Using Blogs As Sources In Articles

Learn About Affiliate Marketing

Jun 7 2022 • 1 min

Depending on what type of blog that you have, it might

be a good idea to advertise your blog using articles.

For example, say you know about jewelry and gemstones,

and your blog is a place where you post information

for people to read about jewelry.

Submitting an article to a website such as Associated

Content can be very instrumental in bringing people to

your blog.

An good example would be is if you wanted to talk

about the common misconceptions about the colors of


You could write about the fact that people assume that

gemstones such as emeralds, sapphires and rubies are

one different color, but the truth is that those

stones come in a variety of colors and hues.

Then you can use your blog as a source for your

information, as long as you have blogged about those


The great thing is that some places, like Associated

Content, will pay you for the articles that you write.

So if you sell jewelry on your blog, it's like being

paid twice for your knowledge. Of course, this is just

an example of the way you can use articles to

advertise your blog.

When you are writing an article, be creative. You

don't have to be an expert at what you do. If you

enjoy writing stories, you can say that posting

stories on blogs is a new and different way to share

your stories with others.

Then, post your blog link as your source and you have

people checking out your blog and your stories.


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