Warn Radio Endtime


The WIBR/WARN Radio shows are featured with the Watchman Dana G Smith and Tower. The Watchman has been the voice of the WIBR/WARN radio show and ministry for well over two decades. The Watchman and Tower are the voices of Warn Radio. The original ministry of Warn Radio and the WIBR dates to the mid-70's where this all originated.

We began many years ago in the seventies broadcasting in college. We have broadcast around the world through Shortwave, Radio, and satellite. Now we broadcast through our WIBR/WARN Radio network of partners like Spreaker and many others.

The WIBR/WARN Radio websites are Warn-Usa.com and home of Warn Radio, while DanaGlennSmith.com is home to the Watchman Institute for Biblical Research.

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#Discipleship #Occupy till I #Come; #Crown of #Righteousness Pt9
#Discipleship #Occupy till I #Come; #Crown of #Righteousness Pt9
Crown of Righteousness which is a phrase describing the reward for those individuals who are redeemed, forgiven, and have walked before the Lord in an obedient and purposeful life for Jesus Christ to the glory of our God and Father. There is not a doubt today that the sides of righteousness and unrighteousness meet on the battlefield in the nations of men. They can fight over policies, scripture, jealousies, and much more. In spite of this, we find that Christians today face persecution, murder, jail, and much more for simply being a person that has followed the Lord #JesusChrist and accepted by #faith His #atoningwork on the #cross. In this world the #evil persists and the evil one works to undermine #peoplesfaith, work, ideals, goodness, and much more. In addition, there are people today who believe it is okay to kill Christians. There are entire groups of people who follow this mantra, yet it continues.  As #Christians we are to Occupy till #Jesus #Christ comes. Where we live, we are to be #witnesses of our #Lord and followers of the #FaithofChrist. This week we delve into this and look at the Crown of Righteousness for a #reward to and for the #SaintsofGod.  #CrownofRighteousness   To get the Books from the Watchman Dana G Smith go to his website https://www.DanaGlennSmith.com   Visit https://Warn-Usa.com      🎧Listen now, go to Post:Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/warn-radio-endtime--2511806/support.
#Lively #Hope, #SapienProphecy, #Indonesia, #Pakistan, #Floods, #Revival, #Slavery, #Trafficking, #GlobalCensorship, #Persecuted #Church
#Lively #Hope, #SapienProphecy, #Indonesia, #Pakistan, #Floods, #Revival, #Slavery, #Trafficking, #GlobalCensorship, #Persecuted #Church
#Lively #Hope, #SapienProphecy, #Indonesia, #Pakistan, #Floods, #Revival, #Slavery, #Trafficking, #GlobalCensorship, #Persecuted #Church @WarnRadioLively Hope is keeping faith alive even through trials and tribulations, floods, prison, death, and many other afflictions. Through much tribulation do we, as believers in Christ Jesus enter into the Kingdom of God. The Apostles taught this, experienced this, and so did our Lord Jesus lead the way by example. He gave his life on the cross, shedding His blood to atone for the sins of humankind. Today is another day to rejoice and #lovetheLord, #loveyourneighbor and push forward in faith. This is the day to realize #yourvictory in #JesusChrist is alive, well, and coming to you. As Peter wrote in His first epistle chapter one we as believers and #keepersofFaith through the #SpiritofGod and the #WordofGod are "kept by the #powerofGod through #faith unto #salvation ready to be revealed in the last time" -verse five. Therefore, Grasp onto the #Lord #JesusChrist to the #glory of our #God and #Father do not let go for we have a sure and #LivelyHope.  🎧Listen now, go to Post:   To get the Books from the Watchman Dana G Smith go to his website https://www.DanaGlennSmith.com   Visit https://Warn-Usa.comBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/warn-radio-endtime--2511806/support.
#Discipleship #Occupy till I #Come #WORD of #Truth Pt7
#Discipleship #Occupy till I #Come #WORD of #Truth Pt7
#Discipleship #Occupy till I #Come #WORD of #Truth Pt7WORD of Truth greets this portion of our 'Occupy Till I Come' study. We look at the Apostle Paul as he unravel' s the "Mystery of His Will" found in the context of Ephesians chapter one, verses nine through fourteen. This chapter is rich as is the rest of this letter to the Ephesians, however we move on. It is no mistake that the Book of Revelation authored by John has a pointed section of the glory of those "redeemed from the earth" found in Revelation chapter fourteen, verse three, but followed by verse four which describes individuals who were "redeemed from among men". As the world today seems to take a deep dive into hatred, debauchery, sin, and revel in the most horrendous sins that men and women can do, we find #Hope. We find the Apostles telling us of the redemption for those who live in the Roman Empire which was very hedonistic. As with Rome, America and the world is facing the fact that the Lord is coming soon. God provided Atonement through His Sons' #vicariousdeath on the #cross and resurrection following it.  No doubt, the Lord God and our #SaviorJesusChrist made away for man to be #redeemed from among men on this earth. For not all will be Saved, although the #Lordcommanded all men everywhere to #repent. Thus, the #MysteryofHisWill is carried out in righteousness and triumph for those who are truly #redeemed at this moment in History. We wait, for the #LordComes, #Revelation 22. #WordofTruth  To get the Books from the Watchman Dana G Smith go to his website https://www.DanaGlennSmith.com   Visit https://Warn-Usa.com      🎧Listen now, go to Post:Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/warn-radio-endtime--2511806/support.
#Discipleship #Occupy till I #Come #Gospel of #God Pt6
#Discipleship #Occupy till I #Come #Gospel of #God Pt6
Gospel of God brings us to the inevitability which faces mankind. He is not in charge of life, death, or the creator of all things. Today, mankind and His science along with technology has made a way for mankind to reach the stature of godhood, or so they believe. Utilizing modern tech and the internet, we find groups, individuals, and entire nations lining up for the proverbial #NewWorldOrder.  In essence of all things on this earth, man can live, breathe, get rich, and pretty much do what he wants. He can be atheist, or a believer in any god he or she may want. They can even find the #TrueandLiving God and our Father and believe on the only Savior and #LordJesus #Christ to save their #souls. But man cannot live forever nor shut the #LordGod out of the earth, the cities, or hid the sins which people so lustfully cling on to. The Gospel of God brings good news to all people, while at the same time brings judgment to those who have disregarded the #Salvation and the #Gospel of #JesusChrist, who is God and #Savior. Be sure that Fiery Trials will eventually find those who are Christs. For we as #disciples of the #Lord are indeed #partakers of #Christssuffering. For it is true, #judgment must begin at the #houseofGod! #GospelofGod  To get the Books from the Watchman Dana G Smith go to his website https://www.DanaGlennSmith.com   Visit https://Warn-Usa.com      🎧Listen now, go to Post:Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/warn-radio-endtime--2511806/support.
#Gospel of #Peace, #Nigeria, #Faith of #Christ, #Advocacy #Persecuted @WarnRadio
#Gospel of #Peace, #Nigeria, #Faith of #Christ, #Advocacy #Persecuted @WarnRadio
Gospel of Peace rides alongside, persecution, prison, martyrs, faith, miracles, and provision. Taking the Gospel to the world as revealed in the scriptures can be a dangerous and daunting task filled with the divine, miraculous, deliverance all amidst those who hate the gospel and the Christ of the Gospel. Yet amidst that hate and danger, many Christians’ living in persecuted areas find listeners and hungry for the #WordofGod people. The #gospel is alive, real, supernatural, and transforms lives. There is nothing like it, nothing which can compare to our #Risen, #Resurrected, and #Overcoming #ChristJesus. He is coming again to bring in His #Kingdom and the believers are and will be Kings and Priests unto the Lord our #God and #Father and to our #Savior and #King #Jesus, #Yeshua, #HaMassiach. Make no mistake these are the #endofdays and Evil perpetrated by the #Evil ne is making plans to totally destroy the #believers, the #kingdomsofmen, and make a cozy nightmare of a place for himself and his #wicked. Yet, the place will be the #lakeoffire where he and his minions will end up. #YeshuahaMassiach, #JesusChrist, Is Coming soon. #GospelofPeace    🎧Listen now, go to Post:   To get the Books from the Watchman Dana G Smith go to his website https://www.DanaGlennSmith.com   Visit https://Warn-Usa.comBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/warn-radio-endtime--2511806/support.
#Nations #Drunk, #Armenia, #Pakistan, #Testimony, #HumanRights, #FindingJesus, #Blasphemy, #Faith of #Christ @WarnRadio
#Nations #Drunk, #Armenia, #Pakistan, #Testimony, #HumanRights, #FindingJesus, #Blasphemy, #Faith of #Christ @WarnRadio
#Nations #Drunk, #Armenia, #Pakistan, #Testimony, #HumanRights, #FindingJesus, #Blasphemy, #Faith of #Christ @WarnRadioNations Drunk, having finished drinking the wine of the "wrath of her fornication". Directly from Revelation, we find the context of these words in chapter eighteen and verses three through six. However, the whole of this chapter gives a stark reminder of what happens to the nations of men when unbridled lust, greed, power gather in #MysteryBabylon. Yet, the nations of men are also full of this #wine of #fornication, extravagance, lust, greed, and power. It is true and has been repeated through the ages "Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely." Here the #believers are commanded to "Come out of her, my people, that ye be not #partakers of her #sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues." See context of #Revelation verses three through six. It is hard to believe as we watch #America with its various proclivities that have been accepted as an acceptable way to behave. Yet the morals as well as Christ like behavior in the nations of men is in the proverbial toilet, while Christians continue to #liveforChrist and shine the #radiance of #Hislove. This even as many are #jailed, #persecuted, and hated for their belief. But one day the #Christians #hope, and their #faith will be rewarded when #ChristJesus returns to gather His own and to #judge the #nationsofmen. #RepentNow, #SeekChristJesus, #YeshuaHaMassiach  🎧Listen now, go to Post:   To get the Books from the Watchman Dana G Smith go to his website https://www.DanaGlennSmith.com   Visit https://Warn-Usa.com  Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/warn-radio-endtime--2511806/support.
#Discipleship #Occupy till I #Come #Spread the #Gospel Pt4
#Discipleship #Occupy till I #Come #Spread the #Gospel Pt4
Spread the Gospel brings the truth to those without the camp. As Paul spoke to the Thessalonians, he mentioned their "#electionofGod", saying to them "our gospel came not only to "you in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Ghost." He also said of their #faith saying, "In every place your faith to #God-word is spread abroad" so much so that the Apostles "need not to speak anything." Troubles came and went, but in it all from city to town to the countryside; they #preached the #WordofGod in power bringing the cause of #ChristJesus and the gospel to the forefront and hungry ears and hearts heard the #Word and were saved. Yet, jealous ears and hateful hearts also heard the #Apostleswords and rejected all they said and did; plotting even to stop them, harass them, beat them up, or even to kill them. They had no church bells, no steeples, no board of directors, nothing that the believers have today. We even have the internet to spread the gospel, and even with this along with airplanes and other #technologies we find the world in a worse shape for it. Yet, even with this; there are real #revivals and heartfelt saving #crusades done by #ministries and ministers and others to bring the #gospel #hope to all that will hear it.So #SpreadtheGospel the #WordofGo about #JesusChrist     Visit https://Warn-Usa.com    🎧Listen now, go to Post: To get the Books from the Watchman Dana G Smith go to his website https://www.DanaGlennSmith.comBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/warn-radio-endtime--2511806/support.
#Discipleship #Occupy till I #Come I #SendYouForth Pt2
#Discipleship #Occupy till I #Come I #SendYouForth Pt2
I Send You Forth, make sure you know; the disciples were sent. They had a purpose, a #commission, an #anointing, and a Leader who had overcome all things. He finished the #redemptiveportion of the work. Now the messengers were sent with the message that all people may #besaved from the #seconddeath and the #finaljudgment. #ChristJesus is that #Leader, being #Saved is that which our #Lord provided as the #PassoverLamb, the #SonofGod who #died on the #cross completing the #atonement for all who call on His name. However, the disciples were not to go home and forget it all. In Matthew chapter ten verse sixteen we find the Lord saying to the disciples "Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves." In Mark chapter six, versed seven to eleven and Luke chapter nine verses one to six they were sent out two by two. They were now #apostles. The word apostles mean "one that is sent"! These were sent out, sent forth to #preachthegospel.  Today's world is reeling in troubles, wars, hatred, and in a #dividedAmerica we find ourselves moving ever closer to civil war here. While #global #wars and #rumorsofwar circulate daily. We hate to much, love to little, and give heed not at all to what we need to do which is #repent and #seek the #Lord. #ISentyouforth   Visit https://Warn-Usa.com    🎧Listen now, go to Post: To get the Books from the Watchman Dana G Smith go to his website https://www.DanaGlennSmith.com#Discipleship #Occupy till I #Come I #SendYouForth Pt2Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/warn-radio-endtime--2511806/support.
#Declare #My #Glory #Isaiah's #Prophetic Book Pt223 Battle Lines
#Declare #My #Glory #Isaiah's #Prophetic Book Pt223 Battle Lines
A time with the #lawlessness of #nations and of men and women peaking. We find the words of the prophet in chapter fifteen of Isaiah saying "For, behold, the LORD will come with fire, and with his chariots like a whirlwind, to render his anger with fury, and his rebuke with flames of fire." Further the prophet says that the "LORD will plead with all flesh: and the slain of the LORD shall be many." These verses found in the Sixty-six chapter of Isaiah, found within the context of verses fifteen to twenty-four. The entire book of Isaiah has purposed to establish the #sovereign #Word of the #LORD and His Righteousness and Judgment. Here is both houses of #Israel and later we find the #Gentiles are also called out. Within are promises both of #redemption and of #Judgment. There is no fear of the Lord, nor of His words, His prophets, or the #DayoftheLORD. But though they seem to fear not, one day they will stand before Him who is #Eternal. #DeclareMyGlory, #FinalWords, #ClosingtheBook, #Isaiah  🔥Isaiah’s Prophetic Study                                  🔥Study given by the Watchman Dana G Smith👉Tower was co-Host👉WIBR/WARN Radio  👉We finished Isaiah on July 25th 2024👉We began Isaiah on April 25th 2019👉Total episodes 223👉Our study guide when finished was 1636 pages and contained 402,444 words🙏   🎧Listen now, go to Post:Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/warn-radio-endtime--2511806/support.
#Zion's #Travail #Isaiah's #Prophetic #Book Pt222 Battle Lines
#Zion's #Travail #Isaiah's #Prophetic #Book Pt222 Battle Lines
Zion's Travail brings us face to face with the LORD rendering recompence to His enemies. Yet we look at the context of this portion and find before she travailed, she brought forth a man child. Yet, even as this sounds unbelievable, the question is asked "who has heard such a thing or seen such things”? A #nationborn at once, for Zion travailed and behold she brought forth her children. Nothing was to stop this bringing forth a nation, yet as we see Zion, #Jerusalem was #desolate. #Zion will bring forth a nation one that is brought forth from a #manchild. Here we find that even through the #desolation and #judgment of #Judah and seventy years in captivity, #Godforgave and #restored her. This nation of Judah already was an established nation formed in #judgment and #God #redeemed her. The man child herein is seen, for example Albert Barnes refers to the birth of the #MessiahYeshua and the increase thereof, birthed #spiritually as a #nation out of the Messiah. The blessed Zion, the restored Judah, and the #Messiah #prophesied to come are born. Out of him will come a multitude all of which are born from the #seedofZion. The Seed is Yeshua the Messiach.  #ZionsTravail    🎧Listen now, go to Post:   To get the Books from the Watchman Dana G Smith go to his website https://www.DanaGlennSmith.com   Visit https://Warn-Usa.comBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/warn-radio-endtime--2511806/support.