Things to Remember before Purchasing Property through Power of Attorney [HINDI]

Legal Talks by Desikanoon

02-05-2022 • 5 mins

मेरा नाम सुयश वर्मा है, और आज मैं आपसे किसी एजेंट या पावर ऑफ अटर्नी holder के जरिए प्रॉपर्टी खरीदते या बेचते समय क्या-क्या ध्यान में रखना चाहिए, यह चर्चा करूंगा । इस सवाल का जवाब, सुप्रीम कोर्ट ने कुछ दिन पहले, उमादेवी नांबियार विरुद्ध थामारसेरी एवं अन्य नामक केस में दिया था ।

Today, I will talk about an interesting case in which a person sold a property that it did not own. I know that it is hard to believe this that how can a person sell a property that it does not own but imagine a situation where a person executes a power of attorney in favour of another person to rent out a property or mortgage it, but instead the power of attorney holder sells that property without the permission of the actual owner. Is such a sale of property valid?

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