Podcasting Business School: Podcasting tips for entrepreneurs, service providers, and coaches.

Adam Schaeuble

This show will deliver podcasting tips about how to launch, grow, and monetize a podcast. If you are looking for podcasting tips from a full time podcasting pro then you are in the right place. This podcast will provide valuable insights for entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, small business owners, content creators, online coaches, consultants, and online marketers. If you want to learn how to leverage a podcast to grow your brand and your business, you are in the right place! This show will provide answers to questions like: *How do I start a podcast? *How do I get more podcast downloads? *How do I monetize or make money as a podcaster? *How do I use my podcast to grow my business? *How to get podcast sponsors? *How do I use a podcast to get more online coaching clients? *How can I use a podcast to grow my brand? read less


495: How to stand out in an online marketing world obsessed with Artificial Intelligence (A.I.)
4d ago
495: How to stand out in an online marketing world obsessed with Artificial Intelligence (A.I.)
You know that feeling when you're trying to build authentic connections with your audience, but the online world is obsessed with AI and automation? 🤯 It's like everyone's chasing that elusive "passive income" dream, delegating everything to robots and forgetting what really matters. Well, my friend, it's time to take a deep breath and rediscover the power of genuine human interaction. 🙌 In this candid episode, I share a refreshingly different take on leveraging AI in a way that actually enhances your ability to connect with your tribe. I'm not anti-AI, but I'm definitely pro-authenticity – and I've got the tips to prove it. Here's what you'll gain from tuning in: 🔺 Insights into the traps of blindly imitating industry giants and getting caught up in the race for AI-fueled growth at all costs. 🔺 A behind-the-scenes look at the specific AI tools I use to automate time-suckers like video editing and social media writing. 🔺 7 actionable strategies for fostering real relationships and giving your audience unparalleled access, like:   Crafting "no AI allowed" personal newsletters that ooze authenticity.Hosting live Q&As and one-on-one coaching calls to connect face-to-face.Answering every DM and email myself to prove I'm truly present.   In a world obsessed with AI, the way we stand out is by becoming authentic and authentically interested in connecting. Ditch the impersonal automation and rediscover why your audience craves that special human touch, the thing that sets you apart from the robots. 💯 Tap into my insights and start building real relationships that fuel your business growth.   ****** Get more info and apply to join my next Podcast Growth Coach Certification cohort: https://www.podcastingbusiness.school/podcast-growth-coach-certification