The 24K Life with Derick Gant

Derick Gant

The 24K Life with Derick Gant showcases the insights and reminders of what it takes to transition into living your best life. We cover health, wealth, mindset, and happiness in most aspects of life. A 24K Life is a life that begins on the inside and expands outward. Join us as we uncover the details that can improve life. You'll find motivation, inspiration, and practical steps to help you become the best version of yourself, 24K. Derick Gant is an expert money coach, author, speaker, and entrepreneur with over 25 years of experience. #24klife Support this podcast: read less


Why They Want You BROKE and BUSTED
Why They Want You BROKE and BUSTED
0:00 Introduction to 24K Life Philosophy The podcast focuses on achieving a "golden life" through self-mastery and transforming ordinary experiences into extraordinary ones. 1:30 Money’s Negative Perception Derick discusses how money has been seen as taboo, which he believes is a tactic to keep the wealthy in power and the less fortunate struggling. 4:00 Personal Journey Derick shares his own journey as a financial advisor, starting in the insurance industry and realizing that true wealth goes beyond just buying insurance. 7:30 Investment vs. Spending He emphasizes the importance of investing in appreciating assets, such as real estate and collectibles, rather than depreciating ones. 10:00 Prioritizing and Pivoting Successful people prioritize their needs and know when to pivot away from harmful financial habits, like excessive spending on non-essential items. 13:00 Value of Self-Investment Investing in oneself, through education, skill development, and self-care, is crucial for long-term success and financial stability. 16:00 Misconceptions About Wealth Derick debunks the myth that wealthy people don't keep track of their money, highlighting the importance of financial awareness and management. 19:00 Distinguishing Assets from Liabilities Understanding the difference between assets and liabilities is key; assets generate income, while liabilities drain resources. 22:00 Impact of Lifestyle Choices Derick shares personal experiences of how lifestyle choices, like buying an expensive house, can impact financial stability and stress levels. 25:00 Holistic Approach to Success Achieving a 24K life involves mastering various aspects of life, including health, relationships, and personal growth, not just finances. --- Support this podcast:
"From Peaches to Profits: A Family's Journey to Entrepreneurial Success”
"From Peaches to Profits: A Family's Journey to Entrepreneurial Success”
Shannon Houchin from Roadside Republic turned her life around with a simple roadside peach stand, and now teaches people to do the same. Imagine earning your own money, feeling proud, and helping your community—all with fresh, local stuff!  Working with students and families so they can pay for college by selling peaches. She’s here to share the secret sauce! Here are the 10 bullet points summarizing the show: 1. Introduction to 24K Life: Derick Gant explains the philosophy of living life on one's own terms and introduces the podcast's mission to provide tools and insights for a better life. 2. Guest Introduction: The episode features Shannon and her son Finn, entrepreneurs who started a successful peach business from a roadside stand. 3. Beginnings of the Peach Business: Shannon and Finn began their peach business after a summer internship in South Carolina, learning everything about the peach business from a mentor. 4. Seasonal Operation: The business operates from Memorial Day to Labor Day, extending the season by sourcing peaches from various regions in the U.S. 5. Entrepreneurship Insights: Finn emphasizes the importance of hard work and consistency in entrepreneurship, highlighting the tangible results of their efforts. 6. Family Business Dynamics: Shannon shares how working together has strengthened her relationship with Finn and how he brings valuable insights and innovation to the business. 7. Expansion and Adaptation: The business has grown to include delivery services, pop-up stands in various locations, and partnerships with homeowners associations to reach more customers. 8. Course Offering: Shannon and Finn offer an evergreen course on how to start a similar roadside stand business, providing detailed guidance and support. 9. Overcoming Challenges: They discuss common obstacles such as permits and initial capital and how their course helps navigate these challenges. 10. Business Philosophy: Derick and his guests stress the importance of creating opportunities, especially for young people, to learn about business, gain independence, and explore multiple career options. IG: Roadsiderepublic FB: roadsidestandUSA --- Support this podcast:
The Corner Office Energy Queen: Gabrielle Pimstone
The Corner Office Energy Queen: Gabrielle Pimstone
Gabrielle Pimstone is an Energy Coach who is dedicated to assisting those on the cusp of change but in need of that crucial nudge forward. She shares her journey of resilience and reinvention, highlighting how her love of psychology and spirituality finally converged to reignite her passion and purpose and provide profound healing.  She offers inspiration and practical tips to individuals to break free from stagnation and fear. Her central message is that it's never too late make meaningful life change. 00:00 Introduction 02:30 Corner Office Blues on steroids 05:00 The Podcast That Changed Everything 06:30 Graves Disease and how it froze me in place 07:45 Ascending out of the fog 10:35 She Called In Monday and Quit 13:08 The psychology of language and peace 14:00 The universe of energy work 15:54 SACRED GEOMETRY 19:00 Vibration and Geometry 20:20 Solfeggio Frequencies  22:22 Overcoming Pain, Grief, & Anxiety 24:24 Releasing Longstanding BLOCKS 27:27 Sit In The FIRE - Embrace the release 33:33 Your incredibly unique code 36:29 The FINAL question Dream Your Way In What is the difference between solfeggio and binaural? Binaural beats and solfeggio frequencies are two popular types of healing sounds. Binaural beats are an auditory illusion created by playing different tones in different frequencies in each ear, while solfeggio frequencies are a set of nine tones that many believe have spiritually enhancing properties. --- Support this podcast:
All is Fair in Love and Karma with June Edward
All is Fair in Love and Karma with June Edward
June Edward has been psychic since a child; however, she didn’t realize she was also a medium until later in life. Some of her gifts have been passed on since her mother was also a medium. She also passed to the other side herself when she was 27 years old, and came back to this side by choice. She can offer firsthand experience that Life after Life does exist!  She has a 100% success rate in bringing through souls from the other side, to give closure and help loved ones heal on both sides. Her sold-out group readings can help give insight as to what’s going on in your life, and help to see what the Universe has in store. June’s special gifts include working directly with the Angels, Guides, and departed Souls. Combined these tools have made her a very strong and accurate psychic and trance medium, able to bring through validating details to prove the connection and messages from the other side. June believes that her job as a psychic medium is not only to help those connect with their loved ones, and heal both sides, but to help encourage others to embrace this life, and be thankful for all the gifts they receive in their life every day! 00:00 Introduction 04:39 Everyone is a Psychic 05:30 Soul Decisions 08:30 A Mother’s Intuition 10:35 Mental Telepathy 1000 years ago 11:11 Maji Cards and the Knights Templar 13:30 What’s better than a horoscope 15:45 Karma and Relationships 20:30 Soulmates and Twin Flames 23:00 Religion is mostly Business 26:50 (NDE) Near Death Experiences 31:20 How to best meditate --- Support this podcast: