How to Choose the Best Web Blog Advertising

Learn About Affiliate Marketing

Jun 7 2022 • 4 mins

Why monetize your blog? Why not?

Earning an income from your blog is not just about the

extra cash - it's also a practical means to reward

yourself. Plus, you could use your earnings to provide

better support for your site, whether technical or


But not every advertising opportunity available might

work for your blog. Certain factors do affect how well

an advertising type works depending on the nature and

content your blog has.

Learn to choose the best web blog advertising that

will promote your site and maximize your earning


Types of web blog advertising you can use:

Pay-per-click or PPC PPC advertising is easily the

most basic form of advertising a blog can use. It

works simply: place a PPC ad on your blog and the

advertiser will pay you for every click generated by

the ad. Every time a visitor points his cursor on this

ad and clicks, you earn money. The cost per click will

vary, depending on the type of ad that will run, the

value of the keyword/s or who your advertiser will be.

Pay-per-action or PPA The PPA is sometimes preferred

by advertisers because it translates to having your

blog visitors perform a desired action. This action

can be different things - a visitor could subscribe to

the advertiser's newsletter, sign up for membership or

buy merchandise.

Pay-per-impression or PPI An advertiser using PPI with

your blog will pay you for every opportunity his ads

appear on your blog page. This will require some sort

of clever strategy on your part but if you know how to

use this type of blog advertising, it can work in your


Choosing web blog advertising The three types of web

blog advertising mentioned earlier can work with

different types of ads. These ads include:

Contextual ads The type of contextual ads you will be

carrying will depend on the content found on the page

where these ads will appear. The key here is to ensure

relevance. After all, if you're talking about plasma

TVs on your blog, what sense would an ad about home

loans have on the same page?

Contextual ads work best for you if your blog's

content deals with a specific topic on a regular

basis. This often means that you have traffic that is

highly targeted and will likely find your ads



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