Consumers and Business Alike Are Cutting Back In Fear of a Recession & Having an AI Sidekick To Fight Loneliness For Seniors | TF321

The Feed with Amber Mac & Michael B

01-11-2022 • 51 mins

Mauro Porcini, Chief Design Officer at PepsiCo, believes that the key to life-changing innovation is to put people first. He joins us to talk about his new book, The Human Side of Innovation: The Power of People in Love with People. Plus, companion robots might be the solution to loneliness amongst ageing adults. Intuition Robotics has developed the AI companion ElliQ and their CEO, Dor Skuler, introduces us to this friendly in-home sidekick. Also, we talk to Neha Singh, Founder and CEO of Obsess, about Disney's 100 years celebration with a new web3 experience for its Disney Music Emporium online store. In Socially Speaking, we discuss the great big barriers to building resilience.

Links to this week's stories and discussion:

You can also find both AmberMac and Michael B on Twitter.

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