Joseph Z Podcast

Joseph Z

Author, Broadcaster, Prophetic Voice read less
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“We are the body of Christ, enforcing God’s will here on earth, as it is in heaven”. In today’s prophetic broadcast, Joseph Z reveals what to expect from 2025 to 2028, exposing the enemy's demonic agenda while outlining God's place in this chaos. He teaches that when sin abounds, it manifests the same scenario by which Jezebel ruled the nation. She celebrated immorality, bringing about the destruction of all things godly, attacking and murdering the prophets and everything that stands against her. He further explains that when sin reigns to that level, it attracts a manifestation of God’s spirit, bringing a voice and anointing that manifests the spirit of Elijah, shaking the institutions that run the land.  Learn more about Z Ministries by following the link below:  Next, we will come to learn that WEF is paying to destroy speaking in tongues and giving in the body of Christ. He cites the Book of Romans 13:1-3 to inform us that the authorities that exist are appointed by God; therefore, whoever resists the authority, resists the ordinance of God and would bring the judgment of God upon themselves. However, he makes us understand that when rulers become a work unto evil like Lucifer, they should be cast down. He then insists that our role is to obey the constitution of our nation and hold our leaders accountable when they are not living up to their responsibilities.  Additionally, he enlightens us about the sovereignty of God, disclosing that God has chosen to limit Himself so that he can work through His people, for we’re reminded by his word that “As He is, so are we in this world”.  Again, he explains that things will not return to normal until the Church stands up. He also discloses that when solar flares begin to make news more than before, the evil ones are getting ready to break the grid. He then shares the year’s prophetic timeline, explaining what to expect in the coming quarter and the years to come. He further urges us not to forsake our mercy by regarding worthless idols. Timestamps: 0:00 Introduction 01:35 Ahab & Elijah: A Battle of Light & Darkness 08:44 WEF: Paying to Destroy Speaking in Tongues? 11:34 Romans 13:1-3 16:23 Understanding the Sovereignty of God 26:55 Solar Flares and Power Grid 28:06 The Year’s Prophetic Timeline 29:45 A Red October & Dark November 30:54 The Storm: 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027 & 2028 34:40 Conclusion September 05, 2024
2d ago
“The threat has been nullified, we took care of it and now, it’s over for this season” In today’s prophetic live broadcast, Joseph Z shares a revelation concerning worldwide collision, fall time illusion, and burning oil platforms. He shares his vision of an elite party, where he saw the culture pushing back against the plans of the elite, causing the wicked force to try to stop the culture; however, an individual who wields great power on the globe intervened saying, “The threat has been nullified, we took care of it and now, it’s over for this season”. He believes this vision is a prophetic message from the Lord while revealing three global powers behind the veil: “We, the people, the players we see, and the players we do not see.  Learn more about Z Ministries by following the link below:  Similarly, Joseph shares the prophetic message he received from the Lord about the sign of Washington, unbeknownst to him, there was a piece of news about discovered ancient bottles of cherry wines at Washington’s estate which were perfectly preserved for over three hundred years. At this point, he received a message from the Lord saying, “I have preserved his legacy till today, I have saved the best wine for last”. On the heels of this, he insists that the Lord is preserving the best wine for last, for there is one more round and God will make a way for us and our various households.  Joseph further reveals that exposure is coming while alerting us about an international dread involving weapons, and tactical nukes. He also alerts us about major events coming in the fall; however, he believes several things will not be what they seem as we proceed. He further reveals we will see oil burning at seas or fields because oil will be under attack while exposing what to expect on the political and economic fronts, depending on who gets into office in the next election. He then warns about a worldwide collision while urging us not to be afraid because the Lord will make a way, and the Lord’s goodness will manifest in the middle of this present, evil age.  Timestamps: 0:00 Introduction 05:12 Joseph’s Vision of an Elite Party 06:34 Three Global Powers Behind the Veil 07:30 The Sign of Washington 10:35 Exposure & International Dread 13:39 Major Events in the Fall 15:38 A Burning of Oil & US Political Future 20:35 Worldwide Collision 24:15 Do Not Give Up Hope 24:30 Conclusion September 04, 2024
What Is the Church's Role in the Last Days? | Prophecy Live
3d ago
What Is the Church's Role in the Last Days? | Prophecy Live
How long will you falter between two decisions? “We played the flute for you and you did not dance, we sang for you, but you did not mourn”.  Joseph Z discloses the Church’s role in these last days, in today’s prophetic broadcast. He brings us a prophetic message from the Lord, revealing that there will be an introduction of chaos that will destroy the powers of evil and a redemptive instability that will rise to confront the Antichrist spirit in this land. He also discloses that an awakening will come, urging us to watch the clouds for chaos, difficulty, and challenges, which will be induced but will be used by the Lord to rightsize the nation.   Learn more about Z Ministries by following the link below:  Similarly, Joseph recalls his vision where God summoned him saying, “Come Up Higher”, marking the beginning of the greater things achieved in his prophetic ministry recently. Interestingly, he makes us realize that when we begin to have a revelation of Jesus’s love for us, just like John the Revelator did, it moves us closer to the Lord.  He then urges us to get ready for war spiritually and physically, for there’ll come another instability on earth while assuring us that we will surely win if we, the church, rise to the occasion.  Timestamps: 0:00 Introduction 01:17 Induced Chaos 02:00 Justice is Coming 06:49 Come Up Higher! 12:47 Why John the Revelator Outlived Them All 24:53 Another Instability? 27:14 Conclusion September 03, 2024
4d ago
“You will outrun your enemies, even in the rain, for God is with you and He has not forgotten the prayers of His children”. Today’s prophetic broadcast is revealing; Joseph Z brings our attention to bizarre events in our space while exposing the nefarious activities of the evil ones and what to expect in the coming year. We see a clip detailing the nefarious activity of Gates, involving the release of lethal mosquitoes into the atmosphere. Also, a news article by Fox News confirms the death of a New Hampshire resident suspected to have died from the infection inflicted by this dangerous mosquito. Recall that Joseph had shared with us in his past broadcast, a clip showing the world’s biggest mosquito farm owned by Bill Gates; and today, we’re plagued with a lethal mosquito-borne virus.  Learn more about Z Ministries by following the link below:  Next, we see a creepy statue in New Orleans of a monkey covered in monkey-pox. Interestingly, there’s an outbreak of a disease named Mpox ravaging some parts of Africa with the same symptoms as shown in the status recently spotted of a monkey covered in monkey-pox in New Orleans. However, he assures us that a reckoning is coming against darkness, for the Lord God will make a way, and take us through the Red Sea. He also informs us that these scenarios with the mosquitoes and Mpox are a mechanism of control while disclosing that the year 2025 will be the best and the worst of times. He further reveals that the Roe vs Wade case will be revisited, but life will rise to overcome the spirit of lawlessness.  Similarly, Joseph informs us that the Balm of Gilead will flow in this time, coming as a do-over to impede the wicked activities meted out to the world. He insists that 2025 will be a year of fire, urging us to pray that rain will fall on the just and unjust alike. Once more, he reveals that a new movement is on its way, and will pioneer a New America while exposing how climate lockdowns will be the next agenda if the scenarios with the mosquitoes and Mpox fail. He further insists there will be a movement of united voices, urging us not to be afraid because the spirit of the Lord is making a way for us all.  Furthermore, he discloses that every other thing that follows all that has been outlined above will be economic, but will be reliant on who gets into the seat of power. In addition, Allison urges us to get closer to God by reading His words until it starts speaking back to us. She assures us that we’re not too far gone to be redeemed by God, thus, we must open ourselves up to the spirit of God and accept our Lord Jesus, who is ever ready to welcome us back to His embrace.  Timestamps: 0:00 Introduction 01:00 Lethal Mosquito Released in the Atmosphere? 05:47 EEEV Infection: A Lethal Mosquito-borne Virus? 08:21 World Biggest Mosquito Factory? 10:29 Gates & his Bizarre Agenda 18:19 2025: Best of Times & Worst of Times 20:09 The Balm of Gilead: What You Need to Know 22:30 A Coming New Movement/A New Party 24:54 Climate Lockdowns: What You Need to Know 30:34 Economic Prosthesis 33:34 Prayer: Conclusion September 02, 2024
Red Church!
5d ago
Red Church!
In Red Church today, Ryan teaches about entering into God’s rest, especially in these times of difficulty. Entering into God’s rest is stepping into a place where we know it’s all done in Christ, and we do this by renewing our mind in God’s word consistently, thereby moving in the power of God no matter where we are in life. He leads us to the Book of Hebrews 4:1 to elaborate on the need to enter into God’s rest, and to be careful that none of us is found to have fallen short of it. He also explains that entering into God’s rest demands that we mix the word of God with our faith for us to get the results.  Learn more about Z Ministries by following the link below:  Similarly, Ryan makes us understand that the word of God is not complete until it’s alive and working through us. That is to say, we do not have to strife but rest assured, everything we need is already made available to us in Christ Jesus. He enlightens us further, teaching that entering God’s rest requires taking God’s word, mixing it with our faith, and allowing it to do the impossible in the natural and the supernatural.  Again, he references God’s word from the Book of John 14:27 to remind us of God’s promise of peace unto us all while urging us to let not our hearts be troubled. Interestingly, he brings our attention to the Hebrew meaning of Shalom(peace): "To destroy the authority attached to chaos”. He urges us to enter into God’s rest to be free from the shackles of the enemy and be conquerors in the battles of this life.  Timestamps: 0:00 Introduction 05:00 Entering into God’s Rest: Meaning 10:01 Stepping into Faith or Fear 14:45 Do Not Harden Your Hearts at God’s Word 16:25 The Soul & the Spirit 19:02 Hebrews 4:1 20:58 John 14:27: Let Not Your Heart be troubled 25:47 Shalom: Meaning 31:02 Conclusion September 01, 2024
No Limits w Special Guests!
5d ago
No Limits w Special Guests!
“Unseat the unrighteous so that the righteous can be seated”. On today's No Limits Q&A broadcast, Joseph Z features special guests, Pastor Mark Cowart, and Pastor Calvin. They bring our attention to their forthcoming conference themed “Equipping for the Days Ahead”, geared towards prayer, prophecy & spiritual warfare. Pastor Calvin points out that the devil will certainly take authority over our land if we fail to do so. On the other hand, Pastor Mark assures us that we have an opportunity to turn things around, citing the Book of II Chronicles 7:14 to remind us of the Lord’s words, “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land”.  Learn more about Z Ministries by following the link below:  Similarly, Joseph observes that both God and the devil are territorial, and if we don't step into a place of territory, we grant the devil permission to do so. Thus, the church must get into the government and in the high places of this nation to secure territories for God because the devil will take whatever territories we don’t occupy. Pastor Calvin lends his voice to this, asserting that we must unseat the unrighteous so that the righteous can be seated, through prayer and intercession. Again, on the concern about national repentance, Pastor Mark explains that when purpose is not understood, abuse is inevitable; hence, we must first understand what national repentance entails and work toward achieving it. We may not have known our purpose as a nation, but we’re called to be the city set on a hill owing to our Abrahamic covenant.  Furthermore, Pastor Mark observes that there’s an unprecedented opportunity that the adversaries are providing for us, and if we put our focus on the Lord, it will take us higher than anything we’ve ever hoped for; we’re guaranteed victory if we do what the Lord says. Next, Joseph references the Book of Matthew 24:20 to instruct that prayer can avert the enemy’s plan. Also, Pastor Calvin echoes his support, reminding us that if we ask and seek the Lord, we will find Him. We’re also enlightened more on this, as Pastor Mark observes that whatever we bind on earth is bound in heaven, and so is whatever we allow here on earth. Once more, he elaborates that prayer is an earthly license for heavenly interference; that is to say, we’re responsible for how our future turns out. In addition, Pastor Calvin opines that it’s not how much of the knowledge of God we have, but about truly opening our hearts to God’s spirit to help pastor our hearts,  that we can pray effectively.   Timestamps: 0:00 Introduction 04:37 Equipping Conference 2024 12:19 Opportunity for a Turn: II Chronicles 7:14  16:22 Taking Authority through Prayer 20:53 A Call for National Repentance 26:23 Time of Danger & Unprecedented Opportunity 29:13 Matthew 24:20  33:47 Cooperating with God’s Spirit 44:33 Invite God’s Spirit for Effective Prayer 47:48 Prayer: Conclusion August 31, 2024
1w ago
In today’s prophetic live update, Joseph Z brings our attention to the recent happenings in the culture, exposing signs and prophecies revealing what is coming next. He alerts us about a recently published article revealing the apprehension of the “Telegram” CEO while disclosing Mark Zuckerberg’s recent apology to the public for censoring most COVID-19 content during the pandemic, attributing this to governmental influence while regretting not pushing back enough to curb this. However, he promises not to be a tool this time in the hands of the government during the upcoming US presidential election. Joseph observes that these developments are good, urging us to continue to pray to turn things around for our good.  Learn more about Z Ministries by following the link below:  Recall that Joseph had earlier prophesied in his past broadcasts on December 29, 2022, and December 16, 2021, where he revealed that certain social media platforms would experience lots of pressure while informing us that this would birth a freedom tech that would offend institutions. He also discloses that Trump and Elon will be associated with this freedom tech, as he revisits his past prophecy on March 14, 2024. He further alerts us about days of fire ahead no matter the outcome in November because we’re headed into a time of monumental collision, and a great challenge that will be a great price for the future generation. Again, he insists that 2025 will be a year of fire, informing us that fire purifies, and the coming fire in 2025 may be purifying, illuminating, or smoldering.  Joseph further reveals that the turmoil ahead may also be encompassed by war, unrest, and currency issues but he believes these scenarios will be a “redemptive instability”. Once more, he reveals there will be a mass deportation of people and an imminent domain while exposing that oil will be an answer to the nation’s economic woes. Also, he alerts us about the panic in darkness at the moment; but reassuring us that the spirit of God will grant us victory if we persist in prayer and intercession. He then insists that the Lord is empowering us to drive through these difficult times because we’ve been granted one more round of opportunity to push forward. He then prays against every assignment that will try to exalt itself against the knowledge of God, while binding every assault against the righteous.  Timestamps: 0:00 Introduction 02:37 Social Media Censorship: Mark Zuckerberg’s Regret 05:24 Is Mark Zuckerberg Rooting for Trump? 06:57 Joseph’s Past Prophecies on Freedom Tech 15:53 The Downtime & a New America 18:59 Mass Deportation & Imminent Domain 21:40 2025: The Ultimate Turn of the Tide 22:02 Panic in Darkness? 29:27 God’s Empowerment & One More Round 31:00 Prayer: Conclusion August 30, 2024
“The Church is the restraining force against the wicked plans of the enemy”. On today’s prophetic broadcast, Joseph Z is in the studio with special guest, Pastor Todd Coconato. Pastor Todd shares the prophetic message he received from the Lord, disclosing that a window of opportunity is available until November. He brings our attention to major past leaders of the US and some other countries whose lives were cut short because the body of Christ was not awakened then, and as such were not interceding for the nation as they should have. He makes us understand that God is always looking for people to trust Him, for He lays out a pathway to revive restoration by making it clear in His words, “If my people who are called by my name would humble themselves and seek my face, I will answer them”. Thus if we turn from our evil ways, and seek the Lord’s face for the salvation of our land, God will look with pity upon us and turn things around.  Learn more about Z Ministries by following the link below:  Next, Pastor Todd points out that the Church is becoming more aware of its role in this present dispensation, hence, the failed attempt at the assassination of the former president of the US is owed to the Church’s prayers and intercession. Interestingly, he reveals the significance of the number 60 in Jewish tradition, connecting the dots to indicate events in our political dispensation that have thus aligned with this symbolic number and what it represents. Again, he discloses that we have a unique opportunity to see the plan of restoration, regeneration, and repentance, happen in this generation. As well as a nullification of the enemy’s plans while having more time for their wicked plans to be thwarted, and time for the warrior-class church to rise.   Furthermore, he informs us that these difficult times are a warning to us, as a people, to repent, and retrace our steps back to who we used to be, as a people. He reminds us that every one of us is created at this time for a reason, and we must stand to embrace our role because we’re made for this time. On the other hand, Joseph makes us understand that God may be sovereign, but He needs our cooperation because our calling as the body of Christ is a commission and not a mission.  Timestamps: 0:00 Introduction 03:12 Nullification, Restoration, or Captivity? 06:26 God Needs You to Trust Him 08:58 The Number 60 in Jewish Law: Prophetic Message 12:19 The Church: The Restraining Force Against the Enemy 17:16 A Call for National Repentance 19:36 You’re Made for This Time 23:48 God Needs Your Cooperation 31:47 Prayer: Conclusion August 29, 2024
In today’s prophetic live broadcast, Joseph Z reveals what to expect in the coming years while alerting us about a rise in freedom tech. He brings our attention to a recently published article revealing the apprehension of the Telegram CEO. We will also learn that Mark Zuckerberg has recently apologized to the public for censoring most COVID-19 content during the pandemic, attributing this to governmental influence while regretting not pushing back enough to curb this. However, he promises not to be a tool this time in the hands of the government during the upcoming US presidential election.  Learn more about Z Ministries by following the link below:  Recall that Joseph had earlier prophesied in his past broadcasts on December 29, 2022, and December 16, 2021, where he revealed that certain social media platforms would experience lots of pressure while informing us that this would birth a freedom tech that would offend institutions. Also, he revisits his past prophecy on March 14, 2024, where he revealed that Elon Musk would be involved in politics, owing to a veil now being lifted. He further alerts us about days of fire ahead no matter the outcome in November because we’re headed into a time of monumental collision, and a great challenge that will be a great price for the future generation.  Furthermore, Joseph insists that 2025 will be a year of fire, informing us that fire purifies, and the coming fire in 2025 may be purifying, illuminating, or smoldering. This year may also be encompassed by war, unrest, and currency issues but he believes these scenarios will be a redemptive instability. He further reveals there will be a mass deportation of people and an imminent domain while exposing that oil will be an answer to the nation’s economic woes. Regardless, Allison assures us that we’re built for these times, praying that the strength of the Lord will come upon us to overcome the days ahead. Timestamps: 0:00 Introduction 05:09 Freedom Tech: Telegram CEO Apprehended? 07:44 Govt. Influence on Social Media: Zuckerberg & Covid 19 12:05 Joseph’s Past Prophecies on Freedom Tech 19:36 Elon Musk & Politics 23:17 Days of Fire Ahead 24:00 The Downtime & A Year of Fire 29:50 2025: A Year of Fire & Turn of the Tide 31:53 You’re Built for This Time 34:46 Conclusion August 28, 2024
Prophetic Insights! Joseph Z w Rebecca Weiss on DayStar | Prophecy Live
Prophetic Insights! Joseph Z w Rebecca Weiss on DayStar | Prophecy Live
On today’s prophetic broadcast, Joseph Z shares his interview at DayStar Media where he revealed his early days in the prophetic world and the point he realized he had a prophetic calling. We will come to learn about the inspiring childhood experience that birthed the great prophetic voice we’re privileged to learn from today.  Learn more about Z Ministries by following the link below:  Similarly, Joseph instructs that prophetic people who are not baptized in the written word of God are destined for error because God’s word is not in them to legitimize their experience. Interestingly, he discloses his first encounter with God at a Christian gathering at the young age of thirteen, where he witnessed powerful miracles that led to his decision to follow Christ, marking the beginning of his persecution as a follower of Christ.  Furthermore, he narrates how he went to his family cemetery to denounce the relationship he may have had with ungodliness, declaring that he and his household will serve the Lord. More interestingly, he makes us understand that gifting comes with lots of discipline, hard work, and serving-hood; as this makes one realize one’s purpose easily. Once more, he enlightens us about the only way to hear from God; by reading the word consistently and praying in the holy spirit.  Timestamps: 0:00 Introduction 01:34 Joseph’s Early Years Experience 04:19 Joseph’s Childhood Encounters 09:47 Joseph’s First Encounter with God 12:53 The Cemetry Experience 13:53 The Encounter with a Witch 22:51 How to Hear from God 25:57 Conclusion August 26, 2024
RED Church—Special Guest Message from Pastor Ryan Edberg!
RED Church—Special Guest Message from Pastor Ryan Edberg!
“You’ll never truly walk free until you’re convinced of your righteousness in Christ Jesus”. On the Red Church broadcast today, Ryan teaches about going from believing to receiving and how to receive victory in our lives. He observes how the Church has deviated from what God has called us to do; citing the Book of John 14:6 to elaborate that the focus has always been rekindling our relationship with the Father. He makes us understand that our Christian faith struggles when we try to be good Christians instead of assuming our roles as sons and daughters of God owing to Christ’s sacrifice on the cross.  Learn more about Z Ministries by following the link below:  Next, Ryan references the Book of Romans 8:1-9 to explain the importance of walking in the spirit, for those who walk in the flesh can not please God. However, we’re also made to understand that once we’re born again in Christ, we don’t walk in the flesh anymore but in the spirit; for anyone who does not have the spirit of God in him is not Christ’s. Interestingly, this scripture assures us that there’s no condemnation for all those in Christ Jesus, thus, when we focus on Christ in every situation, we become winners in Christ. Furthermore, he enlightens us about giving, clarifying that it springs from the love of God in our hearts and not from what we look to gain in giving. It also shows how much we trust God for our well-being because we’re assured that he will supply our needs according to His riches in glory. Also, he encourages us to enjoy the salvation that God has obtained for us in Christ and not look to the second coming of Christ to make our lives better; urging us to spend time with Christ to enjoy the benefits of His presence. Once again, he cites the Book of John 16:5-11 to reveal the basis for which one could be judged, a lack of belief in Christ.    Timestamps: 0:00 Introduction 03:38 John 14:6 05:13 Being a Son and a Daughter in Christ 12:07 Romans 8:1-9: Life in Christ Jesus 18:30 Giving: The Place of Law & Sonship 21:50 Renew Your Mind in God’s Word 25:03 John 16:5-11: Grounds on which You Can Be Judged 29:42 Achieving Victory in Christ 34:39 Conclusion August 25, 2024
“The greater the test, the greater the victory; the longer the test, the longer the season of victory”. In today’s No Limits Q&A session, you’ll learn how to unravel yourself from hell’s economy as the Zs share insights into how they overcame theirs. Joseph shares the word that resonates with him from the Scripture, in the Book of II Thessalonians 3:1, and how it strengthened him to adjust to God's calling. Also, Heather shares how they decided to change their financial situation by giving all they had, which later opened more financial doors and broke them free from poverty.  Learn more about Z Ministries by following the link below:  Similarly, Heather makes us understand that giving is a matter of the heart, and it’s not about how much we give but what the amount means to us. She also points out the way to make God rich, which is by bringing back His lost sons and daughters to Him. However, Joseph shares his childhood experience, the many persecutions he received because of God’s calling on his life, and how God came through for him at the end of it all. He references the Book of Mark 10:23-30 to remind us that with God all things are possible, but we must do the difficult for God to do the impossible in our lives.  Joseph further elaborates on the reward preserved for all those who give up all they have for God’s sake. Also, he points out that our breakthrough in life comes from giving up the things we’re holding onto in life, trusting that God will take care of us in every way necessary. Again, Heather clarifies that we must place a draw on our covenant with Jesus whenever we sow a seed, that is to say, we must fuel our faith by declaring our trust in God’s word to repay in the same measure or more, what we have sown.   Timestamps: 0:00 Introduction 10:02 II Thessalonians 3:1 13:30 How to Breakout of Hell’s Economy 27:01 The Mystery in Giving 37:19 How to Make God Rich 39:28 Joseph’s Inspiring Childhood Experience 41:55 Mark 10:23-30: Giving Up to Go Up 1:06:07 Conclusion August 24, 2024
In today’s prophetic broadcast, Joseph Z brings our attention to the recent happenings in the US political arena while alerting us about recent developments with artificial intelligence. We see a news article disclosing that Robert Kennedy Junior will drop out of the presidential race to support Trump. Recall that Joseph revealed on his live broadcasts of July 3, 2023, and August 1, 2023, that RFK Junior is a wild card and a disruptor and will play a major role in turning things around in the political circle. Also, he recalls his past prophecies of December 16, 2021, and March 9, 2022, where he revealed that freedom tech would become mainstream and that God would use Elon Musk to pioneer this.   Learn more about Z Ministries by following the link below:  Next, Joseph leads us back to his prophecy on June 7, 2024, about a shot heard worldwide that will mark the beginning of a great instability that he believes will be redemptive. Interestingly, we see more of Joseph’s past prophecies particularly the ones aired on August 18, 2022, and August 23, 2022, where he exposed the unholy assassination attempt that would be made on the life of Trump, which will be blamed on Iran; alongside a prophetic message about a shepherd being struck in hopes that his flock would scatter, but would not be so. He further reveals that the US will go through a time of darkness leading to a new, different America. However, he believes we’re drawing near the valley of decision because God is granting us a do-over year where the church is expected to play a vital role.  Joseph again, points out that if we’re persecuted for the gospel, we can turn the other cheek; however, when our country is persecuted or the evil ones seek to destroy our family or children, we’ve got a responsibility to stand up to defend them. More interestingly, he reveals what to expect in the coming years, disclosing that weather, solar flares, AI, and paranormal activities will become mainstream. He insists there’s a plan underway to usher in the man of sin. Interestingly, a recent article shows that Artificial Intelligence is becoming more conscious, as a program recently became too aware and tried to resist being shut down.  Additionally, we see a shocking point of view from Noah Harari who recently disclosed the real definition of artificial intelligence, revealing that nothing is “artificial” in the intelligence of AI, as it is Allien intelligence and a different form of creativity. He then revisits his January 29, 2024, broadcast, where he interviews L. A Marzulli about the shroud of Turin while informing us of God’s message that His son our Lord Jesus is coming to save the day.  Here are the videos: July 3, 2023    • CLOSING PORTALS OF EVIL! Ocean Warfar...    August 1, 2023  January 29, 2024  June 7, 2024  Timestamps: 0:00 Introduction 01:50 Joseph’s Past Prophecy on RFK Junior 07:58 Trump, Elon Musk & Freedom Tech 11:06 The Shot Heard Around the World 13:11 Joseph’s Past Prophecy on Trump’s Assassination 14:50 The Struck Shepherd 16:22 A Time of Darkness 25:13 AI Becoming More Conscious?  29:04 AI Consciousness: Yuval Noah Harari’s POV 33:15 The Shroud of Turin 46:46 Come Up Higher: Redemptive Instability 51:02 Conclusion August 23, 2024
Today, Joseph Z exposes major prophetic signs that indicate God’s intention to save America. He informs us that we’re already positioned for victory, we only need to rise to meet it because God promises us a turn of the tide. We see a news article disclosing that Robert Kennedy Junior will be dropping out of the presidential race to support Trump. Recall that Joseph revealed on his live broadcasts of July 3, 2023, and August 1, 2023, that RFK Junior is a wild card and a disruptor and will play a major role in turning things around in the political circle. Also, he recalls his past prophecies of December 16, 2021, and March 9, 2022, where he revealed that freedom tech would become mainstream and that God would use Elon Musk to pioneer this.  Learn more about Z Ministries by following the link below:  Next, Joseph recalls his past broadcast on March 9, 2024, alluding to the miraculous fog that protected George Washington during his last voyage. It was a fog that could have been viewed as an obstacle but it turned out to be God’s divine protection over his chosen one. We will also learn that some archaeological bottles from centuries ago were discovered at George Washington’s Mount Vernon Estate in Virginia, which Joseph believes to be a prophetic message from God assuring us of preservation for the United States of America. Again, we see the UFC 302 comeback attack, which he also believes to be a prophetic word depicting “The attack turning into a comeback”.  Furthermore, he recalls his prophecy on June 7, 2024, about a shot heard around the world which will mark the beginning of a great instability that he believes will be redemptive. Interestingly, we see more of Joseph’s past prophecies particularly the ones aired on August 18, 2024, and August 23, 2022, where he exposed the unholy assassination attempt that would be made on the life of Trump, which will be blamed on Iran; alongside a prophetic message about a shepherd being struck in hopes that his flock would scatter, but would not be so. More interestingly, we see a revisit to his January 29, 2024, broadcast, where he interviews L. A Marzulli about the shroud of Turin while informing us of God’s message that His son our Lord Jesus is coming to save the day.  Timestamps: 0:00 Introduction 06:09 The Turn of the Tide 08:04 Robert Kennedy Junior: Dropping Out? 09:55 Joseph’s Past Prophecy on RFK Junior 16:03 Freedom Tech: What You Need to Know 20:46 George Washington & the Miraculous Fog 29:36 The UFC 302 Comeback Attack: Prophetic Message 35:36 A Shot Heard Around the World: The Struck Shepherd 44:20 The Shroud of Turin 57:19 Redemptive Instability 57:48 Conclusion  August 22, 2024
BLACK SWANS Following the VALLEY OF DECISION!! | Prophecy Live
BLACK SWANS Following the VALLEY OF DECISION!! | Prophecy Live
On the prophetic live broadcast today, Joseph Z shares his Trump Tower vision while exposing some major steps in artificial intelligence. He recalls his Trump Tower vision where God revealed to him that this year would be a do-over year while assuring him that America will not go down but is now given another opportunity to see God’s goodness in the land of the living. Ryan opines that as Christians, we should not be complacent about what’s going on in the culture, but rather rise to the occasion to put darkness in its place.  Learn more about Z Ministries by following the link below:  Next, Joseph insists that the US will go through a time of darkness leading to a new, different America. However, he believes we’re now in a valley of decision because God is granting us a do-over year while revealing that this coming season will be ladened with an unprecedented loss of life for a few significant characters. Interestingly, he points out that if we’re persecuted for the gospel, we can turn the other cheek; however, when our country is persecuted or the evil ones seek to destroy our family or children, we’ve got a responsibility to stand up to defend them. More interestingly, he reveals what to expect in the coming years, disclosing that weather, solar flares, AI, and paranormal activities will become mainstream.  Joseph further reveals that a vortex of deception will be created to usher in a narrative that will take our attention from fighting for issues that require our attention, to irrelevant ones. He insists there’s a plan underway to usher in the man of sin. Again, we see in a recent article that Artificial Intelligence is becoming more conscious, as a program recently became too aware and tried to resist being shut down. Once again, we see a shocking point of view from Noah Harari who recently disclosed the real definition of artificial intelligence, revealing that nothing is “artificial” in the intelligence of AI, as it is Allien intelligence and a different form of creativity.  Furthermore, Joseph references the Book of Revelation 13:14-15 to expose the relationship between AI and the Biblical image of the Beast. He also leads us to the Book of Genesis 47:15 to remind us that when money failed in the land of Egypt and Canaan, the people came to Joseph to demand bread because money had failed. He assures us that God will make a way of survival in the middle of the coming difficult season, for God will release a supernatural anointing that will cause our oil jars not to run out. Allison concludes with a prayer, casting out the spirit of fear while declaring a revelation of God’s love in our lives.  Timestamps: 0:00 Introduction 05:10 Joseph’s Trump Tower Experience 17:00 A Time of Darkness & the New America 17:52 The Valley of Decision 27:55 Prophecy for Coming Years 31:08 AI Becoming More Conscious? 34:43 AI: Alien Intelligence? Yuval Noah Harari’s POV 38:12 Revelation 13:14-15  45:14 Genesis 47:15  49:28 Black Swan Scenarios 54:30 Prayer: Conclusion August 21, 2024