I’m dropping hints on the World Championship Squirrel Cook-off taking place September 23rd and hooking you up with another game day appetizer with a sweet and spicy kick. Chris gives his tip for the best fried rice. We want your feedback on adding a blind hobbies episode to this feed or creating a new podcast all together that would be dedicated to various hobbies for the blind and visually impaired.
Send questions and comments to info@blindgrilling.com Check out our website at blindgrilling.com Subscribe to our You Tube channel at: youtube.com/blindgrilling Like us on Facebook at: www.facebook.com/blindgrilling
Visit our sponsors: https://lanesbbq.com/ https://kickashbasket.com/?ref=MgW7rNTx
If you want to listen on the AINC Audio Information Network of Colorado by phone, you can call: 303-786-7777 Press 2, then 4 and then 28 for Blind Grilling Experience