Why Fasting is Good for You | Spiritual & Health Benefits of Fasting|Daajicast

DaajiCast (Podcast by Daaji, Kamlesh D Patel)

11-01-2025 • 9 mins

Explore the significance of fasting and its impact on physical, mental, and spiritual health. Learn about autophagy, detoxification, and the holistic approach to well-being through fasting. Book a free meditation session: http://hfn.link/bookfreesession To learn more about Heartfulness Meditation subscribe here: / @heartfulness Download our Heartfulness App here: https://heartfulness.app.link/Youtube Order your copy of "The Authentic Yoga" here Amazon USA - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/819... Amazon India - https://www.amazon.in/Authentic-Yoga-...

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