Revenue Builders

Force Management

Welcome to the Revenue Builders podcast, a weekly show featuring B2B sales leaders and executives. Hosted by Five-time CRO John McMahon and Force Management’s Co-Founder John Kaplan, the show goes in the barrel, behind the scenes with the people who have been there, done that and seen the results. Revenue Builders covers the best practices for scaling and growing your business, while sharing the pitfalls to avoid. Great conversation. Solid interviews. Tangible takeaways to help you succeed. If you enjoy our content, please subscribe, rate and review the show to help us reach more people. This show is brought to you by: Force Management where we help companies improve sales performance, executing their growth strategy at the point of sale. Check out more information read less


Know Your Story to Achieve True Success with Doug Holladay
2d ago
Know Your Story to Achieve True Success with Doug Holladay
In this episode, John McMahon and John Kaplan welcome back Doug Holiday to delve deeper into the themes of Doug's best-selling book, 'Rethinking Success.' The discussion focuses on the importance of understanding and embracing one's personal story to avoid living someone else's narrative. They explore how life experiences and backgrounds shape emotions, perceptions, and actions. Practical strategies for self-discovery and self-improvement are shared, emphasizing the significance of authenticity and addressing deep-seated emotional triggers. The episode also explores storytelling in leadership and the profound impact of understanding colleagues' backgrounds. This conversation is essential for anyone striving to integrate personal growth with professional excellence.Tune in and learn more about this episode of The Revenue Builders Podcast.ADDITIONAL RESOURCESListen to the earlier episodes with Doug here: Leading Authentically: Success: and learn more about Doug Holladay: more about Doug’s CEO programs: ARE SOME KEY SECTIONS TO CHECK OUT[00:02:40] Understanding Personal Narratives[00:06:36] The Impact of Family Stories[00:08:55] Exercises for Self-Discovery[00:12:22] Breaking Generational Cycles[00:17:56] The Importance of Audience[00:34:37] Celebrating Positive Actions in Children[00:36:21] Learning Through the Eyes of Your Children[00:39:29] Understanding Personal Triggers and Growth[00:41:50] The Power of Self-Awareness[00:50:24] Writing and Reflecting on Your Own Story[01:02:29] Integrating Personal Stories in LeadershipHIGHLIGHT QUOTES[00:03:19] "It's really easy to misinterpret the actions of others when you don't understand the story they were born into or the demons they're wrestling with."[00:09:09] "If we don't bother to understand that story we were born into, guess what? You're going to replicate that in your own family."[00:21:51] "The best thing I can do for my family, my children, my spouse, my partner, for the people I work with, for the country, is to be the best version of myself."[00:13:28] "You will know the truth and the truth will set you free."[00:23:03] "None of us wants to be fixed by somebody else. That's why we've got to start with fixing ourselves."
Effective Second-Line Leadership with Carl Cross
6d ago
Effective Second-Line Leadership with Carl Cross
In this curated episode of the Revenue Builders Podcast, John McMahon and John Kaplan are joined by Carl Cross, the CRO of Alchemy Technology, to delve into the complexities of second line leadership. The discussion centers around the critical skills required to train and lead first line leaders, the common pitfalls second line managers face, and strategies to ensure that leadership at every level is effective and empowering. This episode offers valuable insights for those looking to elevate their leadership capabilities and drive better results through their teams.KEY TAKEAWAYS[00:00:49] Defining a Great First Line Leader[00:01:42] Common Mistakes of Second Line Leaders[00:02:28] Transitioning from Tactical to Strategic Thinking[00:04:14] Balancing Field Connection with Leadership Responsibilities[00:06:24] Segregation of Duties Between First and Second Line ManagersHIGHLIGHT QUOTES[00:00:49] "You're obviously driving results through leaders, right? And there's something different about that."[00:01:42] "The mistake that I see a lot of second line make is... you rip the steering wheel out of their hands."[00:02:28] "The further you move up the range, the lonelier it gets at the top."[00:05:12] "It's their ultimate responsibility that every person on that team has an equal chance of success."[00:06:24] "You have to actually outline segregation of duties between first line manager and second line manager."Listen to the full episode with Carl Cross through this link: out John McMahon’s book here:Amazon Link: out Force Management’s Ascender platform here: Force Management's eBook:
Selling in a New Category
Selling in a New Category
If you’re trying to demonstrate value in a new category or sell a new solution like AI, then this podcast is for you. We pulled together three segments on the topic featuring:Neeraj Agrawal - General Partner, Battery VenturesKeno Helmi - CRO, EspressiveChris Degnan - CRO, SnowflakeADDITIONAL RESOURCESFor more information on Selling in a New Category, check out Force Management’s eBook: in and learn more about this episode of The Revenue Builders Podcast.HERE ARE SOME KEY SECTIONS TO CHECK OUT[00:01:28] Understanding market transitions and spotting opportunities.[00:03:01] Challenges of new technologies as solutions looking for problems.[00:04:29] Investing in new product areas and the importance of timing.[00:05:07] The role of POVs in selling complex technologies.[00:06:06] Different sales motions: Provoking interest vs. competing in an active market.[00:07:52] Qualifying economic buyers before a POV.[00:11:12] Realities of selling new technology at a startup.[00:13:24] Strategies for targeting early customers and overcoming competition.[00:15:14] Key customers that helped shape Snowflake's success.HIGHLIGHT QUOTES[00:01:46] "Spotting these transitions and being there at the right point is a key component here."[00:03:01] "New technologies as solutions looking for a problem must be the harder ones to guess."[00:05:07] "Sharing a POV or a POC is critically important when you're selling a technology your customers may not understand."[00:06:56] "If I have a brand new technology that customers may not understand, I can alleviate a lot of their concerns by doing a POV."[00:11:32] "There's a misperception if you're a salesperson that you can go into an early stage startup and make a ton of money."[00:14:09] "Teradata was almost arrogant... They let the cloud sideswipe them."
Training Your Teams on a POV with JP Bolen
Training Your Teams on a POV with JP Bolen
In this curated episode of the Revenue Builders Podcast, John McMahon and John Kaplan are joined by JP Bolen, Vice President of Sales Productivity at Rubrik, discuss the importance of equipping sales teams with a compelling point of view (POV). JP emphasizes the necessity of thorough research and understanding of the client's business, industry trends, and specific challenges before approaching potential customers. He shares insights on how a well-prepared POV can boost confidence, earn respect, and open productive dialogue with clients. The episode also highlights practical training methods and the benefits of utilizing customer stories to relate to business problems. For additional resources on enhancing sales performance, listeners are encouraged to check out Force Management's ebook linked in the show notes.KEY TAKEAWAYS[00:00:22] The Importance of a Compelling Point of View[00:00:41] Training Reps for Success[00:01:24] Research and Preparation Strategies[00:02:21] Using Customer Stories Effectively[00:03:30] Avoiding Analysis Paralysis[00:05:13] Engaging Executives with a Strong POV[00:06:28] Building Confidence and Earning Respect[00:07:40] Creating Custom Slides for DiscoveryHIGHLIGHT QUOTES[00:01:06] "The POV is absolute power. If you do it right, you immediately earn respect from the person on the other side of the table."[00:06:28] "A compelling point of view gives you confidence and opens the conversation to talking about the client's pain points."[00:01:52] "It's not rocket science, but doing the work and putting the effort in to understand the account and industry trends is crucial."[00:04:59] "We overdo everything. If you find a nugget, use that nugget to go hit somebody right now."[00:05:40] "You want a partner to help you? Show them why this is important and prepare as if your CRO is going to make the pitch for you."Listen to the full episode with JP Bolen through this link: out John McMahon’s book here:Amazon Link: out Force Management’s Ascender platform here: Force Management's eBook:
Building a Strong Sales Team: Recruitment, Interview, and Onboarding Best Practices
Building a Strong Sales Team: Recruitment, Interview, and Onboarding Best Practices
In this episode, John McMahon and John Kaplan are joined by leadership expert Marcy Stoudt for a comprehensive discussion on recruitment, interviewing, and onboarding in B2B sales. Marcy is the co-founder of Revel Coach and Revel Search, she is an expert in recruiting and retaining top leadership and talent. This episode emphasizes the importance of defining an ideal candidate profile, the need for rigorous and insightful interview questions, and the critical nature of an effective onboarding process. Additionally, Marcy offers practical tips and reveals some helpful tools to enhance team dynamics and productivity. Throughout the conversation, the hosts and Marcy highlight best practices for attracting, hiring, and retaining top talent in a competitive sales environment.Tune in and learn more about this episode of The Revenue Builders Podcast.HERE ARE SOME KEY SECTIONS TO CHECK OUT[00:01:02] Meet Marcy Stoudt: Leadership and Coaching[00:01:40] The Launch of Revel Coach and Revel Search[00:04:06] Challenges in Hiring and Retention[00:05:41] Effective Hiring Strategies[00:06:45] The Importance of Candidate Profiles[00:10:37] Sourcing and Networking Tips[00:17:23] The Role of Leaders in Recruitment[00:31:26] Energy Management in Job Hunting[00:33:37] Boosting Your Mental Energy[00:34:08] Choosing the Right Opportunity Over Position[00:35:57] Interviewing and Screening: Best Practices[00:38:35] The Role of Technology in Hiring[00:41:39] Understanding Candidate Fit[00:55:46] The Importance of Listening in Interviews[00:59:03] Effective Onboarding StrategiesADDITIONAL RESOURCESLearn more about aligning customer-facing teams to improve execution: the Mentors at Revel Coach: Learn more about our mentors out Cloverleaf - the software referenced in the show:  Cloverleaf.meInformation on Revel Search: Explore Revel90 and our approach to coaching more about Marcy Stoudt through this link. QUOTES[00:06:54] "If you really get clear on why you are hiring this person, why you are funding this person, and then you make the time to make sure you are sourcing from many markets, everything else is so much easier down the road."[00:10:08] "It's all about the people that I recruit that's going to define my career and how well I do in this job."[00:16:45] "You have to figure out the DNA of who you're hiring and then say, where do they socialize? And then you get to those places."[00:19:59] "If you put the onus on the leader, you are ensuring that they are invested in the success of the new hire from day one."[00:21:19] "Candidates have equal responsibility to eliminate the guesswork and get the ultimate decision maker in the interview process a lot sooner than most companies do."
Owning the Recruiting Process with Andy Price
Owning the Recruiting Process with Andy Price
In this curated episode of the Revenue Builders Podcast, John McMahon and John Kaplan are joined by Andy Price from Artisanal Ventures and Artisanal Talent. With over 30 years of experience in the recruiting industry, Andy shares valuable insights on why it's crucial for sales leaders to own the recruiting process. The discussion delves into the pitfalls of delegating recruitment to HR, the importance of building a strong internal talent acquisition team, and the impact of recruiting quality talent on overall sales success.KEY TAKEAWAYS[00:00:41] The Importance of Sales Leaders Owning the Recruiting Process[00:00:53] Pitfalls of Delegating Recruitment to HR[00:01:36] Building an Internal Talent Acquisition Muscle[00:02:15] The Impact of Economic Changes on Recruiting Strategies[00:02:53] The Importance of Consistency in Sales Team DNA[00:03:47] The Role of Networks in Successful Recruiting[00:05:02] Evaluating Sales Leaders Based on Their Recruiting Ability[00:04:16] The Consequences of Poor Recruiting on Sales Organizations[00:04:44] The Significance of Having a Vision for Talent DevelopmentHIGHLIGHT QUOTES[00:00:53] "You cannot delegate it to anybody else because you're recruiting your own team, and your team is going to determine your own success and your own career."[00:01:36] "The HR team was a central function, more administrative and compliance, comp benefits."[00:02:53] "You end up with inconsistent talent across the board and things start to vibrate."[00:03:29] "When you recruit a bunch of C's and D's, you're going to burn through a lot of money."[00:05:02] "Who are they going to bring? Who are they going to recruit?"[00:06:16] "Salespeople want to win."Listen to the full episode with Andy Price through this link: out John McMahon’s book here:Amazon Link: out Force Management’s Ascender platform here:
Getting Team Members to Open Up with Harsha Jalihal
Getting Team Members to Open Up with Harsha Jalihal
In this curated episode of the Revenue Builders Podcast, hosted by John McMahon and John Kaplan, guest Harsha Jalihal, Chief People Officer at MongoDB, shares insights on fostering open communication within teams. Drawing from her extensive HR experience at Cognizant and Unilever, Harsha discusses the importance of building relationships, getting to know team members personally, and trusting one's gut instincts. She emphasizes that developing trust and understanding takes time and multiple conversations, particularly in the post-COVID era where personal and professional boundaries are blurred. Notable advice includes asking direct questions, providing space for honesty, and ensuring employees feel comfortable sharing their concerns.KEY TAKEAWAYS[00:00:38] Building Trust and Relationships[00:01:23] The Importance of Knowing Your Team[00:02:35] Navigating Difficult Conversations[00:03:15] Trusting Your Gut Instincts[00:03:55] Giving Space and TimeHIGHLIGHT QUOTES[00:01:27] "You can't just think of your job as directing their work. You've got to get to know the people who work for you."[00:02:26] "It's harder to manage people these days because you have to really get to know them almost on a personal level."[00:03:00] "You're not going to get to really figure out what's bothering somebody with one conversation. It's going to take you more than one or two attempts."[00:03:49] "Is there something you're not telling me? Because you're afraid or concerned that I might react negatively to it?"Listen to the full episode with Harsha Jalihal through this link: out John McMahon’s book here:Amazon Link: out Force Management’s Ascender platform here:
Story of a Turnaround: The Long Game of Leadership
Story of a Turnaround: The Long Game of Leadership
In this episode, John McMahon and John Kaplan introduce their guest, Scot Loeffler, who has remarkably transformed the football program at Bowling Green State University (BGSU). John Kaplan shares his enthusiasm for Scot's drastic improvements in the BGSU football program, which ranked near last nationally before Scot's arrival. Through candid discussions, Scot outlines the challenges and strategies of rebuilding a struggling team, emphasizing the importance of hiring the right staff, instilling a solid culture, and focusing on daily championship habits. Scot credits his success to lessons learned from legendary coaches like Lloyd Carr, Urban Meyer, and Frank Beamer, and the inherent traits of resilience and relentless preparation observed in players like Tom Brady and Tim Tebow. The conversation delves into the critical roles of leadership, accountability, and recruitment in building a winning team and highlights the parallels between coaching athletes and leading sales teamsTune in and learn more about this episode of The Revenue Builders Podcast.HERE ARE SOME KEY SECTIONS TO CHECK OUT[00:03:48] Challenges of Rebuilding a Football Program[00:08:16] Recruitment and Building a Winning Culture[00:10:49] Leadership and Accountability[00:17:29] Navigating Organizational Changes[00:28:12] Coaching Philosophies and Mentorship[00:36:09] The Power of Accountability in Teams[00:37:02] Authenticity in Leadership[00:37:52] Building Genuine Relationships[00:39:14] Recruiting and Culture[00:41:00] Characteristics of Great Quarterbacks[00:41:55] The Importance of Mental Toughness[00:45:39] Preparation Equals Confidence[00:49:32] Handling Adversity and Resilience[00:57:44] Effective Time Management and Operating RhythmADDITIONAL RESOURCESLearn more about aligning customer-facing teams to improve execution: more about Scot Loeffler through this link. QUOTES[00:45:31] "What separated him, besides his ability, was his mental toughness and the ability to get everyone around him better."[00:46:42] "Preparation, in my opinion, equals confidence."[00:50:22] "When you get kicked and things happen in your family, you're not going to get in the transfer portal. You've got to bounce in and adapt with the cards you're dealt."[00:52:12] "The leaders that I've seen who have owned their story, the players and the employees that I've seen who have owned their story, negative things that have happened are great opportunities for growth in life."
The Difference Between PE and VC Investments with Dave Tiley
The Difference Between PE and VC Investments with Dave Tiley
In this curated episode of the Revenue Builders Podcast, John McMahon and John Kaplan are joined by Dave Tiley from Align Capital Partners to explore the critical differences between Private Equity (PE) and Venture Capital (VC) investments. Dave delves into the distinct strategies, risk appetites, and operational approaches that differentiate PE from VC, offering invaluable insights for entrepreneurs, investors, and business leaders. From early-stage ventures to mature businesses, this episode provides a comprehensive look at how different funding models can drive growth and innovation.KEY TAKEAWAYS[00:00:47] VC investments focus on early-stage companies with high-risk, high-reward potential.[00:01:34] PE investments target companies with established revenue and earnings, aiming to accelerate growth.[00:03:30] Differences in board makeup between VC-backed and PE-backed firms.[00:05:15] Embracing the "good to great" philosophy to drive radical improvements in PE-backed companies.[00:05:58] Operational optimization strategies to scale companies from millions to hundreds of millions.HIGHLIGHT QUOTES[00:00:47] "Venture capital is big bets, hoping one out of ten succeeds."[00:01:34] "For us as growth investors in the private equity space, we're looking for a company we think, hey, they got something special, but maybe with some more expertise, maybe with some more jet fuel, we can come alongside them, partner with them to accelerate the growth curve."[00:02:49] "Our whole idea is to be a servant leader and help these CEOs in anything we can do to help them be better each and every day."[00:05:15] "When we partner with a company, they've already done something really well, right? And they get rewarded for that stage. But to reward our investors in the next tranche, that 2.0 version, we got to radically improve the company."[00:06:13] "As you built companies to get to 20 million is one thing, but to get to 50 and then 100, they're just different stages and different steps, and there's a different playbook really for each."Listen to the full episode with Dave Tiley through this link: out John McMahon’s book here:Amazon Link: out Force Management’s Ascender platform here:
Mental Toughness in Sales
Mental Toughness in Sales
In this episode of the Revenue Builders podcast, hosts John McMahon and John Kaplan delve into the mental aspects of sales and building revenue by sharing key segments from previous episodes. Guests Marcy Stoudt, CEO and co-founder of RevelCoach, discusses preventing burnout and maintaining work-life balance. Jim "Pouli" Pouliopoulus, a force management facilitator, drops insights on overcoming negativity bias in sales. Finally, Greg Poss with Stark Mind talks about applying mental toughness from sports to the sales environment. Listen in for practical tips to boost your sales performance by mastering your mindset.Tune in and learn more about this episode of The Revenue Builders Podcast.HERE ARE SOME KEY SECTIONS TO CHECK OUT[00:00:42] Exploring the Mental Aspect of Sale[00:00:56] Avoiding Burnout with Marcy Stout[00:07:44] Understanding Negativity Bias with Jim Puliopoulos[00:16:48] Mental Toughness in Sales with Greg Paz[00:23:44] Conclusion and Further ResourcesADDITIONAL RESOURCESLearn more about aligning customer-facing teams to improve execution: and learn more about guests: Marcy Stoudt’s LinkedIn: "Pouli" Pouliopoulus’ LinkedIn: Poss’ LinkedIn: QUOTES[00:21:34] "So we want to impress other people, or we do it for external pleasure to make money, to win a trophy, to, uh, get a promotion, whatever the case might be. And I'm not saying that going after those things is bad. We should go after those things, but our major motivation has got to be the moment to moment gamification and joy of the journey of the process, whatever you want to call it."[00:22:13] “Now we can, we can be in the moment, you know, be here now or be nowhere because the past and the future don't even exist.”
Discovery and Aligning to Your Buyer with Doug May
Discovery and Aligning to Your Buyer with Doug May
In this curated episode of the Revenue Builders Podcast, John McMahon and John Kaplan sit down with Doug May, Senior Vice President of Productivity at Harness, to explore the art of digging deep in discovery and aligning with your buyers. Doug shares invaluable insights from his extensive career, highlighting the importance of thorough pre-meeting research, understanding industry pressures, and developing a compelling viewpoint. This conversation is packed with practical tips for sales professionals looking to enhance their discovery process and effectively align their solutions with the strategic goals of their customers.KEY TAKEAWAYS[00:01:18] Importance of pre-discovery homework: Leveraging public information and industry insights.[00:02:20] Crafting a compelling viewpoint: Demonstrating homework to gain customer trust.[00:03:14] Industry to individual pressure: Building credibility by understanding hierarchical pressures.[00:05:54] Financial condition and competitive position: Factors influencing customer strategy.[00:07:22] Value pyramid framework: Aligning solutions with customer goals and strategies.HIGHLIGHT QUOTES[00:01:18] "The richness of information that a seller can use pre-discovery is so powerful."[00:02:20] "Customers don't really have the time to teach you their business."[00:02:55] "When you do your homework and come in with a compelling viewpoint, even if it's a bit off, you're in the meat of a discussion."[00:03:14] "You earn the right to talk about personal pressure by understanding industry, company, and departmental pressures."[00:05:54] "The trajectory of a business will tell you a lot about that organization and help you find the right people to attach to."[00:08:26] "When you can connect the dots from your product capability to the customer’s strategy, that's when the magic happens."Listen to the full episode with Doug May through this link: out John McMahon’s book here:Amazon Link: out Force Management’s Ascender platform here:
Selling to the Government with Tom Smerczynski
Selling to the Government with Tom Smerczynski
If you’re looking to improve your company’s ability to sell into the government, this Revenue Builder’s episode is for you.  Our guest, Tom Smerczynski has decades of experience in winning government contracts. He’s held numerous senior executive roles, generating billions of dollars in deal flow and corporate value. His expertise lies in developing high-performance organizations within the complex government acquisition and procurement system. As CEO and President of the Talisman Group, founded in 2019, Tom focuses on translating strategy into growth, particularly optimizing sales in the public sector. His broad operating experience, from small businesses to global corporations, equips him with the ability to create scalable business development systems tailored to dynamic government organizations, while his coaching and training skills enable him to guide businesses and leaders to success.In this episode, John McMahon and John Kaplan are joined by Tom Smerczynski, CEO of Talisman Group, to explore the complexities of selling to the government and engaging customers successfully. Tom, a government contracting expert with decades of experience, shares valuable insights on proper discovery, understanding procurement systems, and using contract vehicles effectively. The conversation delves into the significance of gathering and leveraging information, identifying key government roles, and finding the information you need to get ahead of the contracts. Additionally, the hosts provide guidance on building a robust sales pipeline, understanding industry language, and identifying essential players in customer engagement. They emphasize the importance of past performance, value differentiation, and aligning sales teams with specific government contracts and agencies. This episode serves as a comprehensive guide for companies aiming to navigate government sales and advance their sales strategies to win dealsTune in and learn more about this episode of The Revenue Builders Podcast.HERE ARE SOME KEY SECTIONS TO CHECK OUT[00:02:33] Understanding Government Sales[00:04:12] Importance of Information in Government Sales[00:06:39] Navigating Government Contract Vehicles[00:08:50] Strategies for Winning Government Contracts[00:11:36] Role of Prime Contractors and Task Orders[00:13:46] Influencing RFPs and Early Access to Information[00:17:23] Building Effective Sales Teams for Government Contracts[00:28:05] Leveraging Past Performance and Experience[00:38:07] Understanding Government Contract Vehicles[00:38:51] The Importance of Experience and Knowledge[00:39:27] Navigating Government Sales Cycles[00:41:31] Leveraging Information Tools for Government Contracts[00:44:23] Breaking Down Government RFPs: Sections C, L, and M[00:47:10] Building a Compliance Matrix[00:48:31] Effective Government Sales Strategies[00:57:01] Structuring a Government Sales Team[00:59:46] Developing a Roadmap for Government Sales[01:03:17] Engaging with Government CustomersADDITIONAL RESOURCESLearn more about aligning customer-facing teams to improve execution: and learn more about Thomas "Tom" Smerczynski.LinkedIn: tsmerczy@verizon.netHIGHLIGHT QUOTES[00:44:53] On Understanding RFPs: "Every federal procurement is pretty much consistent now. Section C is the scope of work, Section L is the instructions, and Section M is the evaluation criteria."[01:06:01] On Building Roadmaps for Success: "Before you start investing too much money, look at the infrastructure, tools, and technology needed."
Pain and Gain: Aligning Technical Sales
Pain and Gain: Aligning Technical Sales
In this curated episode of the Revenue Builders Podcast, John McMahon and John Kaplan are joined by John Care from Mastering Technical Sales to discuss the crucial role of Sales Engineers (SEs) in the sales process. They explore the dynamics between SEs and Account Executives (AEs), the importance of thorough discovery, and how SEs can leverage both pain and gain to drive successful sales outcomes. Tune in to learn how effective collaboration and a balanced approach to technical sales can transform your sales strategy.KEY TAKEAWAYS[00:00:28] The Role of Sales Engineers in Sales Dynamics: SEs often act as a counterbalance to AEs by slowing down the process to ensure thorough discovery and alignment with customer needs.[00:01:15] Importance of Discovery in Sales: Effective discovery is crucial for understanding customer problems and setting the stage for successful demos and proof of concepts (POCs).[00:02:02] The "Dash to Demo" Pitfall: Rushing to present demos without proper discovery can lead to generalized demonstrations and undefined criteria for success.[00:03:00] Balancing Pain and Gain: While most deals are driven by pain points, understanding and leveraging potential gains can significantly differentiate your sales approach.[00:05:36] The Power of Storytelling in Sales: Using before-and-after stories of other customers can effectively highlight the benefits of a solution and engage prospects emotionally.HIGHLIGHT QUOTES[00:00:57] "The biggest point of friction between sales engineers and account execs is the speed of the transaction, particularly when it relates to discovery."[00:02:09] "One of the most popular workshops that we deliver is called business value discovery, and it's really, we say, you have to paint the target before you can shoot at it."[00:03:23] "Everybody in the world, every sales methodology, says find the pain, solve the pain, you'll get the deal. However, about 20 percent of deals are driven by gain."[00:04:41] "The difference between a good SC and a world-class SC is that they can find the gain and that extra 20 percent of deals that they can put in pipeline to help the AE."[00:07:18] "The best sales conversations include pain and gain. One without the other is not a very successful sales call."Listen to the full episode with John Care through this link: out John McMahon’s book here:Amazon Link: out Force Management’s Ascender platform here:
Rethinking Success and Finding Purpose with Doug Holladay
Rethinking Success and Finding Purpose with Doug Holladay
Special guest Doug Holladay, author of 'Rethinking Success,' returns to the podcast to discuss the illusions of success and the importance of purpose and meaning in life, particularly for leaders.  The discussion covers Doug's career, his work with PathNorth, and how leaders can find balance and fulfillment. They explore key themes from Doug's book, including building rich human connections, redefining personal identity beyond professional achievements, and integrating purpose into life's pursuits. Doug also shares insights on various practices that can help individuals achieve a meaningful and purposeful life.Tune in and learn more about this episode of The Revenue Builders Podcast.HERE ARE SOME KEY SECTIONS TO CHECK OUT[00:02:13] Rethinking Success: The Illusions[00:04:57] The Crisis of Identity and Succes[00:07:35] The Importance of Human Connection[00:09:25] Cultural and Gender Perspectives on Succes[00:13:52] The Power of Presence and Authenticit[00:34:14] Embracing Vulnerability and Authenticity[00:37:17] Lessons from Historical Figure[00:39:49] Humility and Succes[00:43:16] The Importance of Relationships[00:47:51] The Power of Personal Stories[00:56:08] Path North and Finding MeaningADDITIONAL RESOURCES:Watch our first episode with Doug Holladay "Leading Authentically" more about PathNorth: and learn more about Doug Holladay. QUOTES[00:14:11] "Success isolates you. You don't have peers and friends that you can talk to.[00:23:44] "The legacy we invest in unconsciously are the eulogy virtues, not the resume virtues.[00:25:42] "You just want people to sit with you. You don't want them to fix anything. You don't want them to do anything. You just want them to be there."[00:28:16] "The fundamental problem of a person is never learning to be still within four walls
Key Factors that Help a Company Scale
Key Factors that Help a Company Scale
In this curated episode of the Revenue Builders Podcast, John McMahon and John Kaplan dive into a compelling conversation with Neeraj Agrawal, General Partner at Battery Ventures. With nearly 25 years of experience and a track record of backing high-profile B2B software companies, Neeraj shares his insights on what separates successful startups from the rest. He discusses the critical dimensions of market, team, technology, and deal terms, and explores the evolving importance of product quality and sales excellence in the cloud eraKEY TAKEAWAYS[00:01:06] Four key dimensions of investment decisions: market, team, technology, and deal terms.[00:01:54] Importance of market timing and inflection points in determining a startup's success.[00:03:14] Evolution of the role of product quality and sales effectiveness from the client-server era to the cloud era.[00:04:23] The necessity of delivering real value in the cloud era, eliminating the possibility of 'shelfware.'[00:05:26] The need for strong foundational sales processes and discipline to sustain long-term growth.[00:06:46] The role of a large total addressable market (TAM) in covering up early-stage mistakes but not foundational flaws.HIGHLIGHT QUOTES[00:01:14] "At a high level, I think of four key dimensions in making that decision: market, team, technology, and the deal itself."[00:02:13] "You need great marketing, a great team, to come together at the right time."[00:04:23] "Now, in the cloud era, you have to deliver real value. The idea of shelfware no longer exists."[00:05:26] "When you're growing quickly is the best time to ask, what's really not working?"[00:06:46] "A large TAM and the right inflection points can pull you along nicely, but they won't cover foundational mistakes."Listen to the full episode with Neeraj Agrawal through this link: out John McMahon’s book here:Amazon Link: out Force Management’s Ascender platform here:
Behind the Deal: Engaging the Economic Buyer Part II
Behind the Deal: Engaging the Economic Buyer Part II
Carl Froggett and Joe Lynch are back for the second part of their conversation on engaging the Economic Buyer. Before they were colleagues at Deep Instinct, Joe sold to Carl when he was a CIO at Citi.  Carl shares his extensive experience as an economic buyer in tech deals. The conversation is a valuable one for sellers who are trying to engage the economic buyer, particularly in the information security space. Don't miss Part 1 of the Epiosode here: in and learn more about this episode of The Revenue Builders Podcast.HERE ARE SOME KEY SECTIONS TO CHECK OUT[00:00:55] Revisiting Key Sales Insights with Carl Froggett and Joe Lynch[00:01:46] Deep Dive: The Art of Selling to Economic Buyers[00:06:14] Strategies for Effective Sales and Building Value[00:13:21] Navigating Complex Sales Processes and Stakeholder Dynamic[00:16:05] Leveraging Internal and External Champions in Sale[00:28:35] The Critical Role of References and Final Decision Criteria[00:38:32] Understanding the Collective Yes in B2B Sale[00:41:30] Navigating Internal Dynamics and Stakeholder Influence[00:42:35] The Impact of Technology Deployment on Internal Teams[00:43:17] Strategies for Managing Internal Opposition and Building Support[00:43:48] The Importance of End-User Experience in Technology Adoption[00:45:02] Leveraging Partnerships and Advice for Navigating Corporate Politics[00:48:05] Executing a Successful Pilot: Strategies and Outcomes[00:52:51] The Decision-Making Process and Finalizing the Deal[01:08:08] Insights on Product-Led Growth and Enterprise Strategy[01:14:42] RSA Conference Takeaways and the Future of CybersecurityADDITIONAL RESOURCESLearn more about aligning customer-facing teams to improve execution: and learn more about Carl Froggett. and learn more about Joe Lynch. QUOTES[00:46:30] "Nobody thinks about the end user; nobody's thinking about network and identity. So I was able to see how internally, and I leveraged my boss at the time to get there. If you have someone who's not thinking like that, I hate to say it, but you probably need to find somebody different, right?"[00:47:40] "Ultimately, it's about the business, right? We're not buying a Zscaler because it's cool. We're buying it because I've got X, Y, Z from a business strategy to sort out, and you need to add value to that, right? I hate to say it, but maybe you got the wrong person."[00:51:30] "It's not about wasting our time; it's about committing resources to try to solve this problem together. You respect our people, we respect your people and our time. We're not here to waste anyone's time."
Driving Consistency as You Scale with Joe Young
Driving Consistency as You Scale with Joe Young
In this curated episode of the Revenue Builders Podcast, John McMahon and John Kaplan dive into a discussion with Joe Young, the Vice President of Worldwide Commercial Sales at Zscaler. They explore the challenges of maintaining consistency in the sales process across different teams and segments. Joe shares insights into how they align the inside and outside sales processes, ensuring smooth transitions and effective sales execution.KEY TAKEAWAYS[00:00:55] Consistency in Processes: Maintaining consistency in the sales process across different teams and segments is crucial for effective sales execution.[00:02:32] Standardization Across Stages: Standardizing fundamental sales processes across each stage ensures that reps are equipped with necessary skills for smooth transitions and quicker ramps.[00:03:43] Focus on Key Needle Movers: Prioritizing key aspects of the sales process, such as pain identification and champion building, helps reps ramp more quickly into their roles.[00:04:43] Establishing the Three Why's: Understanding the reasons behind a customer's decision to buy—why buy anything, why buy now, and why buy from me—lays the foundation for effective sales engagement.[00:06:33] Mapping the Sales Process: Mapping out the sales process stage by stage helps maintain clarity and alignment, ensuring that reps understand their roles and responsibilities at each stage.HIGHLIGHT QUOTES[00:01:41] "Our job is promoting people... It's recruit and develop the future generation of sales talent and sales leadership at the company."[00:05:09] "Regardless of what the qualification criteria is, you've got to be able to scoop up those three big things."[00:07:55] "If we do the right things in stages 1 through 3, it's a proof of value. We should be delivering a proposal in stage 4 and hopefully closing."Listen to the full episode with Joe Young through this link: out John McMahon’s book here:Amazon Link: out Force Management’s Ascender platform here:
REPLAY: The Navy SEAL Approach to Leadership
REPLAY: The Navy SEAL Approach to Leadership
This episode of the Revenue Builders Podcast, hosted by John McMahon and John Kaplan, is a special replay focusing on leadership and resilience insights from Navy SEAL veterans Mike Hayes and Brent Gleason. Hayes, a former commanding officer of SEAL Team 2 and current SVP and COO of VMware, discusses his book "Never Enough" and the importance of constantly striving for improvement, embracing difficult situations, and fostering a team-oriented mindset. Gleason shares his SEAL experiences and insights from his book "Embrace the Suck," underscoring the significance of persistence, purpose, and passion in overcoming adversity. Both interviews delve into how SEAL training philosophies on embracing challenges, dynamic subordination, and the mental aspect of enduring hardships can be applied to business leadership and personal growth, promoting a narrative of continuous learning and team cohesion.Tune in and learn more about this episode of The Revenue Builders Podcast.HERE ARE SOME KEY SECTIONS TO CHECK OUT[00:00:47] Memorial Day Special: Lessons from Veterans[00:01:07] Mike Hayes: Leadership Lessons from a Navy SEAL[00:02:15] Embracing Challenges and the Concept of 'Never Enough'[00:10:35] The SEAL Mindset: Team, Teammate, Self[00:14:59] Dynamic Subordination and Leadership in SEALs and Business[00:18:51] Brent Gleason: Embracing the Suck for Extraordinary Life[00:20:44] The SEAL Training Experience and Building Resilience[00:24:08] Channeling Pain and Persistence for SuccessADDITIONAL RESOURCESLearn more about aligning customer-facing teams to improve execution: more about Mike Hayes.https://www.thisismikehayes.comLearn more about Brent Gleeson. QUOTES"You're only excellent if you know you're never excellent enough" - Mike: [00:03:52] “Whatever ways we define 'better', I think it has nothing to do with seniority, age, or where we are in our careers. You can be ninety-something years old and still be trying to get better at different things.”"Brent on having a passion for what you're trying to accomplish": [00:28:24] “If you think about any lofty goal we've ever pursued in life whether it's sports, work, charitable organizations, or in relationships, no lofty goal is ever achieved without some stress, pain, and adversity.”
The Right Hire for Customer Success with Dan Barrett
The Right Hire for Customer Success with Dan Barrett
In this curated episode of the Revenue Builders Podcast, John McMahon and John Kaplan are joined by Dan Barrett, Executive Vice President of Customers at MongoDB. Dan shares his journey of evolving MongoDB’s customer success strategy from a reactive to a proactive approach. He discusses the importance of hiring the right profiles, implementing disciplined processes, and understanding the nuanced root causes of customer churn. This conversation is a must-listen for anyone involved in customer success or looking to enhance their customer-centric strategies.KEY TAKEAWAYS[00:00:36] Transition from Reactive to Proactive Customer Success[00:01:01] Implementing a Disciplined Process to Identify and Address Risks[00:02:30] Balancing Skill and Will in Hiring and Developing Customer Success Teams[00:04:47] Key Attributes for Successful Customer Success Managers (CSMs)[00:06:21] Common Pitfalls in Customer Success Leadership[00:08:24] The Complexity of Understanding and Addressing Customer Churn[00:09:46] The Importance of Truly Listening to the Voice of the CustomerHIGHLIGHT QUOTES[00:01:54] "The earlier you engage with the customer, the better chance you have of fixing their problems and getting them happy."[00:02:54] "Part of it was a skill thing, but part of it was also a will thing. Do people actually want to be doing that kind of job?"[00:05:34] "The biggest strength of a great CSM is that they just want to go above and beyond for their customers."[00:07:31] "Customer success is not a silver bullet to a product that doesn’t work or doesn’t have product-market fit."[00:08:43] "Most churn situations are much more complicated and nuanced than a single subcategory."[00:10:33] "There is no substitute for actually talking to customers and understanding what really went wrong."Listen to the full episode with Dan Barrett through this link: out John McMahon’s book here:Amazon Link: out Force Management’s Ascender platform here: