Tracing: The foundation of modern Observability?

Talkin' Observability

Jun 11 2021 • 25 mins

Distributed Tracing, which is getting a lot of mindshare in the last few years, is now becoming the new foundation of DevOps. Unlike traditional Application Performance Monitoring (APM), Distributed Tracing is intended to address the observability challenges and use-cases in the new microservices world. It is particularly well-suited to debugging and monitoring modern distributed software architectures, such as microservices. It helps pinpoint or isolate where failures occur and what causes sub-optimal performance.

In this discussion, Jose Carlos will talk about how distributed tracing provides the context which metrics and logs don’t and what are different interesting use-cases he came across and challenges he faced while working on tracing in the past few years.

Guest bio:

José Carlos 'JC' Chávez (@jcchavezs) is a Sr. Software Engineer at Traceable where he works on Zipkin, Hypertrace & OpenTelemetry, and all things tracing! Prior to Traceable, JC worked at Expedia where he contributed to Zipkin and Haystack


Jayesh Ahire (@Jayesh_Ahire1) is Founding Engineer at Traceable where he primarily works on Hypertrace. Jayesh is first AWS ML Hero in India and youngest one to receive the title to date. He is the Organizer of AWS UG, Elastic UG, TensorFlow UG and Microsoft AI community and many other communities in India. His research interest involved Distributed neural computer and DeFi. He is also one of the few Twilio Champions and MVB at Dzone.

If you are exploring Observability/ Distributed tracing solutions for your organization and need some help in understanding, join Hypertrace slack and discuss with experts. Hypertrace is Open source distributed tracing and Obervability platform by Traceable.

This podcast is Sponsored by Traceable.