Meet my Guest:
For the longest time, Founder, of Be Brave. Be You, Lisba Romo struggled with
the spirit FEAR. In her early childhood, Lisba suffered from being bullied at school
and being verbally abused at home. Consequently, this led to Lisba’s feelings of
unworthiness, low self-esteem and having fear to do things. Lisba was so shy to do things that simply speaking up and expressing herself was a challenge. When
Lisba became a teenager, she battled with depression and having suicidal thoughts and experienced being spiritually attacked by an evil force. In college, Lisba began to step outside of her comfort zone. Yet life still had some challenges for her along the way as she entered the workforce. After being laid off for the second time, Lisba decided to become one of the caregivers for her dad who was
battling cancer. Unfortunately, her dad lost the battle against cancer and this rocked her to her core. Her father had to hold off on living his life fully in hopes of retiring one day and doing all the things he wanted to do but unfortunately life had a different plan for him. It is then that Lisba made a decision to be brave with her life.
She created her own challenge to conquer her fears by challenging herself for 10 days going live on Facebook doing a Be Brave and Get Uncomfortable Challenge. The more Lisba got uncomfortable, the more comfortable she became with being uncomfortable. Lisba’s passion for overcoming fears and adversities lead to creating her
own YouTube channel.
One day Lisba met with a woman who invited her to co-author on a book to share her life story and gave her the inspiration to start her organization, Be Brave. Be You, LLC. Lisba is now leading a purposeful life as the Brave Warrior Life Coach, Motivational Speaker and Published Author in Today’s Inspired Latina. Lisba believes that there is yet more dreams to accomplish and
that nothing is impossible if you put your faith in God. Lisba is a child of God, a wife, daughter, and a sister and
has two pet childs, Honey and Bella.
To learn more about Lisba and her organization, Be Brave. Be You, LLC. visit
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