The Communicative Leader

Dr. Leah OH

On The Communicative Leader, we're making your work life what you want it to be. Do you need years of training or special equipment? Not at all my friends. Simple, yet thoughtful changes in your communication can make great strides in displaying your leadership ability. And why the heck should you care about leadership communication? Well, communication is the yardstick others use to determine whether or not they see you as a leader. Ahhh don't be scared, I got you. We will walk through common organizational obstacles and chat about small, but meaningful communication-rooted changes you can integrate immediately. No more waiting for the workplace to become what you hope it will. Nope. You, my friends, will be empowered and equipped to make those changes. Let's have some fun! Can't get enough?

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Best of the Rest: Season 3 Finale
Best of the Rest: Season 3 Finale
Send us a Text Message.Leaders,Welcome to the season 3 finale of The Communicative Leader. This was a fun one! Why? I got to revisit the thoughtful insights season 3 guests shared with us. In reviewing the season 3 episodes, I pulled out ten leadership takeaways and each of our guests speak to at least one of the takeaways. Our takeaways include:Embrace a growth mindsetSeek feedback and learn from failuresCultivate self-awareness Foster a learning culture Be curious and stay open-mindedDevelop effective communication skillsBuild strong relationships and networksContinuously update skills and knowledgeAdapt to change and embrace innovationLead by example And who do we hear from in this season recap? Steve Marcinuk, Co-Founder and General Manager of Intelligent RelationsBob Gaydos, CEO of PendellaBrenda Harrington, Executive Coach and Founder of Adaptive Leadership Strategies, LLCDavid Birkam, Graphic Designer at Western Michigan University Aneace Haddad, Executive Coach & Advisor to the C-Suite Dan Joseph, Author and former Army Combat EngineerDr. Ryan Bisel, Professor of Organizational Communication at the University of Oklahoma Ulrike Seminati, Leadership Communication Coach Dr. JP Pawliw-Fry, Co-Founder and President of the Institute for Health and Human Potential Nick Greif, VP, Go-to-Market Strategy & Communications at InStrideThis episode is full of insights and pragmatic tips from world-renowned experts. We look forward to chatting with you again soon in Season 4. Until next time, communicate with intention and lead with purpose.Looking for more leadership tips?Join our weekly email list to receive episode recaps, previews, and most importantly, communication-rooted solutions for your everyday workday questions and experiences.Sign up here: Check your spam folder...we like to send these out on Mondays :)Have a question for Dr. Leah OH? Is something at work driving you nuts? Have an idea for an episode? Reach out!We'd love to hear from you! Send us your questions and requests via email or a voice note to Support the Show.Hey leader! Thanks for listening. For more leadership communication tips, check out
Leadership & Education: A Conversation with Nick Greif VP, Go-to-Market Strategy & Communications at InStride
Leadership & Education: A Conversation with Nick Greif VP, Go-to-Market Strategy & Communications at InStride
Send us a Text Message.Nick makes the link between continued education and leadership explicit. We talk about ROI and other traditional tangible outcomes, but we also talk about other benefits of lifelong learning - including more diverse and more capable workplaces. What else? Nick chats with us about rethinking the traditional bachelor's degree required approach. Why? Well, a lot of really intelligent, really motivated folks can bring a lot of good to your organization if we unpack what we assume comes along with an individual who has a degree in hand. Here are the links to some of the success stories we talk about:Ashley (we discuss specifically): learner success stories: next time, communicate with intention and lead with purpose.Looking for more leadership tips?Join our weekly email list to receive episode recaps, previews, and most importantly, communication-rooted solutions for your everyday workday questions and experiences.Sign up here: Check your spam folder...we like to send these out on Mondays :)Have a question for Dr. Leah OH? Is something at work driving you nuts? Have an idea for an episode? Reach out!We'd love to hear from you! Send us your questions and requests via email or a voice note to Support the Show.Hey leader! Thanks for listening. For more leadership communication tips, check out
Transforming Tough Conversations: A Conversation with Co-Founder and President of the Institute for Health and Human Potential, Dr. JP Pawliw-Fry
Transforming Tough Conversations: A Conversation with Co-Founder and President of the Institute for Health and Human Potential, Dr. JP Pawliw-Fry
Send us a Text Message.Tough conversations are, well, tough. That's why we call them that -- tough, challenging, hard, sensitive, etc. While these types of conversations aren't going away my friends, there are specific, pragmatic steps you can take that will make these more manageable. Guess what? Dr. JP Pawliw-Fry does us one better than manageable, he helps us to see how embracing these conversations in an audience-centered way can transform our workplace culture in really positive and transformative ways.  I had a lot of fun chatting with JP, and more importantly, I learned soooooo much from him. Y'all, I have a PhD in this, write in this area, teach it and I still walked away with so  much new knowledge -- this is a powerful conversation, for sure. Until next time, communicate with intention and lead with purpose.Looking for more leadership tips?Join our weekly email list to receive episode recaps, previews, and most importantly, communication-rooted solutions for your everyday workday questions and experiences.Sign up here: Check your spam folder...we like to send these out on Mondays :)Have a question for Dr. Leah OH? Is something at work driving you nuts? Have an idea for an episode? Reach out!We'd love to hear from you! Send us your questions and requests via email or a voice note to Support the Show.Hey leader! Thanks for listening. For more leadership communication tips, check out
Leadership, Business Ethics, & Speaking Up: A Conversation with Dr. Ryan Bisel
Leadership, Business Ethics, & Speaking Up: A Conversation with Dr. Ryan Bisel
Send us a Text Message.Dr. Ryan Bisel has been doing really important and really innovative work related to leadership, business ethics, and employee voice. What's employee voice? In short, it is communicating bad news upwards. More specifically, it may be disagreeing with your manager, voicing concerns about policy or practices, or otherwise articulating issues up the chain of command. What happens when we have a workplace where employee don't feel safe expressing concerns? We create a culture that is conducive to ethical breaches. Little oversights can morph into larger ones quickly, especially when employees think their concerns are not shared by the majority. What then?Silence. Ryan walks us through the ins and outs of employee voice, how it impacts ethics talk, and the role leaders play in shaping healthy, prosocial work environments. Until next time, communicate with intention and lead with purpose.Looking for more leadership tips?Join our weekly email list to receive episode recaps, previews, and most importantly, communication-rooted solutions for your everyday workday questions and experiences.Sign up here: Check your spam folder...we like to send these out on Mondays :)Have a question for Dr. Leah OH? Is something at work driving you nuts? Have an idea for an episode? Reach out!We'd love to hear from you! Send us your questions and requests via email or a voice note to Support the Show.Hey leader! Thanks for listening. For more leadership communication tips, check out