets. It is truly an island paradise.Though for all that the island has, the real jewel is in what doesn't have. There's no stoplights or parking meters. There's only two buses; one goes clockwise and the other anti-clockwise around the roughly 32km island circumference. There's no McDonalds, Starbucks or KFC (but if you do ask the locals, there is a late night fried chicken spot affectionally known as RFC). There's no over-the-water bungalows or no-high rises (nothing can be taller than a coconut tree). The wifi is about as fast as your holiday should be. Welcome to the Cook Islands Podcast. A show about what you will find, what you won't find, in the Cook Islands. Meitaki (thank you)! read less


When Paradise Is Home... And Home is Paradise... Enuamanu, Atiu, Ipukarea - Cook Islands: Thomas Tarurongo Wynne
When Paradise Is Home... And Home is Paradise... Enuamanu, Atiu, Ipukarea - Cook Islands: Thomas Tarurongo Wynne
Thomas Tarurongo Wynne has journeyed home for a bereavement and a land succession court meeting for their grandfather, Papa Teavae Tarurongo. Together we chat about his gratefulness feelings towards their Enere line.... who have been a'ikā, and looked after their Ngati Ingatu interests, land, responsibilities and Are Metua in Areora. Enuamanu has given them so much, alongside their Rarotongan bloodlines, such a wealth of identity culture and Ngati Ingatu - Atiu Warrior Spirit. "Land is so important to our identity, connection and capacity to self determine our food, our shelter, our security and to honour our ancestors."On a Serious Professional note: Thomas updates me about his current role working for, Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in State Care - Run by New Zealand, Government. It investigates matters of great importance and difficulty, engaged in fact-finding and preventing future recurrences. Which then recommends policy or legislative changes to prevent it happening again. Kia Orana, May you live longAere Ra, FarewellKia Manuia, Good Luck and Good Health--------------Get the unofficial official guide to Rarotonga — for free!The helpful 8-page PDF gets you completely ready for your holiday to Rarotonga. Inside the guide you'll find information on Transportation, WIFI, Customs, SIM/eSIM cards, Scooter Rental, and so much more/Download the Rarotonga Holiday Guide & Checklist--------------The Kia Orana Podcast was created as a result of lock down Covid restrictions, in 2020.
My Aitutaki Family Journey of Emigration, Music & Returning Home to The Cook Islands: Paul Itaea Bob
My Aitutaki Family Journey of Emigration, Music & Returning Home to The Cook Islands: Paul Itaea Bob
Today we chat to Paul Itaea Bob. A returning Cook Islander, his family decided to leave Aitutaki in the late 60's - emigrating to Auckland, New Zealand for approximately 15 years and then onto Sydney, Australia in the early 80's."The connection of land to family and family to land". This gives us all an insight into Paul's podcast conversation today. "Why would you leave Paradise to move to Government state housing overseas?" Paul says.We talk together about Paul's life of growing up in the suburb of Miller, Liverpool, Sydney, Australia. A time when Cook Islanders and other Immigrants were collectively trying to find common ground in a new country. Paul speaks about how as a child he and his brothers used to sing in their bedroom ALL the time and thus their singing career began when they were teenagers. Paul is available in Rarotonga as an entertainer for private functions and weddings. R&B, Soul, Contemporary style musician / singer / recording artist. Orana, May you live longAere Ra, FarewellKia Manuia, Good Luck and Good Health--------------Get the unofficial official guide to Rarotonga — for free!The helpful 8-page PDF gets you completely ready for your holiday to Rarotonga. Inside the guide you'll find information on Transportation, WIFI, Customs, SIM/eSIM cards, Scooter Rental, and so much more/Download the Rarotonga Holiday Guide & Checklist--------------The Kia Orana Podcast was created as a result of lock down Covid restrictions, in 2020.
A Mental Health Conversation between Chantal and Becca
A Mental Health Conversation between Chantal and Becca
In this episode we speak with Becca, she is a mental health professional from the United States of America. In June of 2023, she decided to resign from her position and traveled to New Zealand spending six months there, to evaluate her career and her future. "It got very tough", Becca says.  She had worked for seven years with teenagers in high & middle school.We chat about the repercussions of early childhood trauma, isolation, the social development, anxiety and stress felt by all of us and especially by children. Now on her way home, Becca decided to include a couple of weeks holiday in Rarotonga and Aitutaki. I appreciate Becca speaking to us.Side Note: We have associations available to provide help for our people. CIFWA is one of them, Cook Islands Family Welfare Association, they are sponsored by IPPF, International Planned Parenthood Federation and also our Cook Islands Government. Te Marae Ora (TMO) our national health system also has counselling freely available. Kia Orana, May you live longAere Ra, FarewellKia Manuia, Good Luck and Good Health--------------Get the unofficial official guide to Rarotonga — for free!The helpful 8-page PDF gets you completely ready for your holiday to Rarotonga. Inside the guide you'll find information on Transportation, WIFI, Customs, SIM/eSIM cards, Scooter Rental, and so much more/Download the Rarotonga Holiday Guide & Checklist--------------The Kia Orana Podcast was created as a result of lock down Covid restrictions, in 2020.
Cook Islands Women, Au Vaine a local Civil Society Organisation with Mrs. Lydia Sijp
Cook Islands Women, Au Vaine a local Civil Society Organisation with Mrs. Lydia Sijp
This episode is a snap shot recording explaining to you about an amazing local Civil Society Organisation. Cook Islands Women, Au Vaine. (CSOs) are organised voluntary non-state institutions which mostly operate on non-profit basis. They are formed and led by citizens to champion their collective or common interests and concerns of the members, specific target groups or the general public. (Google definition)Lydia and I chat about, Celebrating our Cook Islands Women in the Community while encouraging and supporting the promotion of women at all levels and in all structures. She mentions the founding members who in 2006 got together and initiated this program in 2007 to honour our women, for their volunteer time and work in their own communities. Lydia also mentions that every month Cook Islands Women nominate and host the Woman of the Month awards ceremony presentation dinner. Held at The Islander Hotel, so if you are visiting Rarotonga everyone is welcome to join the monthly dinner.  This coming month they will be hosting their 204th recipient. How amazing is this! Please find Cook Islands Women on their Facebook page. Kia Orana, May you live longAere Ra, FarewellKia Manuia, Good Luck and Good Health--------------Get the unofficial official guide to Rarotonga — for free!The helpful 8-page PDF gets you completely ready for your holiday to Rarotonga. Inside the guide you'll find information on Transportation, WIFI, Customs, SIM/eSIM cards, Scooter Rental, and so much more/Download the Rarotonga Holiday Guide & Checklist--------------The Kia Orana Podcast was created as a result of lock down Covid restrictions, in 2020.
Cook Islands Chocolate Factory with Farmer, Grower & Producer Mr. Frahmein Koteka
Cook Islands Chocolate Factory with Farmer, Grower & Producer Mr. Frahmein Koteka
Frahmein Koteka says, "Our chocolate factory sign on the main road in Muri is just the bait to bring people in. We really want to show you how we are growing the theobromine cacao trees from seed to plant, and harvesting the fruit which produces our dark chocolate." We chat together about how Frahmein is an agricultural farmer, grower and producer. Working out of a grassroots factory, redefining products, until they get something of add value to offer consumers. We also talk about his perspective of the term organic, and the aim of growing without using chemicals. Feeding their plants with blood and bone fertiliser, a natural organic food for their trees. I was able to sample sun dried banana, banana wine and cocoa liquor, nice!You can also find Frahmein on Saturday mornings at Punanga Nui market. Selling their services, farm tours, alcohol tasting, vanilla extracts and dark chocolate. Vanilla vodka coming soon and will be retailed at Muri Outlet.We have links for Cook Islands Chocolate Factory on our Raro Pass website in the Activities category offering you 10% off their produce, products and tour services. Kia Orana, May you live longAere Ra, FarewellKia Manuia, Good Luck and Good Health--------------Get the unofficial official guide to Rarotonga — for free!The helpful 8-page PDF gets you completely ready for your holiday to Rarotonga. Inside the guide you'll find information on Transportation, WIFI, Customs, SIM/eSIM cards, Scooter Rental, and so much more/Download the Rarotonga Holiday Guide & Checklist--------------The Kia Orana Podcast was created as a result of lock down Covid restrictions, in 2020.
I am so happy to be back in Rarotonga! Mari Yamashita: Therapist & Tour Reporter from Kyoto, Japan
I am so happy to be back in Rarotonga! Mari Yamashita: Therapist & Tour Reporter from Kyoto, Japan
This episode is a lovely chat with a female spa therapist and tour reporter from Kyoto in Japan, Mari Yamashita. As an aromatic massage therapist, Yamashita has been importing since May 2016 from Rarotonga products made by our local producer Rito Cook Islands. Rito's virgin coconut oil and their premium range of bio-active skincare products. We discuss her travel journey, from the west side in Kyoto via train to Osaka airport, then a domestic flight to the East side Tokyo, Narita airport. Then an international flight on Air New Zealand to Auckland, New Zealand then another international flight to Rarotonga, Cook Islands...... Yamashita describes it as 24 hours of travelling and one day lived and then lived again when you arrive over the date line!"I really want to come back soon, I love ika mata, your traditional raw fish dish that is marinated in lime and coconut milk," she says. Yamashita describes Rarotonga as, "Pristine, Natural & Relaxing". Stating also that when you are near the lagoon you also hear wildlife sounds of the land simultaneously.Arigato Gozaimasu and Meitaki MaataKia Orana, May you live longAere Ra, FarewellKia Manuia, Good Luck and Good Health--------------Get the unofficial official guide to Rarotonga — for free!The helpful 8-page PDF gets you completely ready for your holiday to Rarotonga. Inside the guide you'll find information on Transportation, WIFI, Customs, SIM/eSIM cards, Scooter Rental, and so much more/Download the Rarotonga Holiday Guide & Checklist--------------The Kia Orana Podcast was created as a result of lock down Covid restrictions, in 2020.
An Engaging Conversation with 23 Year old Cook Islands Woman: Ms. Tia Henderson
An Engaging Conversation with 23 Year old Cook Islands Woman: Ms. Tia Henderson
Kia Orana and welcome to Ms. Tia Henderson, a young 23 year old Cook Islands woman returning home to Rarotonga to spend time with her family and have a holiday. Currently studying Strategic Management and also a minor in Supply Chain, at the University of Waikato in New Zealand.Before heading off to University, and straight out of high school at the age of 17 years old, Tia worked for 5 years for our Cook Islands Government within the Ministry of Finance and Economics Management division. Tia found this so interesting and explains more in depth during her episode. Tia also shares with us the Podcasts that she listens to and why she listens to them. Topics such as Girls that Invest and Economics Explained shows have made it easier for her, to learn about building wealth.Tia chats with us about growing up in the Cook Islands and what that looks like for her. She loves the 'good different', family lifestyle and the balanced teachings that a small island nation can offer. Thank you Tia for recoding this episode with me, I appreciate your time and insight into our Youth of today. I especially liked your statement, "Don't be afraid to fail, keep going until you get what you want". Tia, you are an amazing woman and I wish you all the Best!Manuia,ChantalKia Orana, May you live longAere Ra, FarewellKia Manuia, Good Luck and Good Health--------------Get the unofficial official guide to Rarotonga — for free!The helpful 8-page PDF gets you completely ready for your holiday to Rarotonga. Inside the guide you'll find information on Transportation, WIFI, Customs, SIM/eSIM cards, Scooter Rental, and so much more/Download the Rarotonga Holiday Guide & Checklist--------------The Kia Orana Podcast was created as a result of lock down Covid restrictions, in 2020.
One Mile to Make a Difference: Journeying with Former Prisoners on Their Road to True Freedom. Book by Simeon Sturney
One Mile to Make a Difference: Journeying with Former Prisoners on Their Road to True Freedom. Book by Simeon Sturney
Kia Orana, I personally met Simeon and his family here in Rarotonga, over 10 years ago. During our conversation then, we learnt that a mutual connection we had was of being birth delivered by the same island Doctor Snowball in Aitutaki, many moons ago. An instant friendship began of which we affectionately greet each other, 'Kia Orana my Aitutaki brother/sister to another mother'. Simeon was recently back home visiting again with his family, I was able to sit with him and record this episode about his Book named, "One Mile To Make A Difference". Simeon Sturney is an experienced through-the-gate prison chaplain who has helped hundreds of women at the point of their release from prison and as they walk to the local train station, journeying with them as they wrestle with their fears and temptations.  He is also a former managing chaplain at one of the largest Women’s prisons in Western Europe and a former Probation Service Officer.  Simeon has worked in prisons for over 15 years. He is married, has 2 children and 2 Grandchildren.Email - Orana, May you live longAere Ra, FarewellKia Manuia, Good Luck and Good Health--------------Get the unofficial official guide to Rarotonga — for free!The helpful 8-page PDF gets you completely ready for your holiday to Rarotonga. Inside the guide you'll find information on Transportation, WIFI, Customs, SIM/eSIM cards, Scooter Rental, and so much more/Download the Rarotonga Holiday Guide & Checklist--------------The Kia Orana Podcast was created as a result of lock down Covid restrictions, in 2020.