Episode 5: Adventure, Freedom and Mindfulness with Michelle Frost

Career-Defining Moments

21-06-2022 • 41 mins

Michelle Frosts’ career story highlights how you can truly live the values of adventure and freedom in your life and career, even when you have 5 kids! She shares the moment when she knew she needed to step away from her the 9 to 5 job and be her own boss. She also shares how she went from being a teacher at a particularly difficult school to teaching small business owners about moving into the online world and now coaching mindfulness, movement and overall well-being.

We cover:

· Leaning into nurturing yourself

· Courage to be different and not letting your fear run the show

· Being able to stay calm when you ask yourself “What’s the worst that could happen?”

· Daring to get creative and following your path

· Taking your kids out of school to travel and explore the world as a family

· Parenthood and being a career role model for your kids

· The challenge of getting stuck in information gathering before taking action

· Finding the balance between studying and learning on the job

· Helping people simplify the way they live and move through transformation

· Breaking old patterns to be healthier and happier

· Using simple breathing techniques to manage stress at work

· Being in charge of our thoughts and not letting them control or hold us back

· Realising that our thoughts only have as much power as we give them

· Using difficult experiences and people as lessons in developing better boundaries

Michelle’s top 3 career tips:

1) Don’t think you have to do what you’ve always done! Thing can and will change and you can create your own path.

2) Have movement in your life to help your career and overall life quality.

3) Don’t settle! You have one life, make every moment count.


· Michelle’s website and podcast: https://fitmindfitbody.co/

· Michelle interviewing Emmy: https://anchor.fm/career-defining-moments/episodes/Episode-1-Career-Chapters-and-Belonging---Get-to-know-your-podcast-host--Emmy-Petersson-e1j9sad

· Feeling a bit stuck on what’s next in your career? Start by downloading the free career checklist via https://www.thebridgecoaching.com.au or book a free chat with Emmy.

If you have any questions about today’s episode or want to chat about future podcast topics, you can get in touch with Emmy here: https://www.thebridgecoaching.com.au/contact-us/

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