79: Stopping The Usage of Plastic Bottles in Bali with Refill My Bottle

Daily Passenger Responsible Travel Podcast

20-08-2023 • 21 mins

In this episode, we are joined by Christine, Project Director of Refill My Bottle. We talk about their inspiring initiative in Bali, where they're tackling plastic bottle usage in Bali tourist places. Discover how their innovative approach encourages people to refill reusable bottles, significantly reducing plastic waste and making travel in Bali a better experience. Tune in to learn about the positive impact they're making on both local communities and the environment.

Connect with Refill my Bottle

Website - https://refillmybottle.com/

App - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pixelon.refillmybottle

Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/refillmybottle_/?hl=en

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