The HER Effect® by Jaime Cross

Jaime Cross

The HER Effect is a discipleship movement equipping women to live a life worthy of the calling they’ve received and achieve their destiny on the earth as they rise up, stepping fully into their journey of Becoming HER. Learn more: read less
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66. Secrets to God-Powered Success: Secret #1 Direction
5d ago
66. Secrets to God-Powered Success: Secret #1 Direction
This episode dives into the first secret to God-powered success: direction. We'll explore how God's path for you includes discernment, practical wisdom, and spiritual responsibility. God is leading you from glory to glory, guiding you through every trial to triumph. Together, let's embrace discernment and practical steps as we journey towards success in all areas of life. Links: Join the TRIBE Get Text From Jaime Daily To Help EmpowHER: Quick Episode Summary: 0:30 Spiritual Battles: Understanding that God's plan for us includes living in full power and rising above all deceptions. This requires us to gird up spiritually and be proactive. 1:00 Understanding God's Ways: God has given us covenant promises, but they require responsibility on our part. We must take ownership of our lives and step into action. 2:00 Biblical Models of Success: Examples from Esther and other biblical figures demonstrate the importance of aligning with God's will, taking responsibility, and applying discernment. 4:00 Kingdom Success: True success encompasses more than financial prosperity; it includes spiritual, emotional, and relational wholeness, allowing us to stand before kings and live in God's power. 6:00 Esther's Example: The story of Esther exemplifies how obedience and strategy lead to miraculous outcomes, demonstrating the importance of spiritual and practical wisdom. 10:00 Fasting and Power: The role of fasting in building spiritual strength and empowering us to walk in God's power, as demonstrated in Esther's story. 12:00 Overcoming Setbacks: Examples from Jaime's life show how God's plan leads us through trials to triumph, emphasizing the importance of obedience and perseverance. 15:00 Spiritual Responsibility: Encouraging spiritual and practical action, rather than waiting for God to do everything, highlighting the importance of discernment and divine direction. 20:00 Practical Steps: Suggestions for seeking mentorship, studying the Word, and applying practical wisdom to achieve kingdom success.
65. Foundations for Success: THIS Is What Happens Before All Good Things
65. Foundations for Success: THIS Is What Happens Before All Good Things
Hello, beauty! Jaime here, and welcome back to the Her Effect podcast. As we step into a series on Kingdom success, I want to ground us in the essentials that pave the way for true prosperity in every aspect of our lives. Today’s episode is about laying a foundation that aligns our hearts with God’s word, transforming mere knowledge into active, life-changing faith. Links: Join the TRIBE Get Text From Jaime Daily To Help EmpowHER:   Quick Episode Summary: 0:00 Opening Reflections: Today, we're setting the stage for a profound exploration of what it means to live a life marked by Kingdom success, starting with the powerful lessons from Genesis on God's promises to Abraham. 1:00 Defining True Prosperity: Let's debunk myths about poverty and holiness, and redefine prosperity as a righteous path designed by God for His people, encompassing everything from personal finances to thriving relationships. 2:00 Kingdom Prosperity Principles: I’ll introduce the five key principles of success that are about to unfold in our series, guiding you to prosper in every facet of your life by aligning with biblical truths. 3:00 The Role of Faith: Understanding faith as an action word, critical in shifting the knowledge from our heads to our hearts, making us active participants in God's plan rather than passive recipients. 6:00 Spiritual Responsibility: We'll discuss how prosperity is not just about receiving but also about being faithful stewards of what God entrusts to us, from little to much. 8:00 Covenant Promises and Personal Accountability: Exploring the balance between God’s promises and our responsibilities, and how aligning our desires with God’s intentions is key to unlocking true abundance. 10:00 Visions and Dreams: Encouraging you to dream big and to see those dreams as God-given visions for your life, which are practical and achievable under His guidance. 14:00 Obedience and Fruitfulness: Delve into the practical aspects of obedience to God’s word and how it leads to measurable outcomes, proving our faith through actions. 16:00 The Journey of Entrepreneurship: Sharing personal insights on the entrepreneurial journey and how every small step taken in faith contributes to larger success. 18:00 The Power of Stewardship: A call to steward our current blessings effectively, making our lives a conduit of God’s blessings to others, irrespective of our starting point. As we wrap up today’s episode, remember that the foundation of all success is a heart fully devoted to God. By understanding and applying the principles we discussed today, you're not just building a life of temporary gains but eternal significance. Let's step into this journey with open hearts and ready hands, eager to see how God will move mightily in and through us. Thank you for joining me today, beauty. I can't wait to walk through each of these principles with you in our upcoming episodes. Remember, you are designed for greatness, equipped for prosperity, and destined for success in every area of your life. Until next time, stay blessed and keep pursuing your kingdom calling with courage and faith. With love, Jaime
64. Unlocking Divine Strategies: How Esther’s Timeless Wisdom Can Lead Us in Perilous Times
64. Unlocking Divine Strategies: How Esther’s Timeless Wisdom Can Lead Us in Perilous Times
Hello, beauty! Jaime here, and I'm so excited to dive into today's episode with you. Whether you're driving, multitasking, or curled up with a cup of tea, this discussion is crucial and timely. We're talking about discernment in these perilous times, inspired by the biblical story of Esther, a tale of courage, strategic action, and divine guidance. It makes me angry to see potential unfulfilled in women due to fear or confusion...hit play to hear how we can apply Esther's wisdom to our lives today! Her story is not just a historical account; it's a call to action for all of us to rise up, discern our times, and act with conviction. Let's not be spectators in our own stories but active participants in God’s divine vision for our life. Stay empowered, and until next time, remember your inheritance in God’s kingdom and walk in the power of His promises.   Quick Episode Summary: 0:30 Understanding God's Ways: Inspired by the teachings of David Oyedepo, I explore how understanding God’s ways is crucial for realizing the responsibilities that come with His promises. 2:00 The Power of Obedience: Reflecting on biblical figures like Esther and David, I discuss the transformative power of taking extreme ownership of our actions in alignment with God's covenant. 3:45 The Role of Sacrifice and Success: Delving into the unconventional paths to achieving miraculous outcomes through obedience and sacrifice, beyond mere financial success. 6:00 Empowerment through Action: How Esther’s strategic and prayerful actions under dire circumstances can inspire us to move beyond prayer into purposeful action. 11:00 Facing Challenges with Divine Strategy: The importance of strategic planning and divine guidance in navigating challenges, as demonstrated by Esther’s courage to approach the king. 15:50 Kingdom Success and Personal Responsibility: Discussing the broader definitions of success in the kingdom of God and our responsibilities as believers to act and not just wait on divine intervention. 19:00 Your Call to Action: Encouraging you to reflect on what discernment means in your life today. What are the challenges you face, and how can you approach them with the courage and strategic insight of Esther?
63. Outward Transformation Follows Inward Healing
63. Outward Transformation Follows Inward Healing
Hello, beauty! Jaime here, ready to unfold a topic near to my heart, from the comfort of my office on this beautiful rainy day. Today we embark on a journey of healing and transformation that starts from within. Our bodies are miraculous creations, designed by God to heal and thrive in full health. Yet, in a world rife with quick fixes and diet culture, we often find ourselves lost, battling against our own flesh. Today, I invite you to join me in a revelation - a return to the basics, where healing begins in the spirit and manifests in the physical. Ready to dive deep? Let's get started. Links:   Quick Episode Summary: 0:24 Embracing Rainy Reflections: As I sit here, witnessing the rain and delving into content creation, I'm reminded of the beauty in pausing and reflecting on our health journey. 1:00 Detox to Destiny: Sharing insights from our upcoming 10-day free challenge, exploring detox principles and the lifestyle shifts that promote holistic wellness. 2:00 Confronting Body Condemnation: Reflecting on the moments that shape our body image and introducing the concept that our worth is inherent, divinely bestowed upon us by a Creator who designed us for health and wholeness. 3:00 God's Design for Healing: Debunking the myths around sickness and healing, emphasizing that our bodies are equipped and anointed for wellness, a truth deeply rooted in Scripture. 7:00 Herbal Wisdom: A fascinating dive into the historical and biblical roots of herbal medicine, showcasing God's provision through nature for our healing and wholeness. 8:34 Breaking Free from Body Prisons: Addressing the mental and emotional shackles that restrict us, urging a shift from discontent to a deep appreciation of our bodies as vessels of God's miraculous work. 11:00 Inner Healing as the First Step: The journey to physical transformation begins with spiritual and emotional healing, understanding our identity in Christ, and embracing the wholeness He promises. 12:00 Building a Life of Engagement: Encouraging a life that you're excited to participate in, not one you seek to escape from, through alignment with God's vision and purpose for you. 14:07 Vision for Your Transformation: Inviting you to envision the limitless possibilities for your life, as seen through the eyes of faith and a heart aligned with God's purpose. 19:18 The Language of Our Bodies: Introducing the concept of "speaking" to our bodies through the gifts of nature, highlighting upcoming teachings on juicing, blending, and natural detoxification. 20:03 A Call to Purpose and Impact: Reminding you of your inherent worth and potential for impact, whether that's in your family, community, or beyond.
62. The War on Your Health: What I'm Doing About It
62. The War on Your Health: What I'm Doing About It
Hello, beauty! Jaime here, and I'm thrilled to share this journey with you from the cozy corners of my new studio. Grab your favorite cup of tea (or coffee!), and let's dive deep into a conversation that's been burning in my heart. Today's episode is not just a talk; it's a revelation, a calling, and a rallying cry for us to reclaim what's rightfully ours – our health. It makes me angry to see women losing their health, becoming prisoners in their own bodies, and ultimately never stepping into destiny...hit play to hear what I am doing about it!    Links:   Quick Episode Summary:  0:30 A Peek into Jaime’s 2024: Join me as I share the transformative shifts in my life and the ignition of a new chapter in the Her Effect legacy.  1:00 The Fire Within: Ever wondered why my soul's been in turmoil? It's the war on our health, a battle that's been waged in silence but now screams for attention. I'm here, standing on the frontlines, fueled by a divine calling and a pinch of righteous anger. 2:00 God's Pharmacy: Is it possible that the cure we've been searching for lies in the heart of nature? Today, I share a groundbreaking moment of clarity and divine instruction that shifted my perspective on healing. 3:45 The Modern-Day Deception: Diet culture, big pharma, and the seductive lies of quick fixes. It's time to peel back the curtains on the truth about health and the systemic assault on our bodies. 6:00 A Revelation from History: Journey back in time with me as we uncover a story untold, revealing the ancient battle for our wellness and the herbal keys to our liberation. 11:00 The Great Misdirection: In a world obsessed with outward appearances, we're missing the forest for the trees. It's not just about shedding pounds; it's about radiating health from the inside out. 15:50 Jaime's Unwavering Commitment: Armed with knowledge, conviction, and a freshly minted title as a Doctor of Natural Health, I'm stepping into my power to lead a movement for true health freedom. 19:00 Your Call to Action: What's the vision for your health in 2024? It's time for introspection, setting intentions, and committing to a path of true wellness.
60. The Journey to the Summit: Lessons from a Mile-Long Incline
60. The Journey to the Summit: Lessons from a Mile-Long Incline
In this enlightening episode of The Her Effect podcast, Jamie Cross dives into the concept of life's journey, using her recent family hike up a challenging, mile-long incline as a vivid metaphor. This incline isn't just a physical test; it serves as a mental and spiritual challenge that offers profound life lessons.   What Listeners Can Expect: 🎧 The Power of the Journey: Jamie explores how taking on a physical challenge like an incline can mirror the challenges we all face in life, be it in business, family, or personal growth.   The Importance of Mindset: She discusses the concept of "false summits" that we encounter in life and how our mindset can either propel us forward or hold us back.   Community and Mentorship: Jamie shares a heartwarming story about the strangers who encouraged her and her family during the hike. She uses this experience to highlight the importance of community and mentorship in our lives.   The Battle of the Mind: The episode delves into why your mind is often the biggest obstacle to achieving your goals and how to overcome that mental barrier.   The Role of Seasoned Vets: Jamie talks about the need for more experienced individuals (not necessarily older!) to guide and mentor the younger ones, especially in these challenging times.   Why You Should Tune In: 🌟 If you've ever felt like you're climbing an endless incline in your own life, this episode is a must-listen. Jamie discusses the importance of community, the mental game, and why you're more capable than you think. Plus, she shares some personal stories that are sure to resonate with you.   So, grab your favorite cup of tea ☕, put on those comfy headphones 🎧, and join Jamie on this transformative journey. By the end of this episode, you'll be inspired to tackle your own "incline," whatever that may be.   See you on the inside!     LINKS: The Her Effect Website: Join the Email List: Follow Jaime On Instagram: Interview and Speaking Request Form:
59. Leadership is Confrontation: Jaime's Journey from Influencer to True Leader
59. Leadership is Confrontation: Jaime's Journey from Influencer to True Leader
Recently, Jaime had the pleasure of interviewing Bill High, a close confidant of David Green and a fervent believer in instilling family values. The conversation delved deep into family structures, visions, missions, and the art of disciplining children. An in-depth episode will soon feature their engaging conversation, so keep an eye out!   Following their formal discussion, Jaime and Bill shared a more personal moment. Bill posed a thought-provoking question: "Have you ever considered writing a book?" Jaime confessed that while the idea had crossed their mind, they often found themselves staring at an empty screen, wondering what story to tell.   Yet, during this introspection, Jaime recognized they had a compelling narrative to share, albeit different from their initial thoughts. Reflecting on a defining moment in 2015, Jaime discerned the stark contrast between merely being an 'influencer' and evolving as a true 'leader'.   That year, some acquaintances from Jaime's previous church approached with a request to develop an anti-aging serum. On the surface, the proposal seemed enticing. However, the fine print revealed a deal that would have stripped Jaime of their company and all its intellectual properties. This ordeal forced Jaime to face personal insecurities, reshaping their understanding of genuine leadership.   Bill's question led Jaime to a profound epiphany: Leadership isn't merely about wielding influence; it necessitates confrontation. Today's world sees a surge of influencers, yet there's an apparent drought of authentic leaders. Authentic leadership obliges one to challenge deceit, manipulations, and half-truths in their realm. It calls for unwavering commitment to truth, even when facing adversity.   Jaime has been embodying this confrontational leadership style, anchored in truth, over recent years. Their journey underscores that confrontation, though daunting, is vital in establishing trust and respect.   This power packed episode is one every leader should listen to! Hit play to hear about Jaime's journey and grab a note pad! You won't want to miss any of this gold.    LINKS: The Her Effect Website: Join the Email List: Follow Jaime On Instagram: Interview and Speaking Request Form:
58. Creating Memories: The Power of 'Yes' in Parenting and Entrepreneurship
58. Creating Memories: The Power of 'Yes' in Parenting and Entrepreneurship
In this episode, Jaime Cross invites you into the intimate world of her home, delving deeply into the art and heart of motHERing. She uncovers three powerful keys that have helped her seize every opportunity to create memorable experiences and foster strong connections with her children, all while balancing a successful business. By the end of this episode, you'll feel equipped and inspired to enrich your own journey in motherhood, armed with valuable lessons gleaned from the warmth of Jaimie's family experiences.   🌟 In this episode, you'll learn:   Key 1: Value of Quality Time - Create special moments with your kids, even if it means breaking the normal rules. Saying 'yes' more often can foster deeper connections and create memories that last a lifetime. Key 2: God is a Generational God - Jaime's encounter with the founder of Hobby Lobby enlightened her about the concept of a generational God, shifting her perspective on family values and the legacy she wants to pass onto her children. Key 3: Holy Hustle: True Business and Family Balance - It is possible to be a dedicated entrepreneur while being present and connected with your family. Prioritize what matters and establish boundaries to ensure work does not overtake family time. Bonus Strategy: Embrace Spontaneity - Discover the joy and bonding potential in impromptu actions like late-night movies and spontaneous runs to the mailbox.   So hit play to hear more about Jaimie's personal journey in motHERing, where she successfully combines the hustle of business with the nurturing of a family. Remember, you're not just a listener, but an honorary family member on this intimate and enlightening journey! Follow the links below to join us on the inside!  LINKS: The Her Effect Website: Join the Email List: Follow Jaime On Instagram: Interview and Speaking Request Form:
57. The Power of Resilience In The World of Entrepreneurship and Missions
57. The Power of Resilience In The World of Entrepreneurship and Missions
In this episode, Jaime delves into her personal journey and shares powerful keys that helped her overcome challenges and achieve success. Join Jaime in this candid conversation as she unveils her transformative strategies and reveals the milestones that shaped her life, taking you on a captivating storytelling journey filled with personal growth, transformation, and invaluable lessons.   🌟 In this episode, you'll learn: Key 1: Embracing the Inner Game: Discover the importance of resilience, grit, and fortitude in building a successful business. Key 2: Expanding Capacity through Trials: Explore how trials and pressure can catalyze personal growth and enlarge your ability to overcome obstacles. Key 3: The Foundation of Success: Understand the significance of acknowledging a higher power and giving glory to God in all endeavors.   Bonus Strategy: Hear about Jaime's captivating experiences during her early years, including her internship at New Life Church and her transformative missions training. Hit play to gain valuable insights and inspiration from Jaime's remarkable journey. Feel free to share your stories and thoughts in the comments section below. We'd love to engage in conversation with you.   Transcript Excerpt: "I learned a long time ago that there are secrets in stories...I want to share more stories about pain, the journey, the joys, the highs, and the lows. Along with the frameworks I'm teaching, I really want to get to the heart of the stories and milestones of my life that have brought us here and will propel us further...Let's go back to 1998, when I was about to graduate high school..."   --- The Her Effect Website: Join the Email List: Follow Jaime On Instagram: Interview and Speaking Request Form:
56. Strategies for Personal and Financial Breakthrough: Don't Eat Your Seed
56. Strategies for Personal and Financial Breakthrough: Don't Eat Your Seed
In this episode, Jaime delves into the concept of 'Don't eat your seed', an issue that resonates deeply, especially for entrepreneurs. Recounting personal experiences, valuable insights, and critical life lessons learned during her 13 years of entrepreneurship, Jaime tackles this topic head-on, illuminating the path towards overcoming it. In a candid conversation, Jaime unveils her powerful keys that helped her overcome common hurdles. She believes these insights have the potential to empower, to bring light into the shadows and strength to the struggles. While these keys may not necessarily be the solution for everyone, they serve as encouragement, a beacon of hope in the fog of uncertainty. In this episode, you'll learn: Key 1: The importance of sowing seeds and the guarantee of reaping.Key 2: The significance of not eating your seed for manifold growth.Key 3: The necessity of tithing and how it multiplies your seed. Bonus Strategy 1: How to overcome struggles by asking the Holy Spirit for guidance. Bonus Strategy 2: The power of avoiding grumbling and complaining in your heart. Remember, the battle we face is not just physical, but also spiritual. Each day is a battlefield, a series of challenges and triumphs. Be encouraged today. Your victory is imminent! Feel free to share your stories and thoughts in the comments section below. We'd love to engage in the conversation with you. Let's dive in! 🎧
55. Unlocking Success: Three Crucial Keys to Starting a New Business Right
55. Unlocking Success: Three Crucial Keys to Starting a New Business Right
Join Jaime in Nana Hala National Forest, North Carolina, right next to the beautiful Okeechobee River. From the serene sounds of the forest to the bustling energy of a thriving entrepreneurial ecosystem, Jaime brings you an adventure-filled episode, imbued with the spirit of North Carolina. In this episode, Jaime delves into entrepreneurship, an issue that resonates deeply, especially for women. Recounting personal experiences, valuable insights, and critical life lessons learned during her 15 years of entrepreneurship, Jaime tackles entrepreneurship head-on, illuminating the path towards successful business establishment. Today Jaime unveils her 3 powerful keys that helped her overcome the challenges of starting a business. She believes these insights have the potential to empower, to bring light into the shadows and strength to the struggles.   In this episode, you'll learn: 📌 Ensuring your business is in an industry with demand. 📌 Building your customer tribe through an email list and valuable exchange. 📌 Delivering results for clients on the most basic level first.   Bonus Strategy 1: Incorporating customer feedback into product development. Bonus Strategy 2: Conducting comprehensive competitive analysis for insightful industry information. Hit play to hear more! Be encouraged today. Your victory is imminent! Feel free to share your stories and thoughts in the comments section below. We'd love to engage in the conversation with you.   Let's dive in! 🎧   The Her Effect Website: Join the Email List: Follow Jaime On Instagram: Interview and Speaking Request Form: The Her Effect Podcast Audio Podcast on Apple:
54. How I Overcame Depression: 3 Life Changing Techniques
54. How I Overcame Depression: 3 Life Changing Techniques
In today's episode, we're taking an outdoor adventure in the heart of Chattanooga, Tennessee. It's a special edition; full of the hustle and bustle of the city, the peaceful flow of the river, and even a saxophone player's melody that's wafting through the air. We are here, in the shadow of the beautiful Edwin Hotel and a picturesque bridge, to discuss a topic of immense importance, especially to women – depression. Based on Jaime's personal journey, experiences of 13 years in entrepreneurship, and countless interactions with remarkable women, we believe it's time we had a deeper conversation about this struggle. The seeds for this conversation were sown in the early days of Jaime's business when a heartfelt conversation with a woman struggling with depression hit close to home. Jaimie had also battled bouts of depression, particularly after the birth of her first child. These experiences have inspired me to share three powerful keys that helped me conquer depression. Please note, we approach this discussion with the utmost respect and sensitivity, acknowledging that everyone's experience with depression is unique, and sometimes, complex. While these tips worked for Jaimie, they may not be universal solutions.   In today's episode, we'll discuss: 📌 The role of vision and plans in overcoming depression. 📌 How we can engage spiritual warfare in our battle against depression. 📌 The importance of positive association in fighting depression. 📌 Some bonus strategies I used to help me through difficult times. Remember, we are all in this together. If you are struggling, know that there is a way out. There is hope, there is help, and there is a tomorrow. God has called us to a life filled with victory and joy. Let’s find that path together. If this video resonates with you, please share your thoughts in the comments below. Let’s open the conversation and support each other in our journeys.
51. Don't Let Anyone Look Down on You Because You’re Young: A Call to Arms For Our Young People
51. Don't Let Anyone Look Down on You Because You’re Young: A Call to Arms For Our Young People
Welcome back to the Her Effect Podcast! In today's episode, Jaime Cross invites a very special guest to join her - her son, Judah, who just turned 15!   Jaime and Judah dive into their recent discussions about the life of King David, his journey from shepherd to king, and the lessons we can all learn from his story.   Judah shares his insights on David's commitment to developing his skills and his relationship with God from a young age, and how this has inspired him in his own spiritual journey. They also discuss the importance of setting time aside for prayer, reading the Bible, and self-reflection.   In this heartfelt conversation, Judah opens up about his vision for the future, which includes starting his own business and making a significant contribution to the fight against human trafficking. He shares his experiences from a mastermind event he attended with Jaime, where he was deeply moved by the stories of human trafficking victims and inspired to make a difference.   This episode is a testament to the power of faith, the importance of commitment, and the potential of the younger generation to make a significant impact in the world.   Jaime and Judah reflect on the verse, "Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young," emphasizing that this is a call to rise for our next generation. They believe that age is no barrier when it comes to making a difference and following God's calling.   Join Jaime and Judah as they explore these themes and more in this inspiring conversation!   LINKS:   The Her Effect Website: Join the Email List: Follow Jaime On Instagram: Interview and Speaking Request Form:
50. A Simple Framework I Use For Making Big Decisions
50. A Simple Framework I Use For Making Big Decisions
Welcome back to the Her Effect Podcast with your host, Jaime Cross. In this episode, we delve into the heart of entrepreneurship, particularly focusing on women navigating this complex journey. As we take the deep dive, we confront important issues that are often left unaddressed, such as the challenges of juggling a family and a budding business, the elusive quest for one's calling, and the struggle with self-doubt that so many of us encounter. Jaime draws on her wealth of over 13 years of experience as an entrepreneur and pastor, sharing her valuable insights and personal revelations. Her aim is to encourage, uplift, and empower you to confidently pursue your passion and turn it into a thriving venture. Listen as Jaime speaks about her epiphany on balancing one's calling with entrepreneurship, emphasizing the importance of making a profit beyond the home, all while nurturing a harmonious family life. If you've been stuck in a rut, unsure of whether to keep pushing or pull back, this conversation is for you. Additionally, Jaime shares a helpful framework she uses to make major decisions in her business, providing a transparent look into her transformation from an e-commerce entrepreneur to navigating the intricate world of social selling. Expect to learn about the power of strategic growth, the importance of mentors, and the necessity of journaling your journey. But most importantly, learn about the resilience needed to weather the ups and downs of entrepreneurship and how to emerge victorious! Hit play to hear the full conversation. It's time to unlock the Her Effect within you! LINKS: The Her Effect Website: Join the Email List: Follow Jaime On Instagram: Interview and Speaking Request Form:
48. Nourishing Transformation: Secret #3 of the PowHER Prep Morning Ritual
48. Nourishing Transformation: Secret #3 of the PowHER Prep Morning Ritual
Welcome back to the Her Effect Podcast, with your host Jaime Cross. In this episode, we're continuing the exciting discussion on our powHER prep morning ritual. Harnessing the power of starting the day strong, we explore the next part of our ritual - nourishment.   Get ready to be encouraged and motivated as Jamie discusses her personal journey of holistic healing and wellness, inspiring everyone to live a life free of regrets and full of faith. We dive deep into the importance of starting strong and the transformation that's possible when we focus on nourishing our bodies.   In this episode, Jaime delves into her experience with naturopathic training, sharing how she fuels her body and how this has transformed everything from her strength and flexibility to her appearance. Learn about the importance of nourishing your body with real food, building strength, breaking a sweat every day, and making conscious decisions about your health.   Join Jaime as she unpacks the philosophy taught in naturopathy, explains why your body is designed to heal itself, and offers practical tips on starting your day with nourishment.   Jaime shares her vision of maintaining strength as she ages and the need for a proactive approach to health rather than reactive. Drawing on the wisdom of Hippocrates, she emphasizes the healing power of nature and shares her current favorite juice recipes, full of nutrients your body will crave.   Whether you're going through a season of transition, accelerated growth, or feeling burdened, this episode is a reminder that God has more in store for you. Remember to take care of your body, have a long-term perspective, and be patient with yourself. You're worth it! Hey everyone, Chris and Melissa here, back with another episode of the Family Brand Podcast. Melissa's battling a cold, so this episode is heavily Chris-driven. We're so excited to share our thoughts with you today, particularly about a topic that's close to our hearts - "Breathe Life Into Their Dreams." In this episode, we deep dive into the profound importance of supporting the dreams of our family members. We believe that no one needs judgment, and everyone deserves love. This philosophy has been a guiding principle for us, inspired by my coach, Steve Hardison. It's so essential, especially within a family context, to offer love and inspiration instead of judgment. We're all our own harshest critics, after all. We know from personal experience how discouraging it can be when you share a dream or goal with your family and they don't support you or even dismiss your ambitions. On the contrary, one of the most uplifting experiences is when you share your dream with a family member and they wholeheartedly believe in you, offering their support. The word 'inspire' literally translates to 'breathe or blow into'. We believe that when we inspire people, we breathe life into them. Conversely, when we discourage or criticize, we suck the life out of people. We discussed an instance where a successful entrepreneur wasn't supportive of his wife's dreams, despite her aspirations requiring less financial and time commitment than his own. It's important to breathe life into your loved ones' dreams, not stifle them. Melissa has always been a beacon of support and belief for me, even when my dreams seemed far-fetched. Despite the rough patches and challenges, we've made a conscious effort to support each other's dreams, a sentiment Melissa echoes. It's never been about one person's dreams taking precedence over the other's. We've learned the importance of growing together intentionally and supporting each other's dreams equally. We hope this episode inspires you to become proactive supporters of your family's dreams. Ask them what's important to them, what they're passionate about, and how you can support them in their journey. Remember, the essence of love and support lies in breathing life into their dreams, not passing judgment. Thanks for joining us on this journey, and we can't wait to share more insights with you in our next episode. Until then, keep breathing life into each other's dreams!     Regenerate response Send a message. ChatGPT may produce inaccurate information about people, places, or facts. ChatGPT May 3 Version Always surround yourself with people who keep you one foot outside your comfort zone. Recently I was on a brainstorming call and my friend Kimberly said the quote above. It really resonated with me because we aren’t meant to do life alone. We need others cheering us on, calling us to rise to new levels and most importantly, we need others there for support when the plan doesn’t always go to plan. Entrepreneurship doesn’t have to be lonely! This past weekend we spent it with this beautiful group of our Rainmaker students. A small group we call our Inner Circle. Let me tell you, they are incredible! Their stories are amazing, and their grit and passion are contagious! We are forever grateful we said yes to entrepreneurship to one day meet these beautiful people and call them upward into their greatness.   PS: Ready to make a lasting transformation? Next time, we'll discuss the final pillar of our powHER-packed morning ritual, so don't miss it.   LINKS: The Her Effect Website: Join the Email List: Follow Jaime On Instagram: Interview and Speaking Request Form:
46. Rebuilding & Transforming: How I Reinvented Myself Through Hard Times
46. Rebuilding & Transforming: How I Reinvented Myself Through Hard Times
Hey there, welcome to the Her Effect Podcast! Today Jamie Cross, can't wait to share her heart with you, diving deep into a subject that hits close to home: the process of rebuilding and reinventing yourself.   From her early marriage days to wrestling with challenges in her ministry, family, and business. She'll take you along to prayer groups and moments of life-altering prophecies, sharing a tale of strength and resilience that'll inspire you to see your rebuilding season in a whole new light.   Listen as she reminisces about her trials, triumphs, and those divine awakening moments that have shaped her into the woman she is today, offering insights to those who are currently walking a similar path.   Jamie candidly shares her experiences with church ministry, adoption, marriage trials, and the daunting yet rewarding process of starting anew. Her goal? To light a spark of inspiration, motivate you, and remind you that every season of life, no matter how challenging, has its purpose.   Jamie truly believes that the greatest awakening the world has ever seen will emerge from female entrepreneurs who are currently walking through their own fire. So, hit play and get your hopes up, God has something extraordinary in store for you! LINKS: The Her Effect Website: Join the Email List: Follow Jaime On Instagram: Interview and Speaking Request Form: The Her Effect Podcast Audio Podcast on Apple: