Customer Service Continued: The Power of Attitude


15-02-2023 • 41 mins

In this interview with Jamal, we hear another side of the customer service pandemic. Jamal is in full agreement that it's something we are currently experiencing in this world but he wanted to add more to the story that we started in the first episode, "The Customer Service Pandemic: Brace For Impact."

As an employer, your attitude towards your customers sets the tone for the entire organization. If you approach customer interactions with a positive, helpful attitude, your employees are likely to follow suit. On the other hand, if you have a negative or
dismissive attitude towards customers, your employees may feel similarly and not prioritize customer satisfaction. It's important for employers to recognize the impact their attitude has on the customer experience and to make a conscious effort to cultivate a positive attitude in themselves and their team.

From the customer's perspective, their attitude towards the service provider can also have a significant impact on the quality of the interaction. A customer who approaches a service interaction with a negative or combative attitude may not receive the same level of service as someone who approaches the interaction with a positive, cooperative attitude. Customers who are polite and respectful are more likely to receive exceptional service, while those who are rude or demanding may find that their needs are not met as effectively.

In short, both the attitude of the employer and the customer are important factors in creating a positive customer experience. By cultivating a positive attitude towards customers, employers can set the tone for their team and ensure that customers receive the best possible service. At the same time, customers who approach service interactions with a positive attitude are more likely to receive the exceptional service they deserve.

In conclusion, attitudes play a critical role in shaping the customer experience, and it's essential for both employers and customers to recognize the impact their attitudes have on interactions. Employers must set a positive tone for their team, while customers who approach interactions with a positive attitude are more likely to receive exceptional service. We hope this podcast episode has provided valuable insights on the importance of attitudes in customer service.

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this episode! Did it resonate with you, or did you have a different perspective? Let me know if there's anything else you'd like me to cover on this topic.

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