Feb 9 2022
The Chosen Season 2 Episode 4 - The Perfect Opportunity - Roundtable Discussion Podcast & Review
This episode discusses the mysterious healing pool at Bethesda where an angel supposedly stirred the waters, creating a healing pool. One of the verses discussed in this episode of The Chosen is mysteriously missing from many Bibles. What's the story behind John 5:4? Was this verse a mere legend, superstition, or is it meant to be taken literally? Why does Jesus heal some but not others? Our crew of both Christians and non-Christians discusses our reactions to this episode and its source material.
For free discussion questions on scripture and movies for small groups, visit https://breweryministries.org. There you'll find discussion questions on the book of Mark, the Batman: Dark Knight Trilogy, Marvel's Avengers movies, The Matrix Resurrections and more.
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