Feb 4 2021
Veterans and Anger - A not so uncommon combo
Anger, irritation, frustration and impatience suck the life, vitality, and potential out of people. Many don’t realize just how much their thoughts, emotions, words and actions are intertwined with passive or active forms of anger. They may unknowingly parade around their whole day peppering people and situations with this angsty, less-than mentality.
Today we rip off the band-aid and get to the bottom of this mess of half-asssery. We discuss what’s going on underneath the surface of anger and it’s many forms (especially the passive forms), why and how those tendencies are created and what to do about it so you can strive towards greater mastery and excellence. Basically, to cut the crap and be a better human.
Ultimately, so you can stop defaulting into passive or active anger modes, take back your power, Gain Greater Freedom, and Live on Purpose.