Getting Real - With Sumera Nizamuddin, Global Brand Marketing Director Respiratory Health - Reckitt

Getting Real

Dec 20 2022 • 13 mins

In this last episode of Season 2 our CEO, Afsheen Ismail-Wey connects with Sumera Nizamuddin, Global Brand Marketing Director at Reckitt in a punchy and provokative conversation. Are leaders, in the era of social media, losing their credibility by focussing less on meaningful relationships in person and more on self-promotion? Is greater social media savvy providing those who are putting themselves out there unfounded leadership credibility?

Sumera speaks to how social media has begun to blur the line between real leadership credibility vs idle and non-value creating self-promotion. And Afsheen and Sumera explore ways leaders might find the sweet balance between too much or too little visibility.

According to Leslie K. John, who writes about Savvy Self-Promotion for the Harvard Business Review, there are opportunities out there when its perfectly appropriate to self-promote. These include moments when you're asked to share, when others are sharing and interestingly "research indicates that when people present a balanced picture of themselves, rather than discussing only successes, they come across as more credible and affable" when self-promoting. Food for thought!

Listen in to this bite sized episode to hear more from Sumera on this topic!