QCP #020 | Victor Thai, Tech Shaman and Conduit to the Psychedelic Realm

The Quake City Portal

14-04-2022 • 2 hrs 22 mins


Victor Thai is one of the most interesting people I know. He's the son of Vietnamese refugees growing up as one of the only Asian kids in Richmond, Virginia.

I met him five years ago, training Jiu-Jitsu at the same gym where we spent a lot of nights after class doing some extra rolls. He was a newcomer to San Francisco from Virginia, and he introduced me to my first few psychedelic experiences.

He grew his mushrooms from home, stocks a wide variety of colorful teas in his pantry, owns fancy teacups and tea sets, and is one of the most fluid and creative competitors I've ever had the chance to share the mat with.

One time, I found out that he accidentally took a book I brought with me to read in the Muni on the way to the gym - Meditations by Marcus Aurelius - because it was left outside of my backpack. He apologized for taking the book and quickly returned it with the quip, "I only took it because I thought, who the fuck would read that book from this gym?".

That's the kind of guy he is, and I admire that in him. He's blunt, says what's on his mind, and relishes in the awkwardness that straightforwardness puts him in, which I feel is very rare these days.

In this conversation, he shares his personal history, including his parents, that met here in the states as refugees from Vietnam. He talks about his long-term relationship with his ex-girlfriend and the unexpected turn their relationship took after driving across the country with her from Virginia. He shares the impact of psychedelics on his life, how to embrace the comforts of solitude, and more.

This was a fun conversation hanging out in Tilden Park of Berkley, California, in the botanical garden just a few weeks before the end of winter.

It's a pleasure to introduce you to one of my good friends, a fellow Jiu-Jitsu practitioner (how cliche is that a guy with a podcast that does jiu-jitsu). A guy, who, to me, represents my future life regression, a guy that genuinely gives much less fucks than I do, a guy who doesn't sniff his own farts, doesn't care what side anyone is on, and even his own. Most importantly, a guy that lives with mindful intention and is always looking for a better explanation without any regard -

The Tech Shaman,  Conduit to the Psychedelic World, Victor Thai.