Lang With a Thru-Bore --- Ep.90

Taps and Patience | Business and Machining Podcast

Aug 10 2024 • 1 hr 19 mins

In this episode of Taps and Patience, AJ and Harrison discuss a series of technical and operational challenges they faced recently. AJ recounts his frustration with a persistent issue on his machine, where the drive belt frequently snaps during the warmup cycle. Despite having previously replaced the belt multiple times, AJ struggled with a new, more flexible belt that took him four hours to install. They explore potential fixes, including adjusting the warmup program to incorporate more gradual RPM increases and implementing a variable warmup time based on how long the machine has been idle. Harrison shares his own difficulties, revealing that he has had a tough time with broken end mills while machining 4140 steel. He discusses his discovery of a sheared-off flute and the implications of tool life management. AJ also reflects on his experience with a recent large tooling order, noting the relief of replenishing his stock after dealing with cash flow issues. They both touch on the importance of tracking tool life and the impact of different materials on tool durability. Harrison explains his efforts to understand and optimize tool life for cost management, highlighting the balance between cost and performance, especially when switching to automation in the future. They emphasize the need for consistent tool life data to better manage and price their machining operations.