The path of knowledge portal
00:00:00 1 - Where is knowledge stored? 00:09:22 2 - What preparations are necessary before joining the path of knowledge? 00:10:32 3 - Experience or logic – which one is more important for gaining knowledge? 00:12:35 4 - That which is seen is false, this means the unseen things are true. True or false? 00:18:32 5 - Why did the Existence divide into two? 00:18:46 6 - The Experiencer is everywhere, then why do we only see experiences everywhere, not the Experiencer? 00:25:29 7 - Events have a beginning and an end, but the Experience has no beginning and end. True or false? 00:27:10 8 - Vibration is the cause of all experiences. Explain. 00:27:27 9 - What are the processes that make the memory semi-stable? 00:27:56 10 - Which states are necessary for faster evolution of the layered structure? 00:28:40 11 - What is the meaning of peace and bliss in the context of the Experiencer?