Joseph Z Podcast

Joseph Z

Author, Broadcaster, Prophetic Voice read less
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RED CHURCH | You're Destined to Mature!
5d ago
RED CHURCH | You're Destined to Mature!
“You have the same spirit that raised Christ from the dead, dwelling in you; thus, you’re highly loaded and dangerous to the kingdom of darkness”.  In Red Church Today, Joseph teaches about the fundamentals of knowing God, reminding us that God is not mad at us but poured all His wrath upon His son, Jesus, so that we may enjoy abundant life in Him. He informs us that we can't be Jesus’s disciple without being a disciple of His word because a disciple is a disciplined follower of Jesus and His word. Also, he explains that the word of God and the spirit create maturity in God's knowledge. He references the Book of Ephesians 4:9-11 to remind us that the gifts of Jesus were for the edifying and equipping of the saints.  Learn more about Z Ministries by following the link below:  Next, Joseph makes us understand that we can not become mature believers if we do not have the word of God in us or pray fervently in the spirit. He also leads us to the Book of Psalm 84:5-6, to teach that blessed are those whose strength is in God because God’s word will blow the way open for them despite the situations they find themselves in. Again, he brings to our understanding that, how we deal with people is the benchmark of our maturity, and to achieve this maturity, we must read God’s word consistently until it shapes our behaviors in alignment with God’s plan for our lives.  Joseph further explains maturity as when we love people the way Jesus does but not through the flesh as religion demands. He clarifies that it’s impossible to be Christlike without God’s word because mature people in Jesus spend time in God’s word. He elaborates that when we become mature in God, our presence begins to demand an explanation, demons flee, and people heal; but religion is destructive because it bows us down like a slave. In addition, he informs us that we have the same spirit that raised Christ from death dwelling in us, and He will quicken our mortal flesh; thus, we’re highly loaded and dangerous to the kingdom of darkness.  Timestamps: 0:00 Introduction 03:14 Who is a Disciple of Jesus? 06:21 The Catalyst of Maturity 07:12 What Did Jesus Die For? Ephesians 4:9 10:13 Psalm 84:5-9 21:57 Dangers of Religion Vs Maturity in God 27:27 How to Know Jesus 29:00 Jesus: The Prototype 35:17 Mark 10:29-30:  Conclusion July 21, 2024
6d ago
In this prophetic live broadcast, Joseph Z brings our attention to the recent major tech malfunction that led to the grounding of flights in the US and worldwide. Recall that on March 13, 2024, Joseph revealed that the major signs of the times would be a cyber pandemic, and this recent tech mishap had just confirmed this prophecy. He also revealed that AI would advance to a superintelligence which he believes to be an antichrist agenda. Also, in his past broadcast of March 26, 2024, he warned that there would be several “Decapolis”(multiple events taking place at the same time) and Trojan horse attacks that hold a message urging America to repentance.  Learn more about Z Ministries by following the link below:  Again, on May 27, 2024, Joseph revealed that we’re headed to a terrible day for the righteous, a global crisis pressing upon the landscape, including weather issues. He revisits his broadcast of March 5, 2024, where he revealed that God would release watchmen anointing, like that of the sons of Issachar who knew the signs of the time, what to do about it, and aligned with the right people to accomplish it. He further revealed that the airlines would be met with great shaking and chaos while revealing that religious wars would come more onto the scene alongside ten cities burning at the same time.  Moreover, Joseph reminds us of his past vision of Vegas, where God assured him that “what happened in Vegas will not stay in Vegas”, and unbeknownst to him at that time, a cyber attack was going on in Vegas. Also, on September 21, 2022, and March 20, 2024, he charged us to pray about airlines because of the foreboding sense he had about them regarding notable and monumental crashes. Once more, we see on his past broadcast of March 19, 2024, that he made a revelation regarding satellites, shortages, internet outages, and solar flares.  Additionally, he disclosed in his live broadcast of July 7, 2024, that judgment will begin in God’s house before going to the houses of men while revealing that leaders who never thought would be exposed have been exposed. Again, he revealed that there would be a betrayal around Bill Gates and some of the men around him would turn on him. He then reveals that activities and witnesses in the church will become blind and beg for the word of the Lord.  Timestamps: 0:00 Introduction 02:03 Cyber Pandemic: Joseph’s Past Prophecy 03:15 Decapolis & Trojan Horse Attacks 05:04 Global & Social Crisis: Weather  06:47 Watchmen Anointing: Sons of Issachar 08:51 The Vegas Prophetic Message 11:19 Airline Issues: Joseph’s Past Prophecy 14:26 Satellite & Hacking Issues 18:47 Judgment in God’s House 21:49 Joseph’s Prophecy of Bill Gates 25:02 Conclusion July 20, 2024
Prophetic Update!
6d ago
Prophetic Update!
In today’s prophetic live broadcast, Joseph Z alerts us about the recent happenings in the political circle while sharing some of his past prophecies that have been fulfilled. He recalls his past broadcast of July 16, 2024, where he exposed the political agenda of the enemies of this nation and how willing they are to stage evil against their own, just to have their way. Also, he revisits his past prophecy of July 20, 2022, where he revealed that there would be more images and signs of the Statue of Liberty in the news soon. Interestingly, we see a fulfillment of this prophecy as a recent piece of news reveals that a meteor or what looks like a fireball appeared directly above Lady Liberty.  Recall also that Joseph had earlier prophesied on August 18th, 2022, that an attempt would be made on the life of the former president of the US that would be blamed on Iran. Sadly, we have also seen a fulfillment of that.  Learn more about Z Ministries by following the link below:  Next, Joseph reveals in his past broadcast of December 12, 2023, that if we go into conflict with Iran, the word, “Decapolis”(ten cities burning) will come to manifestation. He exposes that we will begin to see difficulties in cyber and more propaganda related to this field. Also, he revisits his latest interview where he disclosed his vision about a “Paul Revere” anointing coming tremendously while sharing that a shot will be heard worldwide; marking the beginning of the great shaking, creating a redemptive instability that will birth light and life. Again, he recalls his broadcast of June 4, 2024, where he shares his vision of a newspaper headline that reads, “God Saved America”.  Furthermore, Joseph shares his vision of the year’s timeline, particularly in the political arena, urging us to pray against a red October and a dark November while also praying for rain. Once more, he shares that the Lord is rightsizing the prophetic in this season while reminding us of his vision of a time of darkness for the US and of a storm with a shelter in the middle where everyone who ran to it was safe. He assures us further that America has one more round; urging the church to rise like the sons of Issachar, who discerned the signs of the time, knew what to do about it, and were aligned with the right people to accomplish it.  In addition, he further exposes an extension of time that would lead to some candidates running out of time, leading to a release of a plan in the semblance of an incident that will be an attempt to create compassion, thereby flipping the attention over to DNC. He then brings our attention to the attention that would be focused on Chicago, where the individuals involved would be willing to stage evil against their own. He also believes there would be an uncovering to expose evil and redemption of some things in the Soviet Union. He further reassures us that God will make a way amid the economic crisis that will soon hit the scene.  Here are the videos:  December 12, 2023    • PROPHECY—FALSE FLAGS are HERE!!    June 4, 2024  July 16, 2024  Timestamps: 0:00 Introduction 02:18 Joseph’s Past Prophecy on Trump 08:10 Iran & their Infamous Agenda 11:14 The Paul Revere Anointing  14:30 God Saved America: Redemptive Instability 21:00 The Year’s Timeline & US Political Future 28:55 Rightsizing in the Prophetic & The Time of Darkness 33:56 One More Round & Message for the Church 37:15 Time Extension & Counterfeit Mercy 41:49 A Year of Do-Overs 55:23 Conclusion July 19, 2024
Learn about the recent happenings around the Statue of Liberty and the prophetic interpretation of these signs. Joseph Z walks us down God’s warning for the next season while revisiting his previous warnings about the Statue of Liberty. Recall that Joseph had earlier prophesied on one of his broadcasts aired on July 20, 2022, that a sign would be seen soon with the Statue of Liberty, warning that we would see more signs and imageries associated with the Statue of Liberty. Interestingly, in almost two years of this prophecy, we see a piece of News, detailing a Bizarre occurrence believed to be a meteor, rightly above Lady Liberty’s head. Joseph interprets this as a sign, a warning to the US to wake up, and God’s declaration to rescue this nation.  Learn more about Z Ministries by following the link below:  Next, Joseph shares Alan’s 2018 prophecy, which warned that the political world would become so tumultuous that some would concede deceit shockingly while others would become more entrenched in their political ideology and idiocy. Again, he shares his past prophecy of July 17, 2024, where he revealed there would be an extension of time that would lead to some candidates running out of time, leading to a release of a plan in the semblance of an incident that will be an attempt to create compassion, thereby flipping the attention over to DNC. Interestingly, a day after this prophecy, we see what seems to be a fulfillment, as a recently released article reveals that Chuck Schumer is currently being pushed to delay DNC, as concerns persist over Biden’s candidacy.  Furthermore, Ryan points out that there will be confusion in the enemies’ camp and the enemies of this nation will end up destroying themselves, as seen with the Biblical Gideon, where he and his army raised a shout that threw their enemies into confusion which later led to a clear defeat of their enemies, as their enemies tear themselves apart. Also, Ryan observes that it’s ridiculous to have such a threat at the life of the president and nothing is done about it; asserting that justice must be served this time. In conclusion, Allison prays about painful old memories that steal the joy of the Lord from us, declaring God’s strength and angelic assistance over our lives.  Timestamps: 0:00 Introduction 03:45 The Sign on the Statue of Liberty 11:39 Alan’s 2018 Prophecy 13:20 The US Political Future: Prophetic Revelation 20:47 Gideon & His Defeat Against His Enemies 34:25 The Demand for Justice 44:46 Prayer: Conclusion July 18, 2024
“God’s hand is upon you and He will provide for you because He is Jehova Jireh, the great provider” In this live prophetic broadcast, Joseph Z analyzes what to expect in the US political arena in the coming season. He informs us that the spirit has done a significant thing in rescuing the Red, White, and Blue. He reveals that we will go through a time of war, and fire, but it will be a redemptive instability. Moving on, Allison urges us not to be afraid but to take solace in God’s word in Isaiah 41:10 where God cautions that we get rid of fear because He is with us in every situation. Also, Joseph shares his vision about time, revealing that there is a counterfeit extension of time and mercy; therefore an action is being negotiated. He clarifies that this extension of time will be characterized by running out of time on the current president or releasing a plan that will look like an incident, like an attempt to create a compassionate scene to flip the attention to him.  Learn more about Z Ministries by following the link below:  Next, he reminds us that this year is a year of do-overs, a time when we must recognize that the spirit of God wants to make a way where there seems to be none. He reveals seeing towers falling, alongside major attention focused on Chicago, for there will be a desperation to stage evil against their own, for compassion. He insists that an uncovering will expose evil, and there will be a redemption of many things in the Soviet Union nation. He further insists that major changes are coming in UN, NATO, and WHO; alongside a revolt against the WEF. Once more, he discloses there will also be Middle East allies, that will return to the table out of respect. He then leads us to the Book of 1 Chronicles 12:32 to remind us of the sons of Issachar who understood the signs of the times, knew what to do, and were aligned with the right people to accomplish it.  Furthermore, Joseph insists we’re headed toward great days of collision, victory, and economic crisis; however, he assures us that God will make a way for us. On the other hand, Allison points out the significance of their visit to Noah’s Ark, revealing that God has assured His protection over all those who put their trust in Him, just as He protected Noah and His household from the flood. She cites the Scripture from the Book of Isaiah 41:10 to remind us of God’s promise of protection over those who depend on Him. Encouragingly, Joseph concludes with these words from the Lord, “I have heard your prayers, and I will bring you through to the other side, you will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living according to my promise in Psalm 27”. He then assures us that the spirit of God is making a way for us and our households, for the Lord will do something in our day that we wouldn’t have believed if someone had told us.  Timestamps: 0:00 Introduction 11:57 A Time of War & Fire: Redemptive Instability 12:09 Isaiah 41:10: Don’t Be Afraid! 15:11 Time & Counterfeit Mercy 19:47 The Year of Do-Overs 26:15 Major Changes in the UN, NATO, WHO & WEF 27:23 1 Chronicles 12:32: The Sons of Issachar 31:27 Where Are We Headed? 37:50 Noah’s Ark: Prophetic Message 42:11 The Church of Progomom 45:29 I Have Heard Your Prayers: Joseph’s Prophetic Message 52:40 Conclusion July 17, 2024
In today’s prophetic broadcast, Joseph Z cautions against being hard of hearing, thereby, not believing the warning of God’s prophets here on earth. He cites the Book of Luke 16:30-31 to remind us about Abraham’s response to the rich man in hell when he requested that a prophet be sent to earth to warn his family and the rest of the people to repent, lest they end up where he was. Moving on, he shares a clip detailing Troy Brewer's revelation about this year being a year of the Malchus miracle after the unfortunate incident with the former US president. Again, he shares another clip of Brandon Biggs revealing his past vision about the sad incident with the former US president.  Learn more about Z Ministries by following the link below:  Next, Joseph shares Jack Hibbs’ message about Trump’s recent incident, revealing that it’s time to bow the knee while advising him to stop talking about God but to draw closer to God. Again, he shares Chris Reads’ prophecy made in March about this incident, urging us to pray to prevent an assassination attempt he saw for the future. He also shares his live broadcast, revealing that a shot will be heard worldwide, marking the shaking that will come. Again, he recalls his past prophecy of August 23, 2022, where he prophesied that a shepherd would be struck in a bid to disperse the sheep, but it would not be so, rather, it would be a multiplier of people accumulating into a roar; an action that produces life.  Joseph further revisits his live prophetic broadcast of August 18, 2022, where he shares his vision about the attempt that would be made on the life of the former president of America, which will be blamed on another nation. Once more, he recalls his live broadcast of June 4, 2024, where he revealed his vision showing a Newspaper headline that reads “God Saved America”. In addition, he asserts that the enemies’ plans will get more radical, as such, we must be consistent in prayer to seek God’s intervention in the situation at hand.  Timestamps: 0:00 Introduction 04:40 Lazarus & the Rich Man: Luke 16 09:07 Troy Brewer: The Year of the Malchus Miracle 12:17 Brandon Biggs Prophecy 16:19 Jack Hibbs’ Prophetic Message  22:48 Chris Reads Prophetic Message  25:30 The Shot Heard Around the World 26:45 The Struck Shepherd 28:14 Joseph’s Past Prophecy about Trump 30:05 Hank’s Prophetic Message 33:49 God Saved America: Redemptive Instability 48:15 Conclusion July 16, 2024
“I see all, I know all, and I have heard the prayers of my people”. Discover the future of America in today’s prophetic broadcast, as Joseph Z shares his vision about future events that will lead to a new, different America. He informs us about God’s plan to use redemptive instability to answer the prayers of His people; urging us to have no fear but enter these times with joy for there will be a good conclusion at the end. He recalls his past prophecy of August 23, 2022, where he prophesied that a shepherd would be struck in a bid to disperse the sheep, but it would not be so, rather, it would be a multiplier of people accumulating into a roar; an action that produces life.  Learn more about Z Ministries by following the link below:  Next, Joseph revisits his live prophetic broadcast of August 18, 2022, where he shares his vision about the attempt that would be made on the life of the former president of America, which will be blamed on another nation. Again, he recalls his live broadcast of June 4, 2024, where he revealed his vision showing a Newspaper headline that reads “God Saved America”. He also takes us back to his broadcast of July 14, 2024, where he informs us that God will intervene in the affairs of this country, and as Joshua commanded the sun to stand still, the sun will stand still once more for our sake. He further reveals a resurgence of economic standing after a shaking, pushing back the electric agenda, and a potential to return to a gas and oil-based economy.  Joseph further urges us not to fear because we’re not born of fear but of Zion, assuring us that tribes will rise to a movement turning into a roar and the roar will result in more than imagined. He also informs us that God has heard our prayers, but we must not grow fainthearted in this season of darkness for we will outrun our enemy in the rain, and the ray of the sunshine shall return. He exposes that a new form of media will emerge to break the back of institutionalism; alongside an exposure that will bring out the hidden agenda of wicked elites. In addition, he informs us that whatever happens next is in the church’s hands, urging us to cooperate with God to get the work done.  Timestamps: 0:00 Introduction 01:43 The Struck Shepherd 02:33 Joseph’s Past Prophecy on Trump 04:18 God Saved America: Redemptive Instability 08:52 The Attack will Turn to a Comeback 12:04 I have Heard Your Prayers 13:13 A New For of Media & Exposure 14:39 This is not the End! 21:02 The New America: Conclusion July 15, 2024
Today on the prophetic live broadcast, Joseph Z brings our attention to a piece of sad news concerning an attempt of assassination on Trump’s life. This does not come as a surprise, as Joseph had earlier given a prophecy on August 18, 2022, urging us to pray for Trump because he sees a vision where an attempt would be made on his life, and here we are! More surprisingly, Joseph prophesied eight hours before this unfortunate event about a shot that would be heard worldwide.  Learn more about Z Ministries by following the link below:  Also, recall that Joseph prophesied during his teaching on July 7, 2024, that a great shot would be heard worldwide, which will warn us about the beginning of the great shaking, however, we’re assured that redemptive instability is needed to answer our prayers; bringing light and life at the end. Also, in Joseph's past prophecy on August 23, 2022, he warned that the shepherd would be struck in hopes that the sheep would scatter, but it would not be so, rather, it would be a multiplier of people accumulating into a roar; an action that produces life.  Furthermore, Joseph urges us to pray for the nation, for the hour has come to stand up in defense of what’s ours. He insists that we stay in prayer and keep interceding for the right leader to be elected in the coming election. Again, in his broadcast of July 13, 2024, he urges the people not to fear, for the attack shall turn to a comeback, and what was made for evil today, God promises to turn it around for good. Also, he shares his vision of the time of darkness or redemptive instability, a season of time accompanied by a storm that will run from 2024 to 2027. In addition, he shares the year’s prophetic timeline, particularly in the area of America’s political future. He urges us to keep praying against a red October and dark November while also praying for rain.  Timestamps: 0:00 Introduction 01:39 A Shot Heard Around the World 01:41 Joseph’s Past Prophecy about Trump 02:50 The Great Shaking & Redemptive Instability 03:49 The Struck Shepherd 13:55 America: Do Not Fear! 16:14 The Downtime & Great Storm  17:47 The Prophetic Timeline: Political Events 21:10 The New America: Conclusion July 14, 2024
“Don’t let something good rob you of something great”. Jesus is the goal! Today on the No Limit Q&A session, we witness tremendous testimonies about God’s miracles in the lives of His people through his servant, Joseph Z. Joseph responds to concerns surrounding the future of America, end-time events, the UFO, and Nephilim. He informs us that he sees hope for America, although we will go through some challenges, we will come out on the other side because God is with us. Also, he reveals there’s a “Paul Revere” anointing, coming soon in the culture; a form of anointing, to declare, decree, and be heard through media. He insists that this anointing will be strong, and it will be difficult to hinder those under it from accomplishing their God-assigned goals.  Learn more about Z Ministries by following the link below:  Next, Joseph addresses issues concerning the end-time events, revealing that many extraterrestrial things manifest in the physical because of permission granted by free moral agents. He references the Book of John 3:1-7 to remind us about the criteria for entering the kingdom of God, which is, being born of water and spirit. He explains that one has to be born in the natural first and then be born in the spirit to qualify for the kingdom of God. This means that only physical human beings in a physical body can be saved. He clarifies that Adam had a physical body but the devil didn't, and so he tricked Adam into granting him access to be able to have control over the world.  Joseph further clarifies that we have UFO and Nephilim manifestations because someone born in the physical body is granting permission to these beings from other realms of the spirit to manifest in the physical. This can be seen among people in the occult world who rejected Jesus, thereby allowing darkness to flow through them. He reminds us again that there are no such things as aliens; instead, there are fallen angels and demons manifesting physically as aliens and can be rebuked by Jesus’s name. He warns against elevating demonic activities because they will manifest more, instead we must recognize them for what they are and rebuke them in Jesus’s name.  Additionally, Joseph leads us to the Book of 2 Corinthians 2:10-11 to remind us of the importance of forgiveness, lest Satan take advantage of our unforgiveness to cause more harm in our lives. Allison then urges us to take our thoughts captive, thereby taking charge of our actions instead of fuelling our obsessive thoughts to the point of giving room for sin to thrive in us.  Timestamps: 0:00 Introduction 06:01 Testimonies 18:45 Future of America: Any Hope? 26:55 The Paul Revere Anointing 30:09 End Times Deception: Nephilims, UFOs 32:40 John 3:1-7: Understanding Being Born of Water 52:26 2 Corinthians 2:10-11: Importance of Forgiveness 1:17:39 Allison’s Prayer & Ministration 1:24:38 Joseph’s Prophetic Ministration 1:30:39 Conclusion July 13, 2024
THE 4 YEAR STORM!! AN IN DEPTH PROPHECY about what is coming NEXT! | Prophecy Live
THE 4 YEAR STORM!! AN IN DEPTH PROPHECY about what is coming NEXT! | Prophecy Live
“Hope for the future and a battle on our doorstep”. In today’s prophetic update, Joseph Z shares future revelations regarding the upcoming political season while praying for rainfall to intercept the foreseen red October and dark November. He urges us to pray about the Supreme Court because it will be a battleground for the nation’s next political season. Also, he reminds us about his vision regarding a downtime for the US, which he disclosed went down at 30, 60, and 100 fold; rising at the same pace after a while. He insists that this downtime will be a time of redemptive instability.  Learn more about Z Ministries by following the link below:  Next, he reminds us once more about his vision of a storm with a shelter in the middle where everyone who runs towards the storm is safe under its shelter. He disclosed that this will also lead to the birth of revivals and reformers. Interestingly, he insists that the redemptive chaos will run from 2024 to 2027 until we burst out into 2028, where many of the damages will begin to mend, leading to a new, different America.  Furthermore, Joseph brings to our understanding that America’s future depends solely on its decision toward Israel. Also, he reveals seeing the words, “the river is broken and the seal is real” alongside “the attack will turn to a comeback”. Again, he reveals seeing AI, and fire inducements that will be extinguished by the same people who kindled it. Once again, he discloses that organic technology will begin to be nurtured, alongside weather manipulation which will eventually be used to push another lockdown agenda. He then informs us that the nation is weak at the moment, therefore, we must keep our eyes on China, lest they take us unawares to create more problems for the country. They conclude with a prayer, declaring liberty over our lives, households, and all financial situations.  Timestamps: 0:00 Introduction 05:26 Downtime & Instability for the US 08:46 The Giant Tornado: Prophetic Revelation 10:36 The Years’ Prophetic Timeframe 12:46 USA 250yrs: The New America  17:58 The River is Broken: The Seal is Real 22:39 AI & Induced Fires 24:32 Organic Technology: What You Need to Know 28:08 Be Wary of China 29:51 Is the USA in Bible Prophecy? 32:23 Prayer: Conclusion July 12, 2024
1981 PROPHECY about what will happen NEXT!! | Prophecy Live
1981 PROPHECY about what will happen NEXT!! | Prophecy Live
“The Lord takes pleasure in His people, He will beautify the humble with salvation” Learn about a 1981 prophecy, detailing shocking future events, as Joseph Z brings our attention to this and much more in today’s prophetic live broadcast. He shares a clip of Charles Capps’ prophecy where he revealed there would be men framed, in a bid to remove them from high positions and hinder some of them from attaining higher positions, in the end, there will be a turning around of what the enemy has wrought and those involved in such conspiracy will be exposed and expelled. Surprisingly, this resonates with Joseph’s prophecy about the “attack turning into a comeback”. Moving on, Heather urges us to receive this prophecy by faith and move with it in prayer, believing that God will turn things around in our favor.  Learn more about Z Ministries by following the link below:  Next, Joseph references the Book of Daniel 5:1-30 to remind us of the unfortunate end to the reign of King Belshazzar of the Chaldeans, who defiled God and paid a heavy price for it. On the heels of this, Joseph reveals that there is something meant to happen but is yet to happen in this generation; however, today’s word is a warning sign that this judgment that has been evaded will be experienced soon in our current system. Once more, he brings our attention to the belief systems in the life of a believer: scripture, tradition, experience, and rationality. Teaching that the separation between the church and state is not scriptural because the Book of  Romans 13 commands us to obey the laws of the land, which indicates that the two bodies ought to work together. Furthermore, he references the Book of Psalm 149:4-8 to explain the importance of believers enforcing Biblical commands with the laws of the land because defying the laws of the land while obeying Biblical commands is not scriptural, instead the two work together for the good of the land and the people. Additionally, he insists there will be a tremendous comeback even though it will be accompanied by so much difficulty. Heather concludes with a prayer, declaring protection, provision, healing, preservation, and wholeness over our lives. Timestamps: 0:00 Introduction 01:34 Charles Capps’ 1981 Prophecy 08:23 Daniel 5:1-30: Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin 22:25 Belief Systems in the Life of a Believer 25:54 Psalm 149:4-8 37:14 Prayer: Conclusion July 11, 2024
In today’s prophetic live broadcast, Joseph Z alerts us about the current dilapidating state of the Chinese economy. Recall that Joseph had earlier prophesied on 31 December 2020, that the Lord would deal with the dragon that had persecuted His children, and their border would become insecure through exposure and technology, alongside an economic shaking that would cause them to reconsider their course of action. He also revealed that the Lord would expose the wickedness of their treachery because the people in God’s underground church are God’s precious ones who would receive a crown that no one can take away.  Learn more about Z Ministries by following the link below:  Next, Joseph revisits his prophecy of August 9, 2022, where he revealed that economic turmoil would befall the Chinese economy which would lead to a turn of the tide; however, the Lord assured that he would strike their influence down because the lion of the tribe of Judah shall triumph over the red dragon. Also, he makes us realize that the Roe Vs Wade overturn has availed us of a moment of mercy that has propelled the nation to another level of mercy. On the other hand, Allison professes her faith in God’s unwavering faithfulness, assuring us that everything will work out for our good despite the difficulties ahead, as God doesn’t go back on His words.  Joseph further leads us to the Book of Revelation 9:13-20 and Revelation 16:12-15 to explain that China is the main catalyst in the end times of the global extinction of one-third of humanity through angelic wickedness released to empower this destruction. He further discloses that America’s future and destiny are dependent on how it treats Israel, reminding us that we’re in a valley of decision at the moment. Interestingly, he shares his vision of angels: red, white, and blue standing over the US, with the blue angels standing far off seemingly waiting to see if the red and white angels would join him. He interprets the blue angel to represent Israel and the red-white angel being the US. In addition, he urges us not to be afraid, for God’s hand is upon our lives and He will protect us through it all. Timestamps: 0:00 Introduction 04:05 Joseph’s Past Prophecy about China 05:42 Economic Turmoil: Joseph’s Past Prophecy on China 11:27 Revelation 9:13-20: Revelation 16:12-15 25:30 USA & Bible Prophecy 27:25 Joseph’s Vision of Angels Red, White & Blue 28:47 God is Making a Way for You 30:50 Conclusion July 10, 2024
2030 is GOLIATH’S DEADLINE!!—PROPHECY!! | Prophecy Live
2030 is GOLIATH’S DEADLINE!!—PROPHECY!! | Prophecy Live
“Believe me, and you will see victory”. In today’s prophetic broadcast, Joseph Z warns about the word “Decapolis(ten cities burning)”, and the solar flare narrative, which he believes is a false flag; alongside religious wars on the streets previously exposed in past prophecies. Also, he reveals that God has released the anointing for diamond seeds, they’re the faithfulness unto the Lord despite the difficulties experienced, which end up bearing fruits. He references the Book of Psalm 126 to explain the diamond seed anointing further, for those who sow in tears shall reap in songs of joy; that is to say, what we put into the soil with toiling and sweat, shall turn into diamond seeds when we reap the harvest.  Learn more about Z Ministries by following the link below:  Next, Joseph informs us that oil will rescue the nation’s economic situation; insisting that the battles we face now will produce something extraordinary, for the battle is not over until we win. Allison alludes to a scene in “Batman” (the movie) to point out that the way we see our battles determines whether we will be victorious or not, like Batman, she recommends we tell our problems, “You’re not the devil, you’re practice”. She urges us to view our battles as temporary assured that we will get to the other side victoriously.  Joseph further informs us that there will be a massive reclaiming of what has been lost, ranging from properties, destinies, and purpose to relationships, for all those who trust in the Lord. He further discloses that “foreign will turn into forfeit”, and that there will be the most mass deportation in history soon. Also, he reveals there will be oil autonomy; a prolonged season of gas and oil. Recall that he gave a prophecy about the Lion, the Bear, and Goliath in 2020, explaining that the lion is the lockdown and media intimidation; the bear has to do with economics while Goliath is a systematic and global control.  Furthermore, he assures us of a rightsizing and One More Round regardless of all that will take place, for when a course is too small, men fight, but when it’s big enough, they unite. Allison concludes with a prayer, speaking strength over everyone, and assigning the angels of the Lord to all issues concerning us.  Timestamps: 0:00 Introduction 04:46 Decapolis & Solar Flare Narrative 05:41 Diamond Seeds: Psalm 126 09:35 Movement for Oil 13:55 Reclaiming of Lost Treasures 16:43 Foreign to Forfeit 19:35 2030: A Year of the Big Agenda 21:19 The Lion, the Bear & Goliath 23:45 Rightsizing & On More Round 28:57 Prayer: Conclusion July 09, 2024
“When a culture is left unchecked, and God’s people don’t stand up; all that’s necessary for evil to thrive is for good men to do nothing”.  In today’s prophetic broadcast, Joseph Z informs us about the Lord's desire to destroy the spirit of Jezebel using His anointed reformers. He asserts that America needs to stand because we’re the only obstacle in the way of the wicked elites who seek to destroy the nations of this world. Also, he exposes Jezebel’s spirit, which he reveals to be a spirit of control, domination, intimidation, and outcommunicating the prophets, in a bid to shut up and intimidate the prophets. Interestingly, he references the Book of 1 Kings 18:7-19 to remind us of the story of Ahab, and Jezebel who forsook the ways of the Lord to follow the Baals; a secular, ungodly, prosperity god, and a wicked spirit that ruled the land.  Learn more about Z Ministries by following the link below:  Next, Joseph shares his vision of Kamala and Trump years back, where it was revealed to Him that the former will be the VP and may eventually replace the Manchurian candidate in the future. On the heels of this, and with the word the Lord has given about the spirit of Jezebel today, the nation may be at risk of falling under the rulership of Jezebel’s spirit. He further shares the clip where he gave this prophetic word about Kamala on August 12, 2020. He insists that the spirit of witchcraft is trying to impose itself on the seat of leadership. However, he assures us that God’s grace and mercy are upon the US and will confront Jezebel’s spirit coming strongly at it.  Joseph further discloses that the US represents “Mount Carmel” where Elijah gathered the Prophets of Baal to show them who the true God is. Thus, God will surely bring fire down to destroy all representatives of Baal in our nation today. Once more, he insists that the spirit of God will cause secret revivals to go viral and cast down Jezebel’s spirit, and it will come from those who have been persuaded and failed by the wicked, evil culture. He then assures us that God will make a way where there’s been none, urging us to be encouraged and not discouraged by the future. In addition, Allison concludes with a prayer, encouraging us with God’s words while breaking down the grip of the spirit of fear over our lives.  Timestamps: 0:00 Introduction 05:44 The US in a Valley of Decision 08:28 Understanding the Spirit of Jezebel 10:34 1 Kings 18:7-24: Elijah & the Prophets of Baal 24:00 Joseph’s Vision about Kamala & Trump 25:14 A Clip of Joseph’s Past Prophecy on Kamala Harris 32:10 Grace & Mercy Intercepts the Jezebel’s Spirit 38:13 Secret Revivals Publicised 40:29 God Will Make a Way for You 42:16 Prayer: Conclusion July 08, 2024
In Red Church today, Joseph Z teaches about spiritual growth and the importance of reading the scripture consistently until it starts speaking back to us. He makes us understand that when the holy spirit is alive in us, it becomes difficult to sin because the word of God will make us behave righteously on accident, more than legalism will make us act on purpose. Also, he explains that constant meditation on God’s word provokes a lasting change from the inside of us, and will cut through the strings that hold us bound to this world; thereby becoming a crushing disappointment to the plans of the enemy.  Learn more about Z Ministries by following the link below:  Joseph further clarifies that religion bows us down like a slave, but Jesus comes along and stands us up like a son and daughter of righteousness. On the other hand, Allison points out that without a strong foundation in God’s word, we become susceptible to false teachers and prophets, wandering around, and seeking Christ where He can’t be found. Again, Joseph references the Book of James 1:2 to remind us of the need to count it all joy when we fall into trials because the testing of our faith produces patience. He further makes us understand that joy is a spiritual force that grants us strength, even at our low moments.  Additionally, Allison leads us to the Book of Hebrews 6:11-13 to remind us about imitating those who obtained the promise of God, through faith and patience. Joseph then explains patience as staying consistently the same as the first time we heard God and remaining faithful to what God told us to do. They conclude with a prayer, speaking joy into our hearts, and that God will grant us strength and endurance.  Timestamps: 0:00 Introduction 07:11 Religion Bows You Down as a Slave 13:19 Embrace the Foundation In God’s Word 14:54 James 1:2: Joy in Trials  18:24 Hebrews 6:11-13: Imitate the Faithfuls 22:29 Patience: Meaning 25:07 Faith & Patience: What You Need to Know 31:00 Prayer: Conclusion July 07, 2024
“Be careful who you let into your cabin”.  Today, on the No Limits Q&A session, Joseph Z is in the studio with Heather, Allison, and Ariel, and they reminisce on God's wondrous work in people's lives through them, the miraculous healings, and faith impartations. Heather makes us realize that we shouldn’t go along with the report we’ve been given, but rest on God’s promise in the strong belief that He will make us whole, for He has called us to lay our heavy burdens at His feet.  Learn more about Z Ministries by following the link below:  Next, Joseph references the Book of John 10:9-10 to remind us that Jesus is the gate and whoever goes through Him will be saved. He is also the author of Life and Came, that we may have life more abundantly. Moving on, Heather points out the importance of checking who we allow into our lives when we find ourselves in desperate situations, as they can either make our faith stronger or waiver in our faith in God.  On the other hand, Joseph shares the importance of monitoring people’s patterns, because patterns determine capacity. He goes ahead to share his dream, where God used a deathly scenario to warn him about the dangers of allowing certain people into his space. Interestingly, Ariel shares some thrilling testimonies from our viewers and we return all glory to God for all He’s doing through our ministry.  Joseph further assures us that our best days are yet to come, and we will begin to see restoration in our lives and various families as we continuously put our trust in God. They conclude with a prayer, declaring healing over ailing bodies, finances, and every other area that requires God’s attention.  Timestamps: 0:00 Introduction 22:38 John 10:9-10 31:03 How to Win in Desperate Situations 34:42 The Cabin & the Wild Wolves 40:12 Testimonies & Praise Reports 50:34 Your Best Days are Yet to Come! 1:08:17 Prayer: Conclusion July 06, 2024