Ep 160 - Wizards of the Coast Capitulation and Good Dungeon Maps

Taking 20 Podcast

29-01-2023 • 26 mins

Good dungeon maps give players choices, have a good theme, and contents that support the theme and purpose of your dungeon.  But...how do you create dungeons like this?  Give this episode a listen and find out.

Also, hopefully we've heard the last of Wizards of the Coast trying to get rid of the OGL 1.0a.

#dnd #opendnd #ogl #pathfinder #paizo #orc


Wizards of the Coast announcement: https://www.dndbeyond.com/posts/1439-ogl-1-0a-creative-commons

What it means to “Jaquay a dungeon”: https://thealexandrian.net/wordpress/13085/roleplaying-games/jaquaying-the-dungeon

Great interview of Jennell.Jaquays by The Wandering DM
