Restore Your Self

Timothy Waterman (aka, Beau)

Timothy Waterman (aka, Beau) is a Transformational Guide and Channel who passionately speaks on the process of creating a loving and harmonious relationship with one’s, Self. He allowed the so-called “traditional life” that he built in his 20’s dissolve so that he could begin again at the age of 30. That’s when he began living his life based on the intention of following his wildest dreams!

 A decade later, Timothy's main message is that we all can remember how to feel good, more often, from within and live an incredibly rewarding life starting now! read less


Cultivating the Relationship We Want to Have with Our Soul Team ft. Susan Wise 🌈 🕊
Cultivating the Relationship We Want to Have with Our Soul Team ft. Susan Wise 🌈 🕊
How in Touch Are You with Your Wealth and Prosperity BEing? Are you putting Your Power Outside of You When It Comes to Wealth and Abundance? Do you believe there is a "middle man" when it comes to receiving your Infinite Good? 🌈✨ These are just a few of the questions that come up during this Enlightening Conversation with Susan Wise. We dive into all things involving Healthy and Holistic Communication with Our Soul Team 🕊 (What is a Soul Team? Susan explains what that means to her by way of this heart-to-hear conversation) Here is the bio that I have for Susan ✨ "Susan Wise is a life strategist, coach, and speaker who guides people on their journey to create the inner peace and abundant, joyful life they want. Susan’s coaching philosophy is based on the belief that happiness is an inside job; that our minds affect our body chemistry and that tapping into our best selves can be fun and life-changing. Susan has created an effective array of strategies and tools, that help people to confidently shift their perspective and align with their higher self, enabling them to unlock new levels of peace, joy, abundance, and fulfillment." This conversation was meaningful and moving in so many ways!! If you feel the desire to connect with Susan beyond this conversation, please feel free to review the offers she's extended below ⬇️ -------- If you feel inclined to join Susan’s newsletter you will receive a free gift — an illustration of "Re-Membering My Soul Team.” Susan hopes you will enjoy this image and enjoy deepening your relationship with YOUR Soul Team 🕊 Simply head over to her website here,, and scroll down to the “Get Your Free Gift” section of the main page. Susan also has a new course, "Morning Magic Stretch - Transform Your Day Before You Get Out of Bed!” ✨ ✨ ✨ It is a physical stretch combined with tips to begin a mindful conversation with your body. So, it has physical benefits but really focuses on the importance and benefits of creating a loving, respectful, co-creative relationship with your body 🤍 The course has a special Christmas Sale Price of $12 (US)! Those who are interested can access this offering on her website in the course section by hitting the "Enroll Now” button.   Anyone who purchases the course will receive a complimentary 3-month membership to the Susan Wise Community ✨ Members in the community will have access to two interactive "Embodying Wisdom & Expansion" calls monthly to connect with like-minded and like-hearted people to embrace the richness of collective exploration. Those who sign up will receive more details about the membership and the calls once they join. Again, Susan's website is: 🕊 ------ Interested in learning more about your host? I'm Timothy Waterman (aka, Beau) -- a Globally Celebrated Transformational Guide who specializes in mentoring those that are on a Path of Conscious Awakening 🕊 I started this podcast to share the insights, breakthroughs, and takeaways I've uncovered on my own Personal Journey of Awakening over the past 12 years. Want to learn more? You may find the links below to be helpful ⬇️ Website: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠ Personal Breakthrough Testimonials 💬👻 Channeled Guidance Testimonials 💬🕊 The Restore Your Self Podcast is a listener-supported podcast. If you'd like to make a financial donation to support the show you can do so below ⬇️ ⁠⁠ ----- Intro/Outro Music 🎧 Music by TVARI, from Pixabay, ----- The Restore Your Self Podcast is produced by Timothy Waterman 🕊
Following Our Intuition in Business and Beyond with C. Jill Hofer 💍
Following Our Intuition in Business and Beyond with C. Jill Hofer 💍
If you’re interested in Making Your World Nice by way of Following Your Inner Guiding Light, well, I have a treat for you! Join me as I discuss Following the Path of Our Highest Passion (in Business) with, C. Jill Hofer, a Multi-Preneur and Philanthropist with Heart 🤍 Here is the Bio I have for Jill, “A Nice World is my outlet for service, creativity, and giving back to make the world an even nicer place. In the late 1990s, I created the site as an online shop showcasing my philanthropic jewelry. It’s an uplifting playground and a way to infuse my life with even more meaning and connection. I receive creative inspiration, hand-sculpt the jewelry, and have it professionally cast in sterling silver and gold. A Nice World is NICE because every purchase shares the love by donating 33-100% to amazing causes. This uplifts the wearer and that uplifts ME. Inspired by life, nature, and the Law of Attraction, the designs flow through me, and from there, the jewelry finds its way to organizations for fundraising and to the hands of people who treasure the pieces as positive focus objects helping them integrate their intentions into daily life. That, to me, is the ultimate service. To uplift while being uplifted. Win-win-win.” Here are a Handful of Highlights from this episode, 1) Jill references always following her passions and what she is intrigued by. She currently has three business ventures that all fall in the category of her biggest "YES!" Jill expresses that when we follow that passion, intrigue, and our biggest "YES!" the right doors will open, at the right time! 2) I speak to having real-life experience demonstrate to me time and time again that I Am so supported in doing what I’d most like to do in this life! 3) Jill shares the story of how she once left for an Abraham Hicks cruise with two of her real estate rentals being vacant. She felt good about proceeding with the trip and when she met her randomly assigned roommate for the cruise the solution appeared. The roommate, she was assigned, showed her how to start renting to travel nurses! The solution to her real estate preference was already lined up on the Path of Her Highest Joy, ahead of time!! (Jill and the roommate she met on that cruise are now friends for life, btw ✨) 4) Jill speaks to seeing the support in life (from All That Is) show up in all kinds of ways. Including moments that don’t really have anything to do with business. 5) Jill shares a story of how she met the woman she most wanted to be while growing up. This occurred without a plan and took her completely by surprise as she followed her great passion for jewelry making… If you’d like to connect with C. Jill beyond this conversation, you can find her most relevant links below ⬇️ Instagram: Facebook: Website: Email: ----- Interested in learning more about your host? I'm Timothy Waterman (aka, Beau) -- a Transformation Guide who specializes in mentoring those that are on a Path of Conscious Awakening 🕊 Want to learn more? You may find the links below to be helpful ⬇️ Website: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠ Personal Breakthrough Testimonials 💬👻 Channeled Guidance Testimonials 💬🕊 The Restore Your Self Podcast is a listener-supported podcast. If you'd like to make a financial donation to support the show you can do so below ⬇️ ⁠⁠ Intro/Outro Music 🎧 Music by TVARI, from Pixabay, ----- The Restore Your Self Podcast is produced by Timothy Waterman 🕊
Shifting the Consciousness Around Our Body and Food with Rhonda Ryder 🍲
Shifting the Consciousness Around Our Body and Food with Rhonda Ryder 🍲
Improving the Relationship We're Having with Our Body, it's a BIG one!! Releasing old judgments, dissolving fears -- it takes compassionate practice 👈 And what better place to bring back the love and let it be easy than with our own body? That's exactly what I get into today with Rhonda Ryder, the host of The Delicious Alignment Podcast 🎙 We're smack dab in the middle of the Holiday Season of 2023, so yeah, let's talk about food in a better feeling light, shall we 😉 Here is the Bio I have for Rhonda: Rhonda Ryder, author of Delicious Alignment: How 25 Women Learned to Love and Transform Their Bodies Using Abraham Hicks and the Law of Attraction, is an Intuitive Coach specializing in loving your body and making peace with food. Her podcast, Delicious Alignment: High Vibing Conversations, helps listeners live more fulfilling and fun lives. Some of the new thought leaders Rhonda has interviewed in her career include Bob Proctor, Bruce Lipton, Mike Dooley, Marianne Williamson, and seven people from the movie, The Secret 🕊 ----- Here are details for the Special Free Gift I mentioned from Rhonda 🎁 The Love Your Body Video Course ($97 Value) Over 20 videos based on the five steps in Rhonda Ryder’s book, Delicious Alignment: How 25 Women Learned to Love and Transform Their Bodies Using Abraham-Hicks and the Law of Attraction ✨ ----- If you'd like to take Rhonda up on the offer of $55 (US) for your first session with her, you can email her at: ----- Here are Rhonda's relevant links 🔗 Website 💻 Podcast (Delicious Alignment) 🎙 Facebook Group (Free) 🔵 ---------- Interested in learning more about your host? I'm Timothy Waterman (aka, Beau) -- a Globally Celebrated Transformational Guide who specializes in mentoring those that are on a Path of Conscious Awakening 🕊 I started this podcast to share the insights, breakthroughs, and takeaways I've uncovered on my own Personal Journey of Awakening over the past 12 years. Want to learn more? You may find the links below to be helpful ⬇️ Website: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠ Metaphysical Blog: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Personal Breakthrough Testimonials 💬👻 Channeled Guidance Testimonials 💬🕊 If you have an interest in learning about the Sliding-Scale Pricing I mentioned in today's episode, please email me at to learn more 😁 Sliding Scale Rates (per session) are ⬇️ $159 (US) for 45-minutes $129 (US) for 45-minutes $99 (US) for 45-minutes $79 (US) for 45-minutes $59 (US) for 45-minutes This pricing is available through January 31st, 2024 🗓 Sessions can be conducted, Virtually by Zoom 💻 Regular/Smart Phone (in the US) 📱 WhatsApp by Phone (Internationally) 🤳 ----- Want to connect on social media!? I freely share Energetic Codes and Self Mastery Insights there as well 📱🕊 YouTube | Instagram | Facebook | ⁠⁠⁠⁠ LinkedIn | ⁠⁠ The Restore Your Self Podcast is a listener-supported podcast. If you'd like to make a financial donation to support the show you can do so below ⬇️ ⁠⁠ ----- Intro/Outro Music 🎧 Music by TVARI, from Pixabay, ----- The Restore Your Self Podcast is produced by Timothy Waterman 🕊
Recovering from the Need to Over-achieve with Dmitri Sennikov
Recovering from the Need to Over-achieve with Dmitri Sennikov
If you are someone who has begun to realize just how much of your self-worth is (or used to be) tied up in your ability to achieve — then this, I feel, will be quite a powerful conversation for you 😁 My guest, Dmitri, and I both have first-hand experience with trying to create happiness and fulfillment (mostly) through outward success. Meaning, we both fell def to the the voice of our Inner World/Soul as we desperately sought validation in what we could accomplish (period). Having seen the trap that that loop can be, we both began to ask BIG questions in life 🤔 “If I don’t find validation and fulfillment via this route, then where do I?” “What does healthy action look like?” “Can I create and achieve things from a place that does not feel like I’m lacking something…? If so, I’d like to know more about that please!” The list goes on 📝✨ Dmitri and I continue to explore a NEW way of being in the world. One that honors our Soul and includes our highest joy 🙌 (and yes this can/does include facing notable fears along the way) 🙏 So yeah, this conversation is all about that 👈 If you’re diggin’ the description I feel that you’ll totes luv the full episode as well 🙂 See ya on the inside!! ✨ ------- Here is the bio I have for Dmitri ⬇️ "Dmitri is a software developer and serial entrepreneur turned spiritual coach and guide who has been training in the art of human behavior transformation and spiritual psychology for more than a decade. At first, he started on his journey because he wanted to escape his own high-functioning depression, where on the outside his life looked perfect but on the inside, he was completely lost, confused, depressed, and alone even while being surrounded by many loving people. Over time understanding the art and science of happiness, emotional intelligence, human design, and our deeper purpose here on the planet he’s now helping brilliant minds let go of the conditioned responsibility to make life work, release the weight of trying to control the uncontrollable and relax into the natural flow by dissolving deep-rooted fears and discovering true freedom, creativity, clarity and prosperity that can only be found in the reality of our present moment." If you'd like to connect with Dmitri online, you can do so with the following links 🔗 ------- Interested in learning more about your host? I'm Timothy Waterman (aka, Beau) -- a Globally Celebrated Transformational Guide who specializes in mentoring those that are on a Path of Conscious Awakening 🕊 I started this podcast to share the insights, breakthroughs, and takeaways I've uncovered on my own Personal Journey of Awakening over the past 12 years. Website: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠ Personal Breakthrough Testimonials 💬👻 Channeled Guidance Testimonials 💬🕊 If you have an interest in learning about the Sliding-Scale Pricing I mentioned in today's episode, please email me at to learn more 😁 Sliding Scale Rates (per session) are ⬇️ $159 (US) for 45-minutes $129 (US) for 45-minutes $99 (US) for 45-minutes $79 (US) for 45-minutes $59 (US) for 45-minutes Sessions can be conducted, Virtually by Zoom 💻 Regular/Smart Phone (in the US) 📱 WhatsApp by Phone (Internationally) 🤳 Or Voxer by Phone/PC 💻📱 -- If you'd like to make a financial donation to support me in the production of this show you can do so here ⬇️ ⁠⁠ ---- Intro/Outro Music 🎧 Music by TVARI, from Pixabay, ---- The Restore Your Self Podcast is produced by Timothy Waterman 🕊
Liberate Your Voice, Express Your Unique Self with Madison Miller 🎚🔊
Liberate Your Voice, Express Your Unique Self with Madison Miller 🎚🔊
If you know that you've been holding back on yourself and that there is WAY more of You to Be Expressed in this World 🌍 This is an episode for you 👈 My featured guest Madison Miller and I share our greatest realizations in terms of stepping into more of our light, our voice, our unique expression, and our power ⚡️ Here are a few highlights from this episode: 1) Madison shares that she began to search deeply for her purpose in life amidst a chapter that had quite a bit of depression. 2) We hear of the chapter when Madison began to remember the power of her voice. 3) Going deeper into one’s self is a way to experience what it truly is to be human. 4) I invite Madison to share what happened when she began to activate the power of her voice in her life again. 5) Madison shares the moment she realized why she had silenced her voice in big ways for so many years. 6) Madison and I speak of the gift of returning to childlike joy and expressing ourselves, including our voice, for the pure purpose of joy in the moment. 7) Madison mentions that moving in the direction of the unknown is always worth it and that she’s begun to have fun in the unknown. 8) Madison references injoying the journey and not wishing our life away, to be present and have gratitude now. 9) Madison explains what it means to be a Sound and Vocal Alchemist and how these talents serve the individuals she works with. 10) Madison and I discuss how finding permission with one’s voice leads to the increased expression of the authentic self — which allows one to be witnessed for who they truly are — and to be witnessed is a gift as well! 11) Madison and I speak to the willingness to be seen as a Lightworker and/or Way Shower in their gifts and spiritual talents — and how being willing to be seen can create more ease and allow the good in. 12) Madison shares the impact she’s excited to have more of in the world. --- Here is the bio I have for Madison: Madison Miller is a Sound and Vocal Alchemist, Ceremonialist, and Medicine Facilitator. She is deeply devoted to the Path of Healing and Returning to the Sacred Ways of Living by leveraging various modalities and mediums within the Healing Arts. You can follow Madison on Instagram here: You can email Madison here: ---- Interested in learning more about me your host? I'm Timothy Waterman (aka, Beau) -- a Teacher of Self Mastery and a Channel of Divine Universal Wisdom 🕊 I started this podcast to share the insights, breakthroughs, and takeaways I've uncovered on my Personal Journey of Awakening over the past 12 years. Want to learn more? You may find the links below to be helpful ⬇️ If you have an interest in working with me 1-to-1 as a Trans4mational Guide, you can apply here ⬇️ ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠ Website: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Self Mastery Blog: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Email: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ I freely share Energetic Codes and Self Mastery Insights on Social Media as well 📱🕊 YouTube |  @lifeastimothy  Instagram | ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Facebook | ⁠⁠ LinkedIn | The Restore Your Self Podcast is a listener-supported podcast. If you'd like to make a financial donation to support the show you can do so below ⬇️ ----- Intro/Outro Music 🎧 Music by TVARI, from Pixabay, ----- The Restore Your Self Podcast is produced by Timothy Waterman 🕊
How Contrast is Helping Us Shift Our Reality with Amanda Towne ☯️
How Contrast is Helping Us Shift Our Reality with Amanda Towne ☯️
What is contrast? Well, contrast is a whole lotta things - and - in metaphysical terms, it's often used to refer to the events, things, or circumstances in life that we do not prefer. What we often, don't like! Sometimes, what we plain wish just wasn't happening 👈 And -- there's another way to perceive such occurrences in life. A very conscious way (if you will). It's a curious approach and it has everything to do with seeing how contrast is designed to help us 👈 Help us how? Help us get even more out of this human life experience 🙂👈✨ This is the heart-to-heart conversation I have in store for you today and it is with a Transformational Guide by the name of Amanda Towne ✨ Here is the bio I have for Amanda 💬 Amanda is a Transformation Coach. She loves to lead clients to their own inner guidance by releasing resistance and tuning into the power of their emotions. She is an expert in many modalities and has learned from numerous other teachers. She has masterfully woven these different techniques together in her own style of transformation to empower clients and raise their vibration. She loves to serve those that are followers of Abraham Hicks and similar teachers as she weaves in the teachings of Law of Attraction and metaphysics into her sessions.  If you'd like to know more about Amanda after listening to (or viewing) this episode, you will find all of her relevant links below 👇 Website: Facebook: Instagram: YouTube: Law of Attraction Facebook Group: Here are Details in Regard to the Special Offers that Amanda mentioned at the end of this episode👇 Free Initial Session (with Amanda) - use "freedom" as the code at the following link: One month free to the Group Coaching Program (with Amanda) - email, to be added to the group. The group coaching program is a new group that she'll be rolling out in October 🙂 ------ Interested in learning more about your host? I'm Timothy Waterman (aka, Beau) -- a Globally Celebrated Transformational Guide who specializes in mentoring those that are on a Path of Conscious Awakening 🕊 I started this podcast to share the insights, breakthroughs, and takeaways I've uncovered on my own Personal Journey of Awakening over the past 12 years. Want to learn more? You may find the links below to be helpful ⬇️ If you have an interest in working with me 1-to-1 as a Trans4mational Guide, you can apply here ⬇️ ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠ Website: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠  Self Mastery Blog: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠  Email: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ I freely share Energetic Codes and Self Mastery Insights on Social Media as well 📱🕊 YouTube | ⁠  Instagram | ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠  Facebook | ⁠⁠⁠⁠  LinkedIn | ⁠⁠ The Restore Your Self Podcast is a listener-supported podcast. If you'd like to make a financial donation to support the show you can do so below ⬇️ ⁠⁠  ----- Intro/Outro Music 🎧 Music by TVARI, ⁠⁠ from Pixabay, ⁠⁠ ----- The Restore Your Self Podcast is produced by Timothy Waterman 🕊
Following the Mysterious Pull into the Unknown with Danay Novoa
Following the Mysterious Pull into the Unknown with Danay Novoa
Have you ever wondered if there was more to life than the "safe" or "predictable" route you were told to travel growing up? The traditional route you could say. I totally had an inner curiosity that began to build around the age of 30. (One that I had shut down towards the end of my teenage years.) That pull (around 30) led me into a whole new frontier of existence, one that only continues to surprise and delight me ✨ In this episode, I speak to another Entrepreneur/Business Owner by the name of Danay Novoa. Danay embarked on her own journey into the unknown about two years ago. She left the traditional/familiar and said "yes" to a brand new path that Life kept inviting her to step onto 🌈👈 Here is the bio I have for Danay ⬇️ Danay is an intuitive coach and channel who loves connecting with people and guiding them toward greater self-love, self-acceptance, and self-empowerment. Danay is a former university professor who has embraced the shift to intuitive coaching through her channeling of infinite intelligence. She has a passion to share her gifts with others so that they can realize their own magic 🪄Currently, Danay connects with clients globally offering individual sessions, group events, workshops, and courses. ----- If you'd like to connect with Danay beyond this podcast episode you can find her most relevant links below ⬇️ Website (Instagram, YouTube, etc) 🔗 Danay has generously offered a discount code to listeners/viewers of this episode. The discount code 15OFF4U can be applied to a single session or a pack of three sessions via Danay's website. This discount code will create a savings of 15% on the above-mentioned offerings. 15OFF4U is valid starting today October 20th, 2023 and will expire on November 3rd, 2023. ------ Interested in learning more about your host? I'm Timothy Waterman (aka, Beau) -- a Globally Celebrated Transformational Guide who specializes in mentoring those that are on a Path of Conscious Awakening 🕊 I started this podcast to share the insights, breakthroughs, and takeaways I've uncovered on my own Personal Journey of Awakening over the past 12 years. Want to learn more? You may find the links below to be helpful ⬇️ If you have an interest in working with me 1-to-1 as a Trans4mational Guide, you can apply here ⬇️ ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠ Website: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠ Self Mastery Blog: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Email: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ I freely share Energetic Codes and Self Mastery Insights on Social Media as well 📱🕊 YouTube | ⁠ ⁠⁠ Instagram | ⁠⁠  Facebook | ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠  LinkedIn | ⁠⁠⁠⁠  The Restore Your Self Podcast is a listener-supported podcast. If you'd like to make a financial donation to support the show you can do so below ⬇️ ⁠⁠⁠⁠ ----- Intro/Outro Music 🎧 Music by TVARI, ⁠⁠⁠⁠ from Pixabay, ⁠⁠⁠⁠ ----- The Restore Your Self Podcast is produced by Timothy Waterman 🕊
Why I No Longer Live in Fear of Death 💀🕊
Why I No Longer Live in Fear of Death 💀🕊
Man, it was SO powerful when that Looming Fear of Death Went Away 👀 It was like a million pounds of pressure lifted from my existence 🙌 Since then I've felt much more relaxed in my day-to-day life 🧘🏻‍♂️ My ability to injoy this whole human thing has increased tenfold 👈👈👈 In this episode, I share the details of how I got to this space, and this energy if this topic happens to pique your interest 😉 ----- The book, "Dying to Be Me" by Anita Moorjani I mentioned in this episode can be found here ⬇️ The podcast clip that I mentioned with Zach Bush on the Rich Roll Podcast can be found here ⬇️ ----- Interested in learning more about your host? I'm Timothy Waterman (aka, Beau) -- a Globally Celebrated Transformational Guide who specializes in mentoring those that are on a Path of Conscious Awakening 🕊 I started this podcast to share the insights, breakthroughs, and takeaways I've uncovered on my own Personal Journey of Awakening over the past 12 years. Want to learn more? You may find the links below to be helpful ⬇️ If you have an interest in working with me 1-to-1 as a Trans4mational Guide, you can apply here ⬇️ ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠ Website: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠ Self Mastery Blog: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Email: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ I freely share Energetic Codes and Self Mastery Insights on Social Media as well 📱🕊 YouTube | ⁠ Instagram | Facebook | ⁠⁠⁠⁠ LinkedIn | ⁠⁠ The Restore Your Self Podcast is a listener-supported podcast. If you'd like to make a financial donation to support the show you can do so below ⬇️ ⁠⁠ ----- Intro/Outro Music 🎧 Music by TVARI, ⁠⁠ from Pixabay, ⁠⁠ ----- The Restore Your Self Podcast is produced by Timothy Waterman 🕊
Releasing Resistance & Allowing Your Vibration to Rise with Gina Mallison 🏵
Releasing Resistance & Allowing Your Vibration to Rise with Gina Mallison 🏵
It's all about embodiment. It's all about integration. It's time to move High Vibrational Understanding from a mental knowing to an embodied feeling. Feelings are the Language of the Universe 🌍✨ What better Mentor and Devotee of High Vibrational Awareness to have this conversation with than Gina Mallison 🏵 Gina has impacted my life experience in profound ways. I love, love, love having conversations with her about all things Vibration, Frequency - and - just plain Feeling Better more and more of the time! She is often referred to as the Queen of Calibration✨🧘‍♀️ ✨ In this brand new episode of The Restore Your Self Podcast I not only have an interview with Gina to share but a full-on demonstration of her signature calibration technique known as The Mallison Method. During this demonstration, you will hear or see Gina lead me to the breakthrough of breakthroughs. An experience of Unconditional and Unwavering Love that caused me to Release the Most Sincere Tears of Relief and Relaxation. Relaxation into Source Energy 🕊 Here is a bit more about Gina: Gina is a teacher and uplifter to the core of her being. A lover of life and eager to have others join her in that delicious love of all that life has to offer. Over the years, Gina has developed a phenomenal process that allows her and others to easily release resistance and align with Source, align with their Inner Being, and therefore align with their Vortex - and that process is called The Mallison Method. While there are infinite tools of alignment, what’s so special about The Mallison Method is it significantly changes the vibrational set-point on sticky topics - allowing those who use it to finally begin experiencing the desires related to those topics. Gina loves being a living example that you can truly be, do, or have anything once you begin to embody the teachings of Abraham-Hicks. Outrageously abundant experiences ARE available to everyone who learns how to consistently release resistance and calibrate to Source. Click here to see Gina’s example: To learn more about Gina and her current programs, click here: To connect with Gina on Facebook, click here: To receive Lifetime Access to the FULL Vibrational Mastery Library of Calls mentioned by Gina at the end of her interview, click below ⬇️ ---- Interested in learning more about me your host? I'm Timothy -- a Teacher of Self Mastery and a Channel of Divine Universal Wisdom 🕊 I started this podcast to share the insights, breakthroughs, and takeaways I've uncovered on my Personal Journey of Awakening over the past 12 years. Want to learn more? Please visit these destinations ⬇️ If you have an interest in working with me 1-to-1 as a Trans4mational Guide, you can apply here ⬇️ ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ If you have an interest in my INSANE Permission Life Transformation Program, you can learn more about that here: ⁠⁠⁠⁠ Website: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Self Mastery Blog: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Email: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ I freely share Energetic Codes and Self Mastery Insights on Social Media as well 📱🕊 YouTube: ⁠⁠⁠⁠ Instagram | ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Facebook | ⁠⁠ LinkedIn | The Restore Your Self Podcast is produced by Timothy Waterman 🕊
Making Space for Possibility, Detaching from the Outcome, and Letting It All Flow with Sheila Williams 🪄
Making Space for Possibility, Detaching from the Outcome, and Letting It All Flow with Sheila Williams 🪄
Are You Ready to Own Your Ability to Consciously Create a Life that Feels Adventurous and Exciting in All the Ways!? If the answer is a "heck yes!" or even, "I'm open to that possibility" -- I feel that you'll find great value in this dynamic and empowering conversation with Sheila Williams 💫 Sheila Williams is a self-proclaimed ‘magic coach’ who is a teacher to the core of her being. She discovered how to find joy in life and has created a magical life of travel, exploration, and connection. She believes that we have the power within us to create any life we choose through consistently making choices that feel aligned with what we desire.  She is a proud Canadian, a mother to three grown miracles, and a lover of nature and the outdoors. Traveling the world as a pet sitter, and spending time with animals is the cherry on top of her sundae of life. Playing with others as they discover their own life of magic is one of her favorite past times and she is passionate about her clients and group coaching programs.  -- I had an absolute blast chatting with Sheila and felt even more excited about the infinite possibilities that exist (for us all) on the other side of this conversation 💫 If you'd like to connect with Sheila beyond this interview you can do so here: -- To register for the Free Online Channeled Event mentioned in the introduction to the episode, please click on the link below: -- Interested in learning more about me your host? I'm Timothy -- a Teacher of Self Mastery and a Channel of Divine Universal Wisdom 🕊 I started this podcast to share the insights, breakthroughs, and takeaways I've uncovered on my Personal Journey of Awakening over the past 12 years. Want to learn more? Please visit these destinations ⬇️ If you have an interest in working with me 1-to-1 as a Trans4mational Guide, you can apply here ⬇️ ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ If you have an interest in my INSANE Permission Life Transformation Program, you can learn more about that here: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Website: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠  Self Mastery Blog: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Email: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ I freely share Energetic Codes and Self Mastery Insights on Social Media as well 📱🕊 YouTube: ⁠⁠⁠⁠  Instagram | ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠  Facebook | ⁠⁠  LinkedIn | ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠  Here's Where You Can Make a Donation in Gratitude for The Restore Your Self Podcast 🌈🙏💫 ⁠⁠  The Restore Your Self Podcast is produced by Timothy Waterman 🕊
Opening Up to the World of Soul Communication with Our Pets featuring Alexandria Barker 🤍🐈
Opening Up to the World of Soul Communication with Our Pets featuring Alexandria Barker 🤍🐈
Animals, Pets, Furry Home Companions -- they have a lot to say! And they're here to help teach us on our human journey 🐶 🐈 What if you could open your mind and awareness to the possibility of communicating with our dear four-legged friends via the Field. The Quantum you might say ⬅️ In this episode, we get to know Alexandria Barker and watch as she demonstrates a Channeled Pet Reading for one of my dear friends by the name of Taylor 🕊 Here is the official bio I have for Alexandria: Alexandria Barker is a channel, author, speaker, and teacher of the art of Deliberation Creation. She has been channeling a collective of angels and light beings for over 10 years and recently has been called to channel the highest essence of pets. In her talks, Alexandria shares how you can deepen your relationship with your fur babes by opening lines of communication with them. Visit to learn more, and receive your free ebook 📕 ----- Interested in learning more about me your host? I'm Timothy -- a Teacher of Self Mastery and a Channel of Divine Universal Wisdom 🕊 I started this podcast to share the insights, breakthroughs, and takeaways I've uncovered on my Personal Journey of Awakening over the past 12 years. Want to learn more? Please visit these destinations ⬇️ Website: ⁠⁠⁠⁠ Self Mastery Blog: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Email: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ If you have an interest in my INSANE Permission Life Transformation Program, you can learn more about that here: If you have interest in applying for a 1-to-1 Channeled Session with me, you can do so here: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ I freely share Energetic Codes and Self Mastery Insights on Social Media as well 📱🕊 YouTube: ⁠⁠ Instagram | ⁠⁠⁠⁠ Facebook | LinkedIn | ⁠⁠⁠⁠ Here's Where You Can Make a Donation in Gratitude for The Restore Your Self Podcast 🌈🙏💫 The Restore Your Self Podcast is produced by Timothy Waterman 🕊
You Are Every-Thing, Being Love is Enough, and NOW is Where Every-Thing is At with Ramona Galey 🤍 🕰 🤍
You Are Every-Thing, Being Love is Enough, and NOW is Where Every-Thing is At with Ramona Galey 🤍 🕰 🤍
This is a conversation that took my breath away more than once (in the best possible way)! Today I get to share a recorded conversation that I had with Ramona Galey who Channels the Energy of Opra. The majority of the interview is between Ramona and I - and - Ramona brings Opra in for a very enlightening Q & A where I am the one asking the questions. Questions that I felt may be pertinent to many who consider themselves to be on a Conscious Path of Awakening at this time on Earth. I loved, loved, loved this interview, and as you'll hear... Ramona and I laughed a ton during this conversation -- the energy overall was giddy and empowering 😂🌈 🕊 Here is the official bio I have for Ramona: Ramona Galey started her career as a professional classical trumpet player, knowing that she intended to always live life on her own terms. She has been through many eclectic careers since then, including stock broker, systems analyst, construction estimator, real estate investor, life coach, nonprofit leader/consultant, and channel, to name a few. Ms. Galey credits Law of Attraction teacher Esther Hicks with literally saving her life when Ramona's beloved life partner passed away, and she now "pays it forward" by helping others to achieve the highest levels of happiness and success possible. Ramona currently calls herself Vibrational Mentor, Prosperity Specialist, and Digital Nomad. Ms. Galey's newest ventures for individuals seeking accelerated expansion include a live (online) group membership "Vibrational Awakening". This is a joint offering with Gina Mallison, owner and creator of the incomparable Mallison Method, a hybrid healing modality based on NLP and Law of Attraction. Ramona and Gina are also offering a video series of Gina's client sessions with Opra. "As you come to love your body, you start to love yourself on a whole new level, and love itself will transform your body and your life according to your desires.” -- If you'd like to connect with Ramona after hearing this podcast episode, here are a few ways you can do so! Website: Vibrational Mentoring with Opra: Facebook: Ramona Galey, Vibrational Mentor on YouTube: ---- Interested in learning more about me your host? I'm Timothy --  a Teacher of Self Mastery and a Channel of Divine Universal Wisdom 🕊 I started this podcast to share the insights, breakthroughs, and takeaways I've uncovered on my Personal Journey of Awakening over the past 12 years. Want to learn more? Please visit these destinations ⬇️ If you have an interest in working with me 1-to-1 as a Trans4mational Guide, you can apply here ⬇️ ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ If you have an interest in my INSANE Permission Life Transformation Program, you can learn more about that here: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Website:  ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Self Mastery Blog: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Email: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ I freely share Energetic Codes and Self Mastery Insights on Social Media as well 📱🕊 YouTube: ⁠⁠ Instagram | ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Facebook | ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ LinkedIn | ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ — Here's Where You Can Make a Donation in Gratitude for The Restore Your Self  Podcast 🌈🙏💫 ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ The Restore Your Self Podcast is produced by Timothy Waterman 🕊
The Magic of Honoring One's Natural Creative Flow with Multidimensional Artist and Channel, Jen Hawkyard 🎨🖌
The Magic of Honoring One's Natural Creative Flow with Multidimensional Artist and Channel, Jen Hawkyard 🎨🖌
Welcome to a conversation where Two Artist/Creator Channels speak on the importance of aligning with the most meaningful, simple, and natural creative flow. The kind of creative flow that takes one by surprise and leads them to creations they could have not possibly predicted ahead of time. Yes, yes, yes -- if this is the kind of creativity and divine flow you're interested in, I feel this conversation may be for you 🌈💯 Join me as I get to know Jen Hawkyard, a multidisciplinary artist and designer living and working in remote West Wales.  She specializes in creating intuitively led channeled artworks and messages for her clientele all over the world. Her work is multi-dimensional, colorful, and imbued with layers of insight, love, and significance ✨ Prior to this recorded "get to know you" conversation I had brief interactions with Jen on Facebook, leaving a comment on a post here and there. I was then encouraged to reach out and get to know her better by way of a mutual friend we have in common. The recommendation was so incredibly worth it and after listening to this episode, I feel you'll have every idea as to why ☺️ Jen can be found on most social media channels under the pseudonym, Jezhawk: Facebook: Instagram: Pinterest: Her Professional Website is, And the membership site you'll hear her refer to in this episode can be discovered here: Gateway of Light Activation Oracle Deck ------ Interested in learning more about me your host? I'm Timothy --  a Teacher of Self Mastery and a Channel of Divine Universal Wisdom 🕊 I started this podcast to share the insights, breakthroughs, and takeaways I've uncovered on my Personal Journey of Awakening over the past 12 years. Want to learn more? Please visit these destinations ⬇️ Website: ⁠⁠⁠⁠ Self Mastery Blog: ⁠⁠⁠⁠ Email: ⁠⁠⁠⁠ If you have an interest in my INSANE Permission Life Transformation Program, you can learn more about that here: ⁠⁠ If you have interest in applying for a 1-to-1 Channeled Session with me, you can do so here: ⁠⁠⁠⁠ I freely share Energetic Codes and Self Mastery Insights on Social Media as well 📱🕊 YouTube: Instagram | ⁠⁠⁠⁠ Facebook | ⁠⁠⁠⁠ LinkedIn | ⁠⁠⁠⁠ — Here's Where You Can Make a Donation in Gratitude for The Restore Your Self  Podcast 🌈🙏💫 ⁠⁠⁠ The Restore Your Self Podcast is produced by Timothy Waterman 🕊
Pure Love Frequency: A Journey Into Bliss with Megan Selby and Olivier Maxted 🌈 🤍
Pure Love Frequency: A Journey Into Bliss with Megan Selby and Olivier Maxted 🌈 🤍
The invitation by way of this conversation/interview could not be more direct and to the point 🌈🙃 It’s an invitation into the Frequency of Pure Love which can create the potential for that which we call Bliss ☺️✨ Today, I AM delighted to introduce you to Megan Selby and Olivier Maxted of Pure Love Frequency. I’ve known them both for a bit over a year and a half now and have been dreaming of having them on the podcast for the past few weeks at least. Now, here they are 🎉 Here is the bio I have for Megan and Olivier: In 2019 Megan and Olivier felt ready to evolve their creations and began taking people on transformational healing journeys of 3 months or more. They mainly play online, reaching a global audience, and have found that the profound experiences are just as potent as if they were in the same room with in-person attendees.  In their own words, “It is deeply rewarding to see people go from heartbreak or loss and find a centered place from which to grow and expand. The music we create has grown and evolved tremendously over time. We’ve been blessed to have played in 4 continents on this mighty planet, expanded and grown exponentially personally and professionally, and find ourselves in the most finely-tuned place we’ve ever been.” Megan and Olivier live a sun-filled life in Portugal and work with people all around the globe. Ever learning, ever loving. — If you’d like to learn more about Blissful Unity after listening to this episode and hearing Megan + Olivier bring through the frequencies that they do — you can do so with the link below ⬇️ Here is the link to the homepage of their website ⬇️ Website: —  Interested in learning more about me your host? I'm Timothy --  a Teacher of Self Mastery and a Channel of Divine Universal Wisdom 🕊 I started this podcast to share the insights, breakthroughs, and takeaways I've uncovered on my Personal Journey of Awakening over the past 12 years. Want to learn more? Please visit these destinations ⬇️ Website: ⁠⁠ Self Mastery Blog: ⁠⁠ Email: ⁠⁠ If you have an interest in my INSANE Permission Life Transformation Program, you can learn more about that here: ⁠⁠ If you have interest in applying for a 1-to-1 Channeled Session with me, you can do so here: ⁠⁠ I freely share Energetic Codes and Self Mastery Insights on Social Media as well 📱🕊 Instagram | ⁠⁠ Facebook | ⁠⁠ LinkedIn | ⁠⁠ — Here is where you can apply for a Free Channeled Message on Marketing One's Self as a Wayshower 🕊 ⁠ Here's Where You Can Make a Donation in Gratitude for The Restore Your Self  Podcast 🌈🙏💫 ⁠⁠ The Restore Your Self podcast is produced by Timothy Waterman 🕊
Opening to the Voice of My Higher Self with Loriel Rose 🌹🕊
Opening to the Voice of My Higher Self with Loriel Rose 🌹🕊
Today I have the delight and pleasure of introducing you to Loriel Rose. I met Loriel for the first time in a channeling and guidance session that I received from her and her partner Arcturus Solomon. Together they have a business called Healing Light. Loriel has gone through a massive up-leveling in her life within just three short years. An up-leveling that has allowed her to hear the voice of her Higher Self in life-altering and empowering ways 💫 You'll get to hear much of that story today! Here is the heartfelt bio that I have for Loriel: Feeling different wasn’t always easy but what always gave me joy was helping and making life easier for others. In my deep desire to help I had to learn how to help myself first and that’s where my healing journey started. The hard work paid off and the connection I have with my higher self is strong and permanent. It is my soul’s purpose and deepest desire to serve others so they can set themselves free from all that dis-eases them. --- If you'd like to connect with Loriel beyond this interview, here a few ways to do just that ⬇️ Web Site: Facebook: YouTube: --- Interested in learning more about me your host? I'm Timothy --  a Teacher of Self Mastery and a Channel of Divine Universal Wisdom 🕊 I started this podcast to share the insights, breakthroughs, and takeaways I've uncovered on my Personal Journey of Awakening over the past 12 years. Want to learn more? Please visit these destinations ⬇️ Website: Self Mastery Blog: Email: If you have interest in my INSANE Permission Life Transformation Program, you can learn more about that here: If you have interest in applying for a 1-to-1 Channeled Session with me, you can do so here: I freely share Energetic Codes and Self Mastery Insights on Social Media as well 📱🕊 Instagram | Facebook | LinkedIn | — Here's Where You Can Make a Donation in Gratitude for The Restore Your Self  Podcast 🌈🙏💫 Here is where you can apply for a Free Channeled Message on Marketing One's Self as a Wayshower 🕊 The Restore Your Self podcast is produced by Timothy Waterman 🕊
Meet the Channels: Julie Wainer ☀️🌴
Meet the Channels: Julie Wainer ☀️🌴
WOWza 🤩 With every interview in the Meet the Channels series it keeps getting more FUN 🥳🎉 Today on this very special day of 2.22.23, it is my sincerest delight and pleasure to bring to you this third interview in the series with another remarkable Channel by the name of Julie Wainer 🌴☀️ I first became aware of Julie’s presence in the world about a year and a half ago through an online community created by Sara Landon. Here is the heartfelt bio I have for Julie: “Julie has always had a passion for helping people. Before she discovered she was a channel, she was a health, fitness, and wellness coach and also a certified personal trainer. In fact, when she’s not channeling, she’s most likely working out in her home gym. After working with a spiritual coach in 2020 Julie discovered a channeling course that opened up a brand-new world to her. She quickly realized that she had a calling to channel, in fact she was actually channeling her entire life, and never knew it. The more she learned the more she wanted to teach. Today Julie works as a verbal channel to help her clients tap into their higher self and create the life of their dreams. Her latest course teaches you how to create a seamless relationship with your higher self in order to navigate your life with ease. Real life solutions for real life people.” If you’d like to connect with Julie beyond this interview you can do so at: — Interested in learning more about me your host? I'm Timothy (aka, Beau) --  a Teacher of Self Mastery and a Channel of Divine Universal Wisdom 🕊 I started this podcast to share the insights, breakthroughs, and takeaways I've uncovered on my Personal Journey of Awakening over the past 12 years. Want to learn more? Please visit these destinations ⬇️ Website: Self Mastery Blog: Email: If you have interest in my INSANE Permission Life Trans4mation Program, you can learn more about that here: If you have an interest in working with me 1-to-1 as a Trans4mational Guide, you can apply here: ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠ I freely share Energetic Codes and Self Mastery Insights on Social Media as well 📱🕊 Instagram | Facebook | LinkedIn | — Here's Where You Can Make a Donation in Gratitude for The Restore Your Self  Podcast 🌈🙏💫 Special Note:  You can find out more about The Art of Channeling Course with Sara Landon and Mike Dooley that was mentioned in this interview by clicking on this link: The Restore Your Self podcast is produced by Timothy Waterman 🕊
Meet the Channels: Fiona Paul 🌈🧚‍♀️
Meet the Channels: Fiona Paul 🌈🧚‍♀️
Get Ready for Magic 🪄🧚‍♀️  If you know me or have listened to my podcast before you know I have mentioned being in Expanded States of Consciousness many times 🕊 And one thing that's become incredibly clear in those states of consciousness is that, there is UH-lot more going on in this Cosmic Universe than our minds have been aware of (in past centuries). It is because of what I have seen and experienced firsthand in those Expanded States of Consciousness that I consider it to be pure joy to be part of bringing more awareness to the Magic that Is Always Going On  🌈🧚‍♀️ If you are ready for a very special invitation into the Frequencies of Unconditional Love, Bliss, Joy, and Play... I feel this interview, this Transmission, has found you for a reason  🌈🙌 Join me for this second interview in the series I Am calling: Meet the Channels  🌈🕊  This conversation is with another dear friend from the UK by the name of, Fiona Paul  🧚‍♀️✨ Fiona is an intuitive guide, channel, and artist. She channels the profound wisdom and guidance from the Angels, Animals, Faerie realms, Ascended Masters, and our Higher Selves. It is her greatest joy to share their wisdom so you can come to know the Truth of who You Truly are…. … and how to live abundantly in all areas of your life! The core foundation of this profound wisdom is – We are all DIVINE Human Beings of Infinite Potential! --- If you'd like to connect with Fiona beyond this interview, here are a few ways you can do just that: Website: Events: Facebook: View Fiona's Art Work via, Instagram:  --------- Interested in learning more about me your host? I'm Timothy --  a Teacher of Self Mastery and a Channel of Divine Universal Wisdom 🕊 I started this podcast to share the insights, breakthroughs, and takeaways I've uncovered on my Personal Journey of Awakening over the past 12 years. Want to learn more? Please visit these destinations ⬇️ Website: Self Mastery Blog: Email: If you have interest in my INSANE Permission Life Transformation Program, you can learn more about that here: I freely share Energetic Codes and Self Mastery Insights on Social Media as well 📱🕊 Instagram | Facebook | LinkedIn | Here's Where You Can Make a Donation in Gratitude for The Restore Your Self  Podcast 🌈🙏💫 The Restore Your Self podcast is produced by Timothy Waterman 🕊
Meet the Channels: Ryan Wilaby ✨
Meet the Channels: Ryan Wilaby ✨
It is my sincerest delight and pleasure to announce the first in a series of interviews I Am calling: Meet the Channels ✨ If you’ve listened to my podcast before you already know that channeled and/or metaphysical wisdom lights me up like a Christmas Tree 🎄✨ In addition to sharing the Universal Wisdom that I experience through my own channel on the podcast… I felt the call to expand and introducecurrent and future listeners to other uh-mazing Channels that I Am aware of 🌈💯🕊 This podcast will introduce you to a dear friend by the name of Ryan Wilaby✨ Ryan has been in my field of awareness for about a year and a half now and I absolutely love the intuitive and spiritual wisdom that he brings to the conversations I’ve witnessed him in 🙌✨ Here is the empowering bio that I have to share from Ryan: Ryan is a way-shower to the Truth of who you are - You are God! As a spiritual guide and channel, Ryan meets you where you are at. Ryan guides you to remembering your highest potential and timeline. There is no agenda when working with Ryan - just summoning the Energy that is the Truth of who you are. When you become realized and fully integrated into the Powerful, Masterful Being that you are, the highest creation of your timeline comes flowing to you. You create from the Soul's desire effortlessly. Ryan is not here to fix a broken world but to create and usher in The New Earth 🌍🕊 — A few highlights from this interview include: The story of how Ryan followed an inward call to leave the life he once knew as a homeowner and corporate professional to move to Bali, IndonesiaLeaning into the realization that he is One with the God/Source Energy and that he is here to know himself in this Life as Creator within His Own CreationThe beginning of his experience as a Channel in coaching conversations that he’d have with his one-to-one clientsHow a loud voice in his awareness told him to stop drinking alcohol and eating meat, which soon led him to have a Life-Altering experience with Archangel MetatronHow he experienced a cosmic clearing on a cellular level as part of an Activation of his dormant DNAHow Archangel Metatron led him to a community of individuals who gathered around and celebrated the Channeled Teachings of a Group of Ascended Master Beings by the name of, The CouncilThe current ways he serves and assists his client’s on their Awakening JourneyA special Channeled Transmission that Ryan brought through at the closing of the interview inviting each and every listener into more of their Power and Sovereignty — If you'd like to connect with Ryan after listening to this interview, here a few places you can do so: Website: Facebook: YouTube: Instagram: ———— Interested in learning more about me your host? I'm Timothy --  a Personal Breakthrough Guide and a Channel of Divine Universal Wisdom 🕊 I started this podcast to share the insights, breakthroughs, and takeaways I've uncovered on my Personal Journey of Awakening over the past 12 years. Want to learn even more? Feel free to use the links below ⬇️ Website: Email: The Restore Your Self podcast is produced by Timothy Waterman 🕊
These 2 Channeled Codes Are Oh So Relevant Right Now 🕰✨
These 2 Channeled Codes Are Oh So Relevant Right Now 🕰✨
In this episode I share 2 Channeled Codes that have been changing my life experience for the better in BIG ways 💫  They arrived in the first week of January and have left a significant impression 💯 It is my hope that in sharing them, they may offer new insights for you to get more out of your day-to-day life as well. When I say more... to me it means the potential for more richness, more pleasure, and more joy 🌈✨ --------- Interested in learning more about your host? I'm Timothy Waterman (aka, Beau) -- a Globally Celebrated Transformational Guide who specializes in mentoring those that are on a Path of Conscious Awakening 🕊 I started this podcast to share the insights, breakthroughs, and takeaways I've uncovered on my own Personal Journey of Awakening over the past 12 years. Want to learn more? You may find the links below to be helpful ⬇️ If you have an interest in booking a 1-to-1 Personal Breakthrough and/or Channeling Consultation with me, you can do so here ➡️ ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Website: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠ Self Mastery Blog: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Email: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ I freely share Energetic Codes and Self Mastery Insights on Social Media as well 📱🕊 YouTube | ⁠ ⁠⁠ Instagram | ⁠⁠  Facebook | ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠  LinkedIn | ⁠⁠⁠⁠  The Restore Your Self Podcast is a listener-supported podcast. If you'd like to make a financial donation to support the show you can do so below ⬇️ ⁠⁠⁠⁠ The Restore Your Self Podcast is produced by Timothy Waterman 🕊
Yogic Awakening, Integrative Wellness, & Kambo with Sara Love Brown 🧘🏻‍♀️🍃🐸
Yogic Awakening, Integrative Wellness, & Kambo with Sara Love Brown 🧘🏻‍♀️🍃🐸
Happy New Year 🎉 Endless possibilities are in front of you now and always 🕊 I'm honored and blessed to be able to share this first podcast of 2023 with you today. It features an interview with my dear friend, Sara Love Brown. I met Sara in early 2022 and have loved staying connected with her since. She shares deep spiritual truths and principles in this conversation from her own life experience. It doesn't get better than that!   Here's her official bio:  Sara Love Brown grew up in Northern California and has followed her passions for health, wellness, and helping others. She is a registered nurse, an integrative healthcare practitioner, a certified kambo practitioner, and an enthusiastic world traveler and adventurer. Her spiritual path is ever unfolding, as is her passion for alternative and world medicines and practices.  A few highlights from the conversation ahead include:  • How an unforeseen injury led Sara to yoga which created a deep awareness of the relationship she was having with her, self  • How she began to honor where she was in her practice, on her path, with a new sense of gentleness (letting comparison to others go)  • How her yoga practice eventually led her to create a new chapter in her life and let what no longer served, go  • How she followed her true north to different parts of the globe which: (1) deepened her personal spiritual practice and (2) introduced her to indigenous forms of personal wellness  • The "Why!" behind starting her own Integrative Health Coaching Business   • What Kambo is and why she felt led to become a Certified Kambo Practitioner   • The insights she'd offer to anyone who's asking big questions in their life right now  Ready to learn even more? Here's a few ways you can stay connected with Sara:  Website:  Moksha Natural Wellness Instagram  Sara's Personal Instagram  ________  Interested in learning more about me your host? I'm Timothy --  a Teacher of Self Mastery and a Channel of Divine Universal Wisdom 🕊 I started this podcast to share the insights, breakthroughs, and takeaways I've uncovered on my Personal Journey of Awakening over the past 12 years. Want to learn more? Please visit these destinations ⬇️ Website: Self Mastery Blog: Email: If you have interest in my INSANE Permission Life Transformation Program, you can learn more about that here: I freely share Energetic Codes and Self Mastery Insights on Social Media as well 📱🕊 Instagram | Facebook | LinkedIn | Here's Where You Can Make a Donation in Gratitude for The Restore Your Self  Podcast 🌈🙏💫 The Restore Your Self podcast is produced by Timothy Waterman 🕊