Love and other strange conditions
Love, well love is technically just a chemical or string of chemicals but I can’t remember which, but I can tell you that chemical is the single most important thing inside your brain. Love means companionship, love is what makes you decide who you want to be around, love will show you pain, pleasure, regret, hope, and everything in between… Love will make you cry, or it can make you laugh. Life is meaningless without it, dull and grey, and when you find it everything fills with vivid color! Love is what everyone searches for in one way or another, isn’t it? People love money, sports, cars, make up, books, their career, their kids, their mother and father… now, when I hear “love” I think of a girl, not any specific girl anymore, but I think female. Not everyone searches for love in the form of another human being, and I don’t either. I THINK female but what love really is, love is the bond, the connection between two people. Physically, mentally, and emotionally. Love is the spark, the fire, the passion in a relationship that makes it work. Love is understanding, communicating, and trusting the other in a relationship. I really do miss the warm & fuzzy feeling of love. It sounds strange but love is what drives me forward these days… “Maybe tomorrow, maybe tomorrow” is what love means to me.