My "Hibernation Routine" to Activate Flow State

The Daily Mastery Podcast by Robin Sharma

30-05-2023 • 4 mins

Strange yet perhaps fascinating and I-promise-you-powerful idea: for an entire day [or longer], fall dark. Be hard to reach. Go ghost.

Say no to most social invitations, refuse new friendship requests, stop shopping at stores, avoid most restaurants and pull back from the world.

Instead, enter the wilderness (of sorts) and get monomaniacally focused, centered and grounded on what I call in my mentoring methodology “The Vital Few.”

For everyone asking, my “hibernation routine” goes like this:

—5 am rise and run in the gym
—meditate, pray and journal
—walk to Starbucks then to a little park
—start writing by 8 am
—no getting up until 1 pm
—no devices
—country music
—long afternoon walk
—hot bath with epsom salt
—eat clean in the room for dinner
—meditate one hour
—read three hours

If you’d like to learn the tools, habits and daily routines of warriors, billionaires, sages and superstars then read (or listen to) The Everyday Hero Manifesto today. It’s a life-changing book. Get it here.

