The Spirit Guiders

Emily Baker & Jane Lightfoot

Emily Baker and Jane Lightfoot will take you through the psychic, spiritual and complementary and holistic therapies. Both Emily and Jane have a back ground in which covers these aspects. Through the series there will be some guests as well talking about their modalities. Questions from you are more than welcomed please do send them in. read less
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Card Reading and Cards
Card Reading and Cards
In this episode Jane and Emily talk about cards and card reading, the many types and styles of cards and the varied meaning of the different cards. We talk about angel cards, and oracle cards, and the difference between them as well as talking about tarot cards.  Tarot cards are different from the previous types of cards and are much more complex.  The other type of card used for readings is playing cards, which are used much like that of the tarot set.  Emily has also created her own set of cards called Perceptionary Cards, these are not a tarot set but much more left up to the user to interpret what they see and feel in the card.Jane at Mystique Wellbeing in Shrewsbury does sell a number of different types of cards, if you want to discuss or look at sets why not pop into her shop or contact Mystique Wellbeing? a set of Perceptionary Cards go along to to get your set there. Jane and Emily are both working psychics/mediums; yes, you can book a reading with them.  Emily also does public demonstrations with her mediumship and psychic art or mediumship with art. If you would like a topic for them to discuss or would like more information then contact them via Facebook or email at thespiritguiders@aol.comA Facebook and a group page has now been set up making it easier to find The Spirit Guiders out about upcoming events that we do either independently or together through our Facebook page.
Crystals with Sarah
Crystals with Sarah
We have the pleasure of having one of our supporters as a guest, giving us more information about crystals.  So many were brought in and so much information was departed as well.  Here below is the list of her top 10 and some further information about them taken from Sarah's notes, and we would also say please find out information from other sources too as this is not the definitive one  We can not say that this information is accurate either as this information Sarah has given to us.  This may not be in order.Clear Quartz: All-round healer and an amplifier of other crystals.  It attunes to the specific energy requirements of the person undertaking spiritual work.  It raises energy to the highest level enhancing psychic abilities, attunes to your spiritual purpose and harmonizes the chakras.  During meditation, it filters out distractions. Aids concentration and memory. Can be used for any condition as a master healer. It stimulates the immune system and can soothe burns.Amethyst: It gets its colour from trace amounts of iron in the quartz and has been irradiated. This is a powerfully protective stone, it guards against negative energies and psychic attacks.  It has strong healing and cleansing powers, It also enhances spiritual awareness and psychic gifts. It helps you feel less scattered and more focused it aids in the decision-making process. It has a calming tranquil effect, making it helpful for insomnia caused by an overactive mind. It supports sobriety and aids in overcoming addictions and blockages. It balances his and lows binging emotional centring and dispels anger, rage, fear and anxiety. It also aids in the grieving process. Can be used to stabilise psychiatric conditions, but should not be used in cases of paranoia and schizophrenia. It relieves psychological emotional and physical street and pain relieves headaches and tension. It reduces bruises, injuries and swelling. Is beneficial for the intestines, lungs and respiratory tract.Citrine: This forms within amethyst and is naturally or artificially heat treated. It also gets its colour from iron. Natural citrine is often a pale yellow, while heat-treated citrine is a more vivid yellow to brown. If you irradiated citrine it turns back to amethyst. (side note; Ametrine is Amethyst and citrine in one stone and natural Ametrine only comes from the one mine in Bolivia). Citrine is a joyful, energizing and creative stone. It is also a powerful cleanser and regenerator. It never needs cleansing. It absorbs, dissipates and grounds negative energy. It helps to manifest and attract wealth prosperity and success. It also is a generous stone and encourages sharing. It raises self-esteem and removes destructive tendencies, encourages self-expression, individuality, and creativity and boosts motivation. It enhances concentration and is blood posting perfect for combatting depression and anxiety. It aids in combating phobias and dealing with anger. Energising stone, helpful to those with degenerative conditions. It helps with the digestive system and increases blood circulation.Rose Quartz: It gets its colour from microcrystalline fibrous rose-coloured inclusions dididumortierite. It has a hazy look and is rarely clear. The bigger the piece, the more pink the colour. The stone of unconditional love. A perfect stone for emotional healing, it brings deep inner healing and self-love. It is calming, reassuring, and good in trauma or crisis. It can be used to attract love in your life and encourages trust, harmony and unconditional love in existing relationships. Strengthens empathy, and sensitivity and aids the acceptance of the change. Encourages, self-compassion, self-forgiveness, self-acceptance, self-worth and self-esteem. It teaches you how to love yourself. Aids in expressing difficult emotions and heartache. A good stone to help you through the grieving process. Strengthen and physical heart and circulatory system and aid chest and lung problems. It is also said to increase fertility.Carnelian: It is an orange-to-red variety of chalcedony (microcrystalline quartz) and it gets its colour from iron oxide impurities.  A ground stone, it anchors you to the present. It is a stabilizing stone with high energy. It also has the ability to cleanse other stones. It encourages the acceptance of the life cycle and removes the fear of death. Promotes positive life choices, dispels apathy and motivates success. Helps you overcome negative conditioning and helps you trust yourself and your perception. Useful for overcoming abuse of any kind. It aids problem-solving, clarifies perception, aids concentration, and combats lethargy. It is a powerful protector against negative emotions that are yours or other people's. It stimulates the metabolism, increases fertility and aids lower back problems, rheumatism, arthritis and depression, especially for older people.Labradorite: This is a plagioclase felspar, it was named after the province in Canada, Labrador. The white variety is called Rainbow moonstone. It deflects negative energies and stimulates intuition and psychic gifts. Labradorite is the perfect stone for someone undergoing therapy as it forms a barrier to the negative energies shed. It is a stone of transformation and change, boosting strength and perseverance. It also brings up memories from the past. Banishes fears and insecurities. Balances the thought process of emotional and rational thinking bringing real insight, dispelling illusions, and understanding the root of the matter and the real intention behind thoughts and actions. Aids in conditions of the eyes and brain relieves stress and regulates metabolism.Moonstone:  It is also an othoclase-adularite felspar mineral. In Hindu mythology, it was believed to be made of moonbeams made solid.  Moonstone traditionally has been used to enhance psychic abilities and to develop clairvoyance. Encourages lucid dreaming, especially at the full moon. It clams overreactions to situations and emotional triggers.  With passive, receptive and feminine energy, it balances the male-female energies and helps the macho man or aggressive female. It soothes emotional instability and encourages emotional intelligence. Helps the digestive and reproductive systems and degenerative conditions of the hair skin and eyes liver and pancreas. Helpful during pregnancy and childbirth. Moonstone has been traditionally used for insomnia and preventing sleepwalking. Women may need to remove it at the full moon.Sodalite:  It is a vivid blue stone with white veining.  Very similar to lapis lazuli, however, sodalite does not contain the gold flecks of pyrite.  It unites intuition and logic and opens spiritual perception. It stimulates the third eye, deepening mediation, and helping you to understand the circumstances in which you find yourself. Aids in staying true to yourself and standing up for your ideals and beliefs. A good stone for the mind, it eliminates mental confusion, encourages objectivity, truth, and intuitive perception and aids the verbalisation of feelings. It calms the mind and is useful for insomnia and panic attacks. It can transform a defensive or overactive personality, fears, phobia, guilt and coping mechanisms that hold you back from being who you really are. Enhances self-acceptance, self-esteem and self-trust. Balances the metabolism and cleanses the lymphatic system. Helps the throat, vocal cords and larynx and it is helpful for hoarseness and digestive disorders. Malachite: It gets its colour from copper. It is preferable to use polished stones. If you have a raw piece, you should wash your hands after touching it as it is toxic. Do not put it in water. Easily absorbs negative energies...
Aura Photography with Lorna Start
Aura Photography with Lorna Start
In this episode we have the wonderful Lorna Start who is also known as Purple Sapphire, Colour and Crystal Therapies and Aura Photography.  Lorna guides us through the process of aura photography, what is about and what is interpreted.Basically Lorna takes a photograph of you showing your aura, and will give you a report showing a couple of graphs and a pie chart.  The graph will show your Yin / Yang energy and the way that I look at this is Yin in inward energy and Yang is outward.Laura is looking at this as well as the colours presenting in the photograph as well as the shape of your aura.  It is important to note that a photograph just like any other is just capturing a moment in time and that auras will change due to influences around and that affect you.Lorna lives Cornwall and can be found at Mind Body Spirit fayres or Holistic fayres.  If you would like to know more information you can contact her via Facebook Purple Sapphire you can contact her via email which is more information about The Spirit Guiders have a look at how to contact us individually.  You can also send us an email For more information about Emily Baker as an aromatherapist/reflexologist as well as a medium and psychic artist go to  For more information about Jane Lightfoot, who is a psychic reader go to  For Mystique you can find out what is going on through these Facebook page episode is produced by Mark Wakely from
Special Edition, Meditation with Robert and Allan
Special Edition, Meditation with Robert and Allan
We are delighted to pass on this lovely short meditation from Robert Nutt and Alan Harris.  If you have a look through our early episodes we have had these two on as our guests.  They talked through Reki and Chakrascension.  Here are their details;Website Facebook Chakrascension TMEmail 07803 333267You can also find Alan at Mystique Wellbeing on Ennerdale Road, in Shrewsbury, where you can book in for a balancing of the chakras as well he runs courses.  For more information contact Mystique 01743 467368.Do not forget to let those who you know that would love this podcast let them know.  Don't forget to subscribe too so you don't miss a podcast.  If you would like to contact Emily or Jane, perhaps you would like us to cover a topic, then here is the email address thespiritguiders@aol.comJane who runs Mystique and psychic reader can also be found on Facebook, and you can find her crystal lives on a week night, but she also does card readings.  For more information call Mystique on 01743 467368 or  or a complementary therapist, spiritual medium and psychic artist.  Emily can be found at Mystique on the 3rd Thursday of each month.  However she does readings either face to face as well group settings.  For more information Website
In this episode Jane and Emily give a quick guide to crystals. They discuss their shapes and forms, as well as what ones we should go for.  This is more go for ones that you are attracted to.Jane also noted that since lockdown there has been a big increase in crystals and from the younger generation.  They are also very much aware of which type or one they want eg amethyst. Whereas older generations are not sure which one they want or need.Emily pointed out that the use of crystals in technology is longstanding, and is still used today, such as quartz in watches, and then they were used in old fashioned radios and t.v.s.  Today however crystals are being used in the use of spirit radios in which they are used to tune the radio to be able to hear spirit voices. Also diamonds are used a lot in engineering and drilling equipment.Jane talked about a few crystals and some of their properties, these are her notes, and these crystals may have many more properties, which were:·        Red Jasper; sustains and supports during times of stress and brings tranquillity.  Absorbs negative energies.  Supports during prolonged illness and re-energies the body.  Balances Yin and Yang.·        Rhodonite; is a stone of compassion, an emotional balancer that clears away emotional wounds and scars from the past, and nurtures love.  It heals emotional shock and panic.  Encourages unselfish self-love and forgiveness.·        Citrine; never needs cleansing.  It clears and regrenerator of other crystals. Grounds negative energy.  It is a stone of abundance.  Teaches how to manifest all good things.  Raises self-esteem and confidence.·        Carnelian; removes fear of death.  Grounds and anchors to present reality.  Trust yourself. Clarifies perception.  Protects against envy, rage and resentment.  Balances emotional negativity. Increases fertility.·        Selenite; cleans and purifies it’s environment and crystals.  Also charges other crystals. Clears negative energy.  Its calming properties ideal for meditating and spiritual work.  Opens the crown and higher chakras. Provides clarity of the mind.As there is so much to talk about on this subject that they may come back to this subject and with a guest who works with crystals as well.They also acknowledge an email that we have received and gave a brief answer.  They pointed out that on the 20th August on Ennerdale Road Mystique will be hosting a holistic fair, there will be readers, healers and talks throughout the day.For more information about Emily Baker as an aromatherapist/reflexologist as well as a medium and psychic artist go to  For more information about Jane Lightfoot, who is a psychic reader go to