eJenn Solutions: The Podcast Series

Jennifer Stinnett

Monthly series of social media marketing tips for small businesses, solopreneurs, entrepreneurs and startups. Podcasts contain interviews, conversations and introductions to products for online social media marketing. read less


S3:E3 Copywriting and Lead Generation for Medical Sites - Christina Majors
S3:E3 Copywriting and Lead Generation for Medical Sites - Christina Majors
eJENN SOLUTIONS PODCAST Copywriting and Lead Generation for Medical Sites Host: JENNIFER STINNETTGuest: CHRISTINA MAJOR   Episode Summary: Today's guest is Christina Major, the owner of Crystal Holistic Health. She is a Holistic Nutritionist, a Naturopath, and a Herbalist. In this episode, I sit with Christina who is also a professional Copywriter, working with Health and wellness professionals and companies to improve on their interaction and communication with clients. Top Takeaways: "If somebody is asking a question, and you're hearing the question over and over again, even if it's just about price, write about that" - [Christina Major] "Sadly, we've become a society of headline readers sometimes instead of content readers" - [Jennifer Stinnett] "Even if you don't hire a good copywriter, even if you write poorly, still writing something is better than nothing" - [Christina Major] Episode Highlights: [00:20] Meet today's guest, "Christina Major". [01:20] Christina describes her business [05:30] Concerning copywriting, do you consider Long-form as more important in your field? [07:06] Do you have any tips for small business owners? [09:25] Compared to good copywriting, do sales funnels and free downloads have more of an impact? [11:20] What made you go into Copywriting? [15:12] About Christina's website and her workflow with clients [17:57] Christina's advice for businesses [20:00] As a herbalist, what have you done in the past?   Episode Notes: Christina helps Health and Wellness professionals produce blogs, articles, emails, and newsletters to connect with their preferred target audience. She has worked with medical doctors in private practice, coaches, supplement companies, and other large companies that work with groups of doctors. Without a particular niche of interest, Christina focuses on professionals that aim at helping people help themselves. The goal is in two phases, to get the people healthy first, and then take the next step to see the professionals. There is a huge gap between the professionals based on their level of knowledge and the mostly uninformed clients, and this creates a problem where health professionals cannot efficiently communicate. Hence, the idea is to create a midpoint where there can be a level of understanding on the side of clients. While there is a general perception that long-form copywriting produces better results, there needs to be a good mix of both long and short forms in copywriting for Health and Wellness professionals. Another point of consideration is the consistency of the write-ups since this has an impact on SEO; a website putting out 4 blogs of 500words per month will do better than one that puts out one blog of 5000 words monthly. For small business owners: If you hear a question over and over again, write about that, that's what your people want to hear. Sales funnels, free downloads, or other forms of free content are marketing tools that help educate people first, which is essential in building a customer relationship. Get the free traffic to your website, then get them to the next step. While practicing as a Nutritionist and Naturopath, Christina wrote for herself and had some friends who asked her to write for them too. At some point, she realized she was making more money from copywriting and spent more time on research, which improved the quality of her work while consuming less time than other jobs. This spurred her on to move into writing full time over the last 3 years although she has been writing for about 7 years now. Even if you don't hire a good copywriter, even if you write poorly, writing something is better than writing nothing. Also, some clients are better on video, so a video episode can be done, which would then be transcribed. Christina offers a free 20-minute session on her website with prospective clients to see if the client is a good fit for her business. During this session, she asks a lot of questions about the client's business, including why the person wants the blog and the targeted goal for sales. After this, she does more research on the business to find how she fits into the goal of the client and then sends a quotation for the work she will do. Christina’s advice for businesses in general: Being in the online world opens up so many possibilities for people; many things can be passed across without direct contact with people. Also, you may realize you're spending a lot of time and energy writing when you could pay someone else to write for you and produce a good blog, with consideration given to SEO. When you have a specialty, it pays literally to have someone who has the experience As a Herbalist and Naturopath in the past, Christina would counsel people to incorporate food-based herbs into their diet. Books by Christina include “7 Steps to Recovery: Type 2 Diabetes” and “Health Blogging The Right Way”.   Resources Mentioned: Connect: Find | eJENN SOLUTIONS PODCAST On Youtube For Business enquiries: eJENN SOLUTIONS Find | CHRISTINA MAJOR At www.crystalholistichealth.com RATE & SUBSCRIBE On Apple Podcasts
S3:E2 Organizing and Saving Memories - Photo Organizing
S3:E2 Organizing and Saving Memories - Photo Organizing
Host: JENNIFER STINNETT - eJenn Solutions, Inc. Guest: RACHEL ARBUCKLE, 2000paces.com Episode Summary: Our guest today is Rachel Arbuckle, owner and Memorabilia Archivist of 2000Paces, a business that helps individuals, families, and other small businesses to organize photos for personal or marketing purposes. In this episode, I sit with Rachel, who realized there was a need to address the preservation of photos and other memorabilia from being lost, destroyed, or forgotten and was motivated to start the business. Top Takeaways:   "I've always thought of what we're doing as really helping people to preserve their journey... and we're all on a different and unique journey" - [Rachel Arbuckle] "Just about everything in our homes is replaceable except those memories" - [Rachel Arbuckle] "We're not only trying to preserve these memories, but we're trying to make it so people can enjoy them" - [Rachel Arbuckle] "There's statistical data that shows that companies spend hours and hours, and therefore hundreds and thousands of dollars looking for the right photo" - [Rachel Arbuckle] "There are things that we're all really good at, and there's things we have time for" - [Rachel Arbuckle] Episode Highlights: [00:13] Introducing today's guest, Rachel Arbuckle from 2000Paces. [01:22] About 2000Paces [04:55] How did you come up with the name "2000 Paces"? [10:31] Rachel describes the services offered by the company to small businesses. [26:45] How to contact Rachel [26:57] Final comments from Rachel   Episode Notes: “2000Paces” is a Photo Organizing Business started by Rachel following her experience with fires in 2014 in San Diego. She describes that while fires have become a thing to expect when living in that area, and most people are mentally prepared for it, very few are physically prepared for it. Having to create her solution to preserve her family's memories in case of a fire outbreak inspired the business of helping others do the same. Describing the inspiration for the name "2000 Paces", Rachel explains that the goal of the business is to preserve different journeys that in the lives of people, and "2000 paces" in ancient times was used to describe a day's journey. Our family photos, videos, and memorabilia are priceless and these are key items in the home that cannot be replaced. The work done at 2000Paces involves collecting all these photos and memorabilia from all kinds of sources, renaming them, putting them together in an external drive, and finally having an online photo site that can be accessed at any time. Explaining the services offered by 2000Paces to small businesses, Rachel shares that 2000Paces helps these businesses find the perfect pictures for their marketing, saving time and money since they usually cannot afford to employ personnel solely for this purpose. Rachel's company identifies the service or product of small businesses, collects their photos, attaches keywords, and organizes the photos based on Who? What? When? and Why? The small businesses can then go through these pictures more easily and make selections for their marketing campaigns. Another service offered by 2000Paces is video conversion from many different formats to easily playable ones, especially those formats that are out of date and may require inaccessible equipment to play. Rachel's company also creates photo books by organizing the pictures. The company website offers a free consultation for prospective clients to discuss the available options regarding what the company can offer them. Rachel explains that since each project is unique based on the journey, this helps the client to have an idea of what to expect. Rachel encourages listeners to get started on documenting these photos and memorabilia, and discussing them with loved ones around.   Connect: Find | eJENN SOLUTIONS PODCAST On Youtube For Business enquiries: eJENN SOLUTIONS Find | RACHEL ARBUCKLE At www.2000paces.com RATE & SUBSCRIBE On Apple Podcasts
S3:E1 Why is SEO Important and How Does SEO Help My Business?
S3:E1 Why is SEO Important and How Does SEO Help My Business?
eJENN SOLUTIONS PODCAST SEO for Business; Why it is important: Host: JENNIFER STINNETT, eJenn Solutions, Inc. Guest: CORY FREITAS Episode Summary: Our guest today is Cory Freitas, co-owner at DigiWei and he has worked with our host, Jennifer, for a few years now at eJenn solutions. They have had a conversation in the past also related to Search Engine Optimization (SEO)   In this episode, I sit with Cory, as he discusses in detail, Search Engine Optimization, shedding light on key principles that business and website owners must take advantage of to increase their productivity. Top Takeaways: "It's the business of making sure that Google understands exactly what your business is because if you leave it to them, it's just going to willy-nilly pick up words that may not be relevant" - [Jennifer Stinnett] "You have to be online right now... there are so many people that are stuck at home not just locally in the US but around the world, and those could be potential clients depending on what your business is" - [Cory Freitas] Episode Highlights: [00:10] Meet today's guest, Cory Freitas [02:22] What is SEO? [03:46] Why is SEO important? [14:40] Cory shares that clients can select parameters important for their SEO. [15:38] The pricing of SEO based on location. [19:24] About Keyword Research [20:00] What is the difference between SEO and SEM? [22:59] How does SEO help Digital Marketing? [24:44] Cory shares his services. [27:15] Final thoughts, the free "Google my business" platform   Episode Notes: Following the pandemic, a lot of businesses are under pressure realizing the need to have an online presence. While businesses are now working on their websites, most of them lack the necessary SEO required for productivity. This is often because of the low awareness and understanding of SEO. SEO is Search Engine Optimization. It involves optimizing your website for search engines like Google, Bing, yahoo, and others. If you're ranking on Google you're most likely ranking on yahoo and Bing. Emphasizing the importance of SEO, Cory explains that it determines how Google finds you when people search for your site. The goal is to ensure that you rank for your keywords (i.e. particular words or phrases that your target market uses when searching for your site). You want to optimize your site for your specific service or product such that when people search for those things, your website comes up. If you don't optimize your website, then you're leaving it up to Google to determine what your website is about and Google might get it wrong, or not be as specific as you would prefer. Hiring a website developer may not necessarily guarantee proper Search Engine Optimization since their focus is primarily to develop the site, and you may not be able to predict the scope of their SEO services. WordPress has its branding on all its templates, so it is critical to update all the templates when building or redesigning your website. This enables Google to rank you for your content rather than the general WordPress brand. Optimizing your website by making such changes is called On-Page SEO. Cory also gets information about the competition and tries to improve on what they're doing. On-Page SEO also includes optimizing your website for certain locations by including keywords with that location on the website; this is particularly beneficial for local businesses. It is possible to optimize each page on your website differently for different entities. It's important to identify that if you're doing SEO for a local business as against a national business, the pricing would vary because of the difference in size between both projects. The SEO required for the national project would be more expensive and it may take longer to rank because the site would have to compete for keywords with more businesses offering the same service. Keyword Research is when we look for keywords to find some of the best keywords that we think will help your business rank quickly and get you the right traffic. Differentiating SEO from SEM, Cory explains that although sometimes used interchangeably, SEM is Search Engine Marketing and it refers to running google ads, or other marketing efforts directed at increasing awareness of your site's content. SEO is primarily focused on ensuring your site is optimized to be recognized by google. Backlinks, social media, domain are some of the small aspects that can be combined to improve SEO. SEO in Digital Marketing serves helps to bridge the gap in branding of a business between its website and social media presence. It helps immensely especially since this link makes it easy for Google and users to recognize the business as the same. Cory shares his services, including online marketing for small businesses, SEO, google ads management, website building, designing, and evaluation. Final thoughts: “You have to be online right now, so many people are stuck at home not just locally in the US but around the world, and those could be potential clients depending on what your business is”. It's better to be online than not. This period offers a great customer base for entertainers and content creators since many viewers are at home and spend more time online. A huge platform for local businesses to improve their SEO is "Google my business", a free tool that puts the business on google maps and when combined with the technical know-how available at eJenn Solutions makes a huge difference.