Grow Healthier Gardens by Companion Planting with Josie Lewis - Episode 106

grow, cook, eat, arrange with Sarah Raven & friends

09-02-2023 • 30 mins

There’s nothing quite like finding a perfect companion, and in the plant world, companion planting could be the difference between aphid-affliction and the healthiest horticulture.

Our Head Gardener at Perch Hill, Josie Lewis, joins Sarah once again on the podcast to share the essential flowers to underplant for thriving Roses, a garden full of pollinators, and wonderful performing Tomatoes.

In this episode, discover:

  • Which of the Salvias are perfect for keeping Roses looking their Sunday best
  • How the likes of Tagetes Minuta and Burning Embers are ideal to combat Whitefly issues in your greenhouse
  • The best, aromatic Basil to pull the pollinators into your garden
  • How to create Comfrey Tea Sodium Bicarbonate spray and Garlic spray for preventing mildew

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