Michael Gale's Futures In Focus

Michael Gale

Wall Street Journal Best-selling author Michael Gale explores the world ten years from now. read less


Dr Emily Darling, Director of Coral Reef Conservation at the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), on AI, the cloud, corals, and saving the planet with citizen scientists by 2033.
Dr Emily Darling, Director of Coral Reef Conservation at the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), on AI, the cloud, corals, and saving the planet with citizen scientists by 2033.
Ecological integrity represents an essential element for a sustainable planet by 2033 and beyond. Consider the importance of coral in safeguarding the food ecosystem within global communities, both affluent and impoverished. Approximately 40% of the world's population lives near or on the coastlines, relying significantly on the ecological balance of these areas. Coral plays a vital role in preserving the ocean's ecosystem, responsible for absorbing up to 90% of all carbon emissions. Nevertheless, 15% of the tracked coral fields have already been lost worldwide. Suggestions to relocate bleached or dying coral to aquariums, sparked by record-high sea temperatures in Florida in 2023, are neither scalable nor a feasible long-term solution to safeguard coral. The critical approach involves identifying resilient coral types that thrive under extreme climate conditions, such as typhoons and warmer waters. It's an imminent challenge necessitating a substantial database on coral responses to these climate variables. The key is empowering citizen scientists globally, whether in Fiji, Mauritius, Florida, or elsewhere, to collect crucial data on how coral adapts to diverse climatic conditions. Emily Darling, overseeing strategy, partnerships, and impact for WCS's global coral reef portfolio across 16 countries, co-founded MERMAID (Marine Ecological Research Management AID; datamermaid.org). Through MERMAID, citizen scientists collect local coral visuals, which are then sent to the cloud for processing into a Postgres DB utilizing AI tools. This process, previously costing hundreds of millions and taking months, can now be completed within hours. This signifies a prime instance of how basic technology, such as affordable underwater cameras, easy data sharing, and AI applications, can markedly contribute to the planet's sustainability. The open systems and the power of AI-driven networks formed by well-intentioned amateurs are influencing significant positive change.
Dr. Chris Carr Of The Green Bay Packers: Inside One Of The Mind Of One Of The Founders Of Sports Psychology
Dr. Chris Carr Of The Green Bay Packers: Inside One Of The Mind Of One Of The Founders Of Sports Psychology
Thirty years ago, the concept of sports psychology was rarely discussed. Today, our guest is among the pioneers of this applied science, widely utilized by victorious Olympians and sports teams globally. Although there are only seven full-time sports psychologists across the thirty-two teams, this field remains a developing profession in an industry where peak performance is crucial for success. While discussing sports in the context of 2033 might seem unconventional, insights from interviews conducted for Forbes' "Futures in Focus" series with notable figures from Liverpool Football Club, the NFL, the San Jose Sharks, and the Atlanta Falcons indicate that future experiences might be evolving in high-performance teams today.   Consider the application of analytics and AI algorithms in sports like tennis, cricket, and soccer, as well as the utilization of engineering in F1 and Formula E. These skills and scientific advancements applied in sports could potentially be adopted in various areas of life by 2033. Our guest is a pioneer in the field of sports psychology and one of only seven full-time sports psychologists in the NFL, previously associated with the renowned US alpine ski team from the 1990s.   To conclude the podcast, a controlled breathing exercise is shared—an activity the guest practices with teams and coaches. This exercise aims to help differentiate between tension and relaxation, clear the mind, and create an association with warmth and relaxation, using a self-created cue or image as an anchor to these feelings of relaxation.