#Season of #Hope, #Eritrea, #Vietnam #Persecuted, #Lebanon Fear, #Believers #Persevere, #GospelAdvocacy @WarnRadio
Season of Hope is a phrase referring to the fact that many who celebrate Christmas and other Christian holidays, as the one coming up this December, brings the Truth of our redemption front and center. Yes, salvation, hope, eternal Truth all founded on the eternal truth that Jesus Christ, Yeshua went to the cross, suffered, bled, and died for our sins. Jesus, #Yeshua is our #Atonement sacrifice. This is the #eternalhope which brings us to the Father in the name of the Son and we stand on the righteous sacrifice for our sins. As we look at the #Persecutedchurch this week, we must look to the #Savior who died for us and set us free. As Jesus Christ said " In the world you will have tribulation - John 16:33." The reason the world hates Christians, especially Islamic Jihadists is because #Christ #setusfree from #oursins. Evil doers, the devil, and nations like North Korea, China, Iran, and others despise #Christians and their #faith. They also despise our God and Father and our #Lord Jesus Christ. That is, and until they are born again by the #SpiritofGod and become #disciples of the #Lord. This year, reflect the #hope that is found in our #redemption through #JesusChrist. #SeasonofHope 🎧Listen now, go to Post: To get the Books from the Watchman Dana G Smith go to his website https://www.DanaGlennSmith.com Visit https://Warn-Usa.com#Season of #Hope, #Eritrea, #Vietnam #Persecuted, #Lebanon Fear, #Believers #Persevere, #GospelAdvocacy @WarnRadioBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/warn-radio-endtime--2511806/support.