The Preacher's Pen Podcast

Christopher Gallagher

The Preacher's Pen Podcast is dedicated to assisting others in creating a better day today for a better life tomorrow based on the teachings of Jesus Christ. Our aim to to challenge you to grow greater in your spiritual walk each day. In our podcast, we share hope and faith found in the words of Jesus and His teachings. Support this podcast: read less
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The Stripes of the Servant - Preacher's Pen Podcast
The Stripes of the Servant - Preacher's Pen Podcast
Join us on this podcast as we talk about "The Stripes of the Servant." This is part of our series on, "The Cross." Imagine, for a moment, a sickness that lasts for twelve years. Whatever sickness you want, choose it, whether chicken pox, allergies, strep throat or the common cold, the choice is yours. Now imagine having had that sickness for twelve years. I cannot stand a common cold for a day, much less twelve years. A disease of twelve years would frustrate and annoy. A disease of such time would be expensive. What much would you spend to cure yourself of a 12-year disease? One woman spent her entire livelihood on doctor visits and prescriptions. Every excess of her paycheck went to cure her disease. If she had any retirement, it was spent. ... The woman who reached for the healing power of Christ found it in the hem of a garment. As you reach the cross, you will find healing. You will find healing because He carried your sins on His shoulders. His body became the sin offering, the Passover lamb. ____________________________________________________________________- May you be blessed in seeing the cross. Be sure to check out our website at http:/// Be sure to check out the Preacher's Pen website at You will find links to great material and be sure to join our contact list for upcoming newsletters. We also have a daily text message list you can join as well. --- Support this podcast: