Nanhi Duniya

Ep.Log Media

Get your kids ready for a journey to wonderland!
Where, what they imagine is reality, from fairytales to exploring the universe in rockets, Dr. Kusum Arora & Kantaa Advanii brings to you stories that are never told before!

Presenting Nanhi Duniya
New episodes stream every Friday on Ep.Log Media Network!

Dr. Kusum Arora has written four books of stories n poems. Has received Saman Patra from the first Lady of India Mrs. Vimla Sharma in the year 1997.
Nanhi Duniya is her new collection of stories for the kids.
Kantaa Advanii, a media marketeer having worked with media giants & is now making her foray into the narration of children’s stories in Nanhi Duniya.

Nanhi Duniya is an Ep.Log Media Production
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छुट्टियाँ  (Season Finale)
छुट्टियाँ (Season Finale)
Dorothy was a girl of about eight years. She was very excited about her holidays as during those month-long holidays she was going to Switzerland. But due to a problem the visit to Switzerland is cancelled. Instead, she spends her holidays in Goa. She worried about what to write in the chart she was supposed to make, during her holidays.Let’s hear in the story as to what she writes about and how does her chart fare among other children’s charts.डोरोथी एक-आठ साल की लड़की थी।वह बहुत ख़ुश थी ,क्योंकि एक महीने की छुट्टियों में वह स्विट्ज़रलैण्ड जा रही थी। पर किसी कारणवश वह स्विट्ज़रलैंड की जगह गोवा छुट्टियाँ मनाने चली जाती है।वहाँ पर वह समुद्र के तट पर खेलती है।पर वह चिंतित होती है कि वह स्कूल के कार्य में , जिसमें उन्हें एक चार्ट बनाना है , क्या बनाएगी और क्या लिखेगी? आइए कहानी में सुनते हैं कि वह किस का चार्ट बनाती है और उसका चार्ट और बच्चों के मुक़ाबले कैसा रहता है।   Get your kids ready for a journey to wonderland!Where, what they imagine is reality, from fairytales to exploring the universe in rockets, Dr. Kusum Arora & Kantaa Advanii brings to you stories, never told before! You can follow us and leave us feedback on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @eplogmedia, For advertising/partnerships send you can send us an email at If you like this show, please subscribe and leave us a review wherever you get your podcasts, so other people can find us. You can also find us on https://www.eplog.mediaSee for privacy information.
Nimish goes to school as a new student, in class third as his father is transferred to a new city.That class is known for its naughty children and the class is divided in three groups.Nimish succeeds in being a part of the whole class and is loved by everyone.He gets the nick name Aloo..i..e.patato.How does this happen ?Let’s hear in the story.निमिष एक नए स्कूल में एडमिशन लेता है, क्योंकि उसके पापा का उस शहर में तबादला होता है। निमिश तीसरी क्लास के सी सेक्शन में जाता है, जोकि, सबसे शैतान बच्चों के लिए मशहूर होता है।इस क्लास में बच्चे तीन गुटों में बंटे होते हैं।निमिश इन सब का दिल जीत, तीनों गुटों में बराबर का हिस्सेदार बनता है। और प्यार से आलू का उपनाम भी पाता है। वह यह सब कैसे करता है? आइए सुनते हैं कहानी आलू में। Get your kids ready for a journey to wonderland!Where, what they imagine is reality, from fairytales to exploring the universe in rockets, Dr. Kusum Arora & Kantaa Advanii brings to you stories, never told before! You can follow us and leave us feedback on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @eplogmedia, For advertising/partnerships send you can send us an email at If you like this show, please subscribe and leave us a review wherever you get your podcasts, so other people can find us. You can also find us on https://www.eplog.mediaSee for privacy information.
There was a village with very cold climate.Pancham, a rich man takes refuge in that village ,during an intense snowstorm.He realises that the people of the village were neither interested nor exposed to education.How he manages to have them educated and maintains his connection with them,let’s hear in the story.पहाड़ों के बीच एक गाँव था ,जोकि ज़्यादातर बर्फ़ से ढका रहता था।वहाँ एक दिन ,पंचम नाम का धनी व्यक्ति बर्फ़ीले तूफ़ान से जूझता, गलती से पहुँच जाता है। वहाँ के लोग उससे बहुत प्यार से शरण देते हैं ।पंचम को पता लगता है ,कि ,वहाँ के लोग अनपढ़ हैं।उन्हें पढ़ाई लिखाई में कोई रुचि नहीं है। आइए कहानी में सुनते हैं, कैसे पंचम ,न केवल वहाँ पर स्कूल ही खुलवाता है , बल्कि वहाँ के लोगों के साथ अपने रिश्ते भी बनाए रखता है। Get your kids ready for a journey to wonderland!Where, what they imagine is reality, from fairytales to exploring the universe in rockets, Dr. Kusum Arora & Kantaa Advanii brings to you stories, never told before! You can follow us and leave us feedback on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @eplogmedia, For advertising/partnerships send you can send us an email at If you like this show, please subscribe and leave us a review wherever you get your podcasts, so other people can find us. You can also find us on https://www.eplog.mediaSee for privacy information.
Sach Ki Jadein
Sach Ki Jadein
This story is about the conflict between the newly admitted boy Abeer, who is brilliant in studies and games, and the rest of the class students, who dislike him. In the story, the fact that the truth is the strongest is established. How…let’s hear in the story यह कहानी अबीर के बारे में है ,जो कि एक नए स्कूल में पाँचवीं कक्षा में एडमिशन लेता है ।बाक़ी के बच्चे अबीर से ज़्यादा ख़ुश नहीं रहते, क्योंकि अबीर पढ़ाई और खेल ,दोनों में प्रथम आता है । इस कहानी में यह साबित होता है कि सच सबसे ताक़तवर है, क्योंकि उसकी जड़ें होती हैं। यह कैसे साबित होता है ?आइए सुनते हैं कहानी में..   Get your kids ready for a journey to wonderland!Where, what they imagine is reality, from fairytales to exploring the universe in rockets, Dr. Kusum Arora & Kantaa Advanii brings to you stories, never told before! You can follow us and leave us feedback on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @eplogmedia, For advertising/partnerships send you can send us an email at If you like this show, please subscribe and leave us a review wherever you get your podcasts, so other people can find us. You can also find us on https://www.eplog.mediaSee for privacy information.
Jhooth Ke Paer
Jhooth Ke Paer
Alex was a naughty boy studying in class second. He had a bad habit of telling lies. His friend Veer advises him to stop telling lies, as ,lies can never be sustained. One is always caught and therefore feels ashamed. But Alex doesn’t listen and doesn’t mend his Ways. Let’s see hear in the story, as to how Alex learns his lesson and stops telling lies.एलेक्स दूसरी क्लास में पढ़ता बहुत शैतान बच्चा था। उसे झूठ बोलने की गंदी आदत थी।उसके दोस्त वीर ने उसे समझाया कि वह झूठ न बोले क्योंकी झूट के पैर नहीं होते।झूठ हमेशा पकड़ा जाता है।पर एलेक्स नहीं माना और दोनों दोस्त अलग हो गए।आइए सुनते हैं कहानी में कैसे एलेक्स को झूठ बोलने की आदत छोड़नी पड़ती है और वह कभी झूठ ना बोलने का प्रण करता है।   Get your kids ready for a journey to wonderland!Where, what they imagine is reality, from fairytales to exploring the universe in rockets, Dr. Kusum Arora & Kantaa Advanii brings to you stories, never told before! You can follow us and leave us feedback on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @eplogmedia, For advertising/partnerships send you can send us an email at If you like this show, please subscribe and leave us a review wherever you get your podcasts, so other people can find us. You can also find us on https://www.eplog.mediaSee for privacy information.
Jai kisan
Jai kisan
In a school on the outskirts of Delhi, the children were given lunch during the lunch break. However, it was noticed that the children were wasting Food. So to teach them to value and be grateful for the food on their plate, it was decided, that they would grow vegetables on the school premises and only eat those vegetables. Let’s hear in the story how the children learn to respect the farmers and not waste the food.एक बहुत मशहूर स्कूल में, बच्चों को दोपहर का खाना दिया जाता था। पर यह देखा गया ,अक्सर बच्चे खाने की जूठन कुछ ज़्यादा ही छोड़ रहे थे। इसलिए स्कूल मैनेजमेंट ने, यह निश्चित किया ,कि स्कूल के प्रांगण में ही सब्ज़ियां उगायी जाएं, बच्चों द्वारा और वहीं सब्ज़ियां बच्चों को दोपहर के खाने में खिलाई जाए। ताकि उन्हें खाने की क़दर हो और वह खाना है बर्बाद करना छोड़ दें। आइए कहानी में सुनते हैं, कि क्या बच्चों ने सिखा और कैसे उनके मन में किसानों के प्रति आदरभाव उत्पन्न होता है । Get your kids ready for a journey to wonderland!Where, what they imagine is reality, from fairytales to exploring the universe in rockets, Dr. Kusum Arora & Kantaa Advanii brings to you stories, never told before! You can follow us and leave us feedback on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @eplogmedia, For advertising/partnerships send you can send us an email at If you like this show, please subscribe and leave us a review wherever you get your podcasts, so other people can find us. You can also find us on https://www.eplog.mediaSee for privacy information.
Bada Ped
Bada Ped
A small forest had about 25 trees of different varieties. Among them the eucalyptus tree was the tallest. So the eucalyptus tree always felt, that, he was the best. It would get angry if, the birds rested on it’s branches or made a nest on his branches. There were lots of birds in that forest.The tree befriended a falcon and requested it to make it’s nest on his branches. So that no other bird would come there. Let’s hear in the story as to what happens to the tree and the falcon.एक छोटे से जंगल में क़रीब 25 पेड़ थे । इन्हीं पेड़ों में सब से बड़ा पेड़ था सफ़ेदे का।वह अपने आपको सबसे अच्छा समझता था।इसलिए उसे उसकी शाखाओं पर पक्षियों का बैठना नापसंद था।उस जंगल में पक्षियों की भरमार थी।एक दिन उस सफ़ेदे के पेड़ ने, एक बाज़ से दोस्ती कर ली, और ,उसे अपनी शाखाओं पर घोंसला बनाने को कहा, ताकि कोई और पक्षी उसकी शाखाओं पर बैठ उन्हें गंदा ना कर सके। आइए सुनते हैं कहानी में, इस घमंडी पेड़और बाज़ का क्या हाल होता है।. Get your kids ready for a journey to wonderland!Where, what they imagine is reality, from fairytales to exploring the universe in rockets, Dr. Kusum Arora & Kantaa Advanii brings to you stories, never told before! You can follow us and leave us feedback on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @eplogmedia, For advertising/partnerships send you can send us an email at If you like this show, please subscribe and leave us a review wherever you get your podcasts, so other people can find us. You can also find us on https://www.eplog.mediaSee for privacy information.
Gagan and Samar, two friends studying in the same class, are always competing with each other. Both are good at studies. While Gagan is boisterous, Samar is sober and interested in accumulating knowledge. Their friendship and competitiveness comes forth when both are competing to get their article published in the school magazine. Let’s hear in the story as to what happens and how the true nature of their personalities is revealed.गगन और समर दोनों एक ही स्कूल की चौथी क्लास में पढ़ते थे ।दोनों पढ़ाई में भी अच्छे थे।पर दोनों की शख़्सियत बिलकुल विपरीत यानी अलग थी।जहाँ गगन चुलबुला और हंसमुख था,वहीं समर गंभीर और शांत था।दोनों में हमेशा मुक़ाबला रहता, कि कौन बेहतर करेगा।यह और उजागर होता है,जब उन्हें स्कूल की पत्रिका के लिए, लेख लिखने को कहा जाता है । आइए कहानी में सुनते हैं , कि इस मुक़ाबले में क्या हुआ और गगन और समर के वास्तविक स्वभाव के बारे में क्या पता लगता है । Get your kids ready for a journey to wonderland!Where, what they imagine is reality, from fairytales to exploring the universe in rockets, Dr. Kusum Arora & Kantaa Advanii brings to you stories, never told before! You can follow us and leave us feedback on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @eplogmedia, For advertising/partnerships send you can send us an email at If you like this show, please subscribe and leave us a review wherever you get your podcasts, so other people can find us. You can also find us on https://www.eplog.mediaSee for privacy information.
Eklota Bhanwara
Eklota Bhanwara
The story reveals the secret of the only bumblebee in my earlier story titled Lotus and a lazy fly. The story begins with two friends who are opposites in their personalities. Their names are Azad and Pasha. Pasha succeeds in becoming a magician. Why and how he turns his friend Azad into a bumblebee, let’s hear and find out in the story. यह कहानी है, मेरी कहानी कमल और मक्खी के किरदार भँवरे की। यह कहानी दो दोस्तों से शुरू होती है ,एक का नाम आज़ाद ,और दूसरे का पाषा है।दोनों के मिज़ाज़ बिलकुल अलग हैं।पाषा एक जादूगर बनता है, और क्यों, और कैसे , वह आज़ाद को भँवरा बना देता है ,सुनते हैं कहानी ,इकलौता भँवरा में। Get your kids ready for a journey to wonderland!Where, what they imagine is reality, from fairytales to exploring the universe in rockets, Dr. Kusum Arora & Kantaa Advanii brings to you stories, never told before! You can follow us and leave us feedback on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @eplogmedia, For advertising/partnerships send you can send us an email at If you like this show, please subscribe and leave us a review wherever you get your podcasts, so other people can find us. You can also find us on https://www.eplog.mediaSee for privacy information.
Shaitan Tota
Shaitan Tota
Once upon a time, there lived a lazy bear in a jungle. His cave was also shared by families of parrots, as, it had many holes around it. Among these parrots lived a very naughty parrot, who would constantly tease the bear. One day while the bear was fast asleep, this parrot hit him very hard on his nose with raw guava. Bear who was very angry immediately caught him and growled at him, but he did not kill him. Instead, he let him go. The parrot was ashamed of his behavior. Let’s hear in the story how the parrot makes friends with the bear. एक जंगल में एक आलसी भालू रहता था।उसकी गुफा के ऊपर बने छेदों में तोते रहते थे।इन्हीं तोतों में से, एक तोता, भालू को बहुत तंग करता था। यह तोता बहुत शैतान था।।एक बार जब भालू गहरी नींद में था, तो तोते ने उस के ऊपर ज़ोर से कच्चा अमरूद मारा। भालू ने ग़ुस्से में आकर उसे पकड़ लिया। पर उसने तोते को मारा नहीं, सिर्फ़ डांट का उड़ा दिया।तोता अपने व्यवहार से बहुत शर्मिंदा हुआ। कैसे उसने भालू की मदद कर , उससे पक्की दोस्ती कर ली आइए सुनते हैं कहानी में।   Get your kids ready for a journey to wonderland!Where, what they imagine is reality, from fairytales to exploring the universe in rockets, Dr. Kusum Arora & Kantaa Advanii brings to you stories, never told before! You can follow us and leave us feedback on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @eplogmedia, For advertising/partnerships send you can send us an email at If you like this show, please subscribe and leave us a review wherever you get your podcasts, so other people can find us. You can also find us on https://www.eplog.mediaSee for privacy information.
Kanjoos Dost
Kanjoos Dost
Girish and Prashant are two friends, who study in the same class. They are 11/12 years old. Both come from different backgrounds. While Girish comes from a middle-class family, Prashanth‘s Family is well off. Their personalities are also different. Girish is sober and fond of cooking. His specialty is bun omelet. Whereas Prashant is an extrovert and little miser. One day there is an announcement about a scholarship in the school, for which Girish is very keen. But Girish does not have the fee, to take part in the scholarship. Let’s hear in the story, as to how ,Prashant helps him take part in the scholarship and what does he learn while helping his friend. गिरीश और प्रशांत दो दोस्त, ग्यारह बारह साल के, एक ही क्लास में पढ़ते थे।गिरीश को बन- आमलेट बनाना बहुत अच्छा लगता था ,और वह , उन्हें बहुत स्वादिष्ट भी बनाता था।वहीं प्रशांत को हिसाब किताब करना बहुत अच्छा लगता था ,और ,वह थोड़ा कंजूस भी था।जहाँ गिरीश साधारण परिवार का था, वहीं ,प्रशांत संपन्न परिवार का था।एक दिन स्कूल में छात्रवृत्ति की घोषणा होती है, जिसमें गिरीश भाग लेना चाहता है ।पर उसके पास, उस स्कॉलरशिप की फ़ीस भरने के पैसे नहीं होते । प्रशांत कैसे उसकी मदद करता है, और मदद करते हुए,प्रशांत को क्या सीख मिलती है ,आइए सुनते हैं कहानी में ।   Get your kids ready for a journey to wonderland!Where, what they imagine is reality, from fairytales to exploring the universe in rockets, Dr. Kusum Arora & Kantaa Advanii brings to you stories, never told before! You can follow us and leave us feedback on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @eplogmedia, For advertising/partnerships send you can send us an email at If you like this show, please subscribe and leave us a review wherever you get your podcasts, so other people can find us. You can also find us on https://www.eplog.mediaSee for privacy information.
Baal Diwas
Baal Diwas
Eesh was a five year old naughty boy,who was often scolded because he didn’t pay heed to what elders said.He was very fond of running.He had a pet dog too.Both of them would be taken to a playing ground in the evening.But they couldn’t go for playing for two days as it was raining,on Children’s day.What do they do and what does Eesh learn…let’s hear in the story.ईश् एक पाँच साल का शैतान बच्चा था,जिसको दौड़ना बहुत पसंद था । इसलिए उसके घर वाले उसे और उसके पालतू कुत्ते को अक्सर शाम को खेलने के लिए ले जाते पार्क में।पर क्योंकि दो दिन से लगातार बारिश हो रही थी , इसलिए उन्हें घर पर ही रहना पड़ा।।बाल दिवस का दिन था और ईश और उसका कुत्ता दोनों बोर हो रहे थे। आइए सुनते हैं कहानी में ,कैसे उन्होंने बाल दिवस में अपना मन लगाया और बाल दिवस के बारे में क्या सिखा।   Get your kids ready for a journey to wonderland!Where, what they imagine is reality, from fairytales to exploring the universe in rockets, Dr. Kusum Arora & Kantaa Advanii brings to you stories, never told before! You can follow us and leave us feedback on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @eplogmedia, For advertising/partnerships send you can send us an email at If you like this show, please subscribe and leave us a review wherever you get your podcasts, so other people can find us. You can also find us on https://www.eplog.mediaSee for privacy information.
Cheetah aur Ghongha
Cheetah aur Ghongha
We have often heard that birds of the same feather always flock together.But at times there are exceptions.This story is about the friendship between two beings ,who are opposites of each other in every respect ..i.e..,a Cheetah and a Snail.How is their friendship formed and what do they do?let’s hear in the story.हम अक्सर कहते हैं कि दोस्ती सामान लोगों में होती है।परन्तु कभी कभी ज़िंदगी में इसका उल्टा भी होता है।यह कहानी इसी के बारे में है। जहाँ एक चीता और एक घोंगा गहरे दोस्त बन जाते हैं ।कैसे उनकी दोस्ती होती है और कैसे वे एक दूसरे का साथ देते हैं? आइए सुनते हैं कहानी चीता और घोंगा में।   Get your kids ready for a journey to wonderland!Where, what they imagine is reality, from fairytales to exploring the universe in rockets, Dr. Kusum Arora & Kantaa Advanii brings to you stories, never told before! You can follow us and leave us feedback on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @eplogmedia, For advertising/partnerships send you can send us an email at If you like this show, please subscribe and leave us a review wherever you get your podcasts, so other people can find us. You can also find us on https://www.eplog.mediaSee for privacy information.
Jadui Pahadi
Jadui Pahadi
In a village lived a herdsman who was proficient in treating the villagers with plants and roots and curing them. His name was Neemram.He was very respected. If there was someone with a complicated illness, he would pray to mother earth and would be granted a special plant. In a faraway land lived a wicked magician, he didn’t believe the hearsay and tried testing him. What happens then? Let’s hear in the story.नीम राम नाम का गडरिया ,संतुष्ट और निश्छल आदमी था। जो की अपने गाँव में सबका जड़ी बूटियों से इलाज करने में माहिर था। यदि बीमारी घातक होती तो वह धरती माँ से प्रार्थना कर पौधा माँगता।धरती माँ उसकी हर बात का जवाब देतीं । एक जादूगर को यह असंभव लगा।वह नीमराम की परीक्षा लेने पहुँचा।फिर क्या हुआ आइए सुनते हैं कहानी में। Get your kids ready for a journey to wonderland!Where, what they imagine is reality, from fairytales to exploring the universe in rockets, Dr. Kusum Arora & Kantaa Advanii brings to you stories, never told before! You can follow us and leave us feedback on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @eplogmedia, For advertising/partnerships send you can send us an email at If you like this show, please subscribe and leave us a review wherever you get your podcasts, so other people can find us. You can also find us on https://www.eplog.mediaSee for privacy information.
Ritesh was a very lazy boy of 11 or 12 years of age. But he was basically a very good boy. One day while helping an old lady, he was blessed with a boon that he could disappear, whenever he so desired. Let’s hear in the story as to what does he do with this boon and what does he learns. रितेश ग्यारा बारह साल का लड़का था।वह अपने आलसीपन के कारण सब से डांट खाता था।पर वह मन का बहुत अच्छा था। एक दिन उसे किसी की मदद के बदले ग़ायब होने का वरदान मिलता है। आइए सुनते हैं इस कहानी में की वह इससे क्या करता है और क्या सीखता है। Get your kids ready for a journey to wonderland!Where, what they imagine is reality, from fairytales to exploring the universe in rockets, Dr. Kusum Arora & Kantaa Advanii brings to you stories, never told before! You can follow us and leave us feedback on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @eplogmedia, For advertising/partnerships send you can send us an email at If you like this show, please subscribe and leave us a review wherever you get your podcasts, so other people can find us. You can also find us on https://www.eplog.mediaSee for privacy information.
Once there lived a very bright child who was the son of a fisherman. After having worked very hard, he becomes a sailor. He loves the sea. He considers the sea as his family and the waves as his brothers and sisters. He becomes one of the best sailors in his country. After retirement, he wants to buy a ship for himself. He is a very helpful person. Let’s hear in the story as to whether he can buy a ship for himself or not. एक मछुआरे का बच्चा था,जोकि पढ़ाई में बहुत अच्छा था। बहुत मेहनत कर वह सब से अच्छा नाविक यानी बेस्ट सेलर बन जाता है। उस सेलर को समुद्र से बेहद प्यार होता है।उसे लहरें, अपने भाई बहन जैसी लगती है और समुद्र में रहने वाले जीव, परिवार के सदस्यों से।रिटायर होने के बाद, वह अपने लिए एक जहाज़ को ख़रीदने की कोशिश करता है।सेलर सब की मदद करता है ।आईए सुनें कहानी में, क्या वह अपने लिए जहाज़ ले सकता है? Get your kids ready for a journey to wonderland!Where, what they imagine is reality, from fairytales to exploring the universe in rockets, Dr. Kusum Arora & Kantaa Advanii brings to you stories, never told before! You can follow us and leave us feedback on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @eplogmedia, For advertising/partnerships send you can send us an email at If you like this show, please subscribe and leave us a review wherever you get your podcasts, so other people can find us. You can also find us on https://www.eplog.mediaSee for privacy information.
Crazy Ball
Crazy Ball
Vihan, an eight year old boy, although a son of a woodcutter, was very fond of plants and trees like his parents. He had nurtured a plant for six years with lot of care, love and affection. This plant had now grown into a tree. There was a special bond between the two. On his eighth birthday, the tree gives Vihan a special gift in form of a ball. What kind of a ball is it? What happens? Let’s hear in the story CRAZY BALL!   विहान एक पेड़ों से बहुत प्यार करने वाला लकड़हारे का बेटा था। उसने एक पौधा बड़े प्यार से पाला था। अब छह साल में वह बड़ कर पेड़ बन गया था। दोनों मैं बहुत लगाव था। विहान के जन्मदिन पर पेड़ उसे एक बॉल भेंट करता है। विहान की बॉल कैसी होती है और क्या होता है उसके साथ,आइए सुनते हैं कहानी क्रेज़ी बॉल में!   Get your kids ready for a journey to wonderland!Where, what they imagine is reality, from fairytales to exploring the universe in rockets, Dr. Kusum Arora & Kantaa Advanii brings to you stories, never told before! You can follow us and leave us feedback on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @eplogmedia, For advertising/partnerships send you can send us an email at If you like this show, please subscribe and leave us a review wherever you get your podcasts, so other people can find us. You can also find us on https://www.eplog.mediaSee for privacy information.
Veer Pratap and Krishey Pratap were two brothers having adjacent kingdoms. Because both the brothers did not see eye to eye with each other, their father had divided his kingdom in such a way, that Veer Pratap was given the army and Krishey Pratap was given the fertile land. Veer Pratap‘s soldiers would often forcibly take food grains from the farmers in Krishey Pratap’s kingdom.This was a source of a lot of stress for Krishey Pratap. Let’s hear in the story how he overcomes this difficulty and solves the problem forever. वीर प्रताप और कृष्य प्रताप दो भाई थे, जिनके देश साथ साथ थे ।क्योंकि दोनों भाइयों में नहीं बनती थी, इसलिए इनके पिता ने अपने राज्य का बँटवारा कर दिया था। वीर प्रताप को सैन्य बल और कृष्य प्रताप को कृषि प्रधान उपजाऊ ज़मीन मिली थी।वीर प्रताप के सैनिक अक्सर कृष्य प्रताप के किसानों का अनाज लूट लिया करते।कृष्य प्रताप उनके इस व्यवहार से काफ़ी त्रस्त थे।आइए कहानी में सुनते हैं कृष्य प्रताप ने इस मुश्किल से कैसे छुटकारा पाया। Get your kids ready for a journey to wonderland!Where, what they imagine is reality, from fairytales to exploring the universe in rockets, Dr. Kusum Arora & Kantaa Advanii brings to you stories, never told before! You can follow us and leave us feedback on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @eplogmedia, For advertising/partnerships send you can send us an email at If you like this show, please subscribe and leave us a review wherever you get your podcasts, so other people can find us. You can also find us on https://www.eplog.mediaSee for privacy information.
Paani Ki Keemat
Paani Ki Keemat
Chunnu was a naughty five-year-old kid. He lived near the River Sabarmati in Ahmedabad with his mummy, papa, grandmother, and nine-year-old sister Gudiya, whom he called Di. Even though there was a water shortage in the house, Chunnu was playing and wasting water. This makes his sister angry and she slaps him hard on his back. Chunnu’s grandmother punishes his sister for hitting him so hard. Let’s hear this story and find out what new information and knowledge is acquired by both the kids as a result of this punishment.   चुन्नु पाँच साल का शैतान बच्चा था, जो कि अपने माता, पिता, दादी और बहन जिनको वह दी बुलाता था के साथ रहता था ।उसकी बहन नौ साल की थी। इन का घर साबरमती के पास अहमदाबाद में  था। घर में पानी की क़िल्लत होने के बावजूद चुन्नु पानी गंदा कर रहा था ।इस पर उसकी दी  ने  उस को  पीठ पर थप्पड़ मार दिए ।इस पर दादी ने दी को सज़ा दी और दोनों बच्चों को इस वाक़िये में क्या कुछ नया सीखने को मिला सुनते हैं कहानी में। Get your kids ready for a journey to wonderland!Where, what they imagine is reality, from fairytales to exploring the universe in rockets, Dr. Kusum Arora & Kantaa Advanii brings to you stories, never told before! You can follow us and leave us feedback on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @eplogmedia, For advertising/partnerships send you can send us an email at If you like this show, please subscribe and leave us a review wherever you get your podcasts, so other people can find us. You can also find us on https://www.eplog.mediaSee for privacy information.
Dragons Ke Guru
Dragons Ke Guru
There was a colony of dragons. These dragons had a democratic way of choosing their king. Their king, ministers, and army heads were usually chosen by their seniormost teacher. This teacher was very selective of the students he chose to train. Now was the time for the Guru, The teacher to choose the next seniormost teacher. Let’s hear in the story how he chooses his successor.एक जंगल के पास, एक ड्रैगन्स की कॉलोनी थी। ये ड्रैगन्  अपने राजा का चुनाव प्रजातंत्र द्वारा किया करते थे। इनके राजा, मंत्री और सेनापति सभी अक्सर वही  होते थे, जो इनके राजगुरू से शिक्षा प्राप्त कर चुके होते थे।ये राजगुरू अपने विद्यार्थी बहुत कम चुना करते थे।अब क्योंकि राजगुरू बूढ़े हो चले थे उन्हें अपने स्थान पर किसी दूसरे राजगुरु का चुनाव करना था। आइए कहानी में सुनते हैं उन्होंने दूसरा राजगुरु कैसे चुना।   Get your kids ready for a journey to wonderland!Where, what they imagine is reality, from fairytales to exploring the universe in rockets, Dr. Kusum Arora & Kantaa Advanii brings to you stories, never told before! You can follow us and leave us feedback on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @eplogmedia, For advertising/partnerships send you can send us an email at If you like this show, please subscribe and leave us a review wherever you get your podcasts, so other people can find us. You can also find us on https://www.eplog.mediaSee for privacy information.