Learneezee Cast - Episode 7 - with Pat Bastien & Rico Lazo - Interview IELTS Expert Alexander Forbes

The Learneezee Cast

03-11-2020 • 27 mins

In episode 7 Rico and Patrick catch up on news about Covid-19. Comparing the growing cases of Covid-19 in Denver where Rico lives versus the rise in cases in Germany, where Patrick has made his home away from the USA.

They cover the passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg's (RBG) passing on Sept. 18th and how Trump's Nominee (Now Justice of the Supreme Court), Amy Coney Barrett will change how the court rules on major issues having to do with voting as well as women's rights.

In their topic of the week, they discuss the popular radio show and now podcast, "Democracy Now!" Led by legendary journalist, Amy Goodman.

Then in the "Expert's Corner," they interview, Alexander Forbes - IELTS Expert - Turkish to English Intercultural Communication - “Pop” Music theory enthusiast. Where they discuss the connection between learning a language and truly connected to the culture from which the language springs from.

Rico reviews the word of the week: Contex vs. Contextualize. Definition of context 1: the parts of a discourse that surround a word or passage and can throw light on its meaning 2: the interrelated conditions in which something exists or occurs: ENVIRONMENT, SETTING the historical context of the war...

We hope you enjoy the show and visit our great teachers at https://www.learneezee.com/.