Hey Friend

Hey Friend

Equipping you to pursue real friendships read less
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Episode 024: 5 Reasons You’re Not Making New Friends (and How to Fix It)
5d ago
Episode 024: 5 Reasons You’re Not Making New Friends (and How to Fix It)
Let’s be real – making new friends can be tough. If you’re frustrated about how hard it is to connect with new people, this episode is for you. We dive into the common ways you might be self-sabotaging and offer practical solutions to help you build genuine friendships. This episode is for you if: • You’re annoyed by how difficult it is to make new friends. • You leave parties, work gatherings, or church feeling like you didn’t get to know anyone new. • You’re struggling to connect and suspect you might be getting in your own way. Four Things Stopping You from Making New Friends: 1. Being on Your Phone: • Even if it’s not intended, being on your phone or having headphones in tells people, “I’m not open to interaction.” • Sherry Turkle, in Reclaiming Conversation, notes that even a silent phone on the table can disconnect us and lower empathy levels. 2. Believing No One’s Interested in You: • If you see yourself as unlikeable, you subconsciously communicate that to others. • The Liking Gap shows we often underestimate how much others like us. 3. Having Too Narrow of a Routine or Too Full of a Schedule: • Doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results is insanity. • If your current routine hasn’t led to fulfilling friendships, it’s time to change it up. 4. Not Following Up on Enjoyable Interactions: • Friendships take initiative. If you’re not following up, you’re choosing not to make friends. • A passing interaction isn’t enough; real connection happens with follow-up. Practical Solutions: • Put Down Your Phone: Look around and be open to interaction. • Challenge Negative Beliefs: Feed yourself God’s truth and seek counseling if needed. • Change Your Routine: Arrive early, stay late, join new activities. • Follow Up: If you enjoyed a conversation, tell the person and ask to continue it. No more excuses. Start making time for the people who matter. Tune in for real talk and practical advice to make your friendships thrive. Like, share, and subscribe for more!
Episode 022: Praying for your friends
Episode 022: Praying for your friends
• The Importance of Prayer: Recognizing our dependence on God and the essential role of intercession in our spiritual lives. • Quote from Andrew Murray: “True love to souls will become in us the spirit of intercession….True love must pray.” • Scriptural and Scientific Foundations: Why Scripture prioritizes praying for others. • Key Verses: James 5:16, 1 Timothy 2:1-2, Ephesians 6:18, Romans 8:34, Hebrews 7:25, 1 John 2:1. • When to Pray for Your Friends: • Sporadically as they come to mind. • Setting aside specific times. • Praying with your friends directly. • How to Pray for Your Friends: Simple, heartfelt prayers and practical tips like keeping a prayer journal, using reminder apps, and informing your friends that you are praying for them. • What to Pray for Your Friends: • Giving thanks for them (Ephesians 1:16, Philippians 1:3). • Praying for their growth in God’s love (Ephesians 1:18, Philippians 1:8-10). • Asking for endurance in hard times (Philippians 4:6). • Requesting God’s provision (James 5:16, 2 Corinthians 13:9). • Praying for their witness to Jesus (2 Thessalonians 1:12). • Addressing their stated needs and letting the Spirit guide your prayers. • Final Encouragement: Start small and start now. Think of two friends you can pray for immediately after finishing this episode. Tune in to discover how we can transform our prayer lives, deepen our friendships, and engage in meaningful intercession, following Jesus’ example.
Episode 019: Lies we believe about friendships as adults
Episode 019: Lies we believe about friendships as adults
Odds are you’re believing lies about friendship as an adult, and that those lies are hurting your ability to make, keep, and go deep with your friends. Making friends as an adult isn’t easy, and it’s made harder by the fact that we often buy into these four lies: Friendships magically appear: the truth is we need to be intentional about making friends, putting in effort to initiate and build relationships.Effortless friendships are best: The truth is that strong friendships involve mutual investment, where both people contribute.Conflict ruins friendships: the truth is that healthy disagreements can actually strengthen friendships if we navigate them constructively.Friendships last forever: in reality, most friendships are temporary, serving a purpose in a specific life stage. Don’t fall for these limiting beliefs. Instead, embrace God's perspective on friendship through prayer, studying the Bible, connecting with a faith community, and taking the initiative to build new friendships. Links to the articles we mentioned: https://time.com/5159867/adult-friendships-loneliness/https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.theatlantic.com/family/archive/2022/01/how-to-make-new-friends-midlife/621231/&ved=2ahUKEwi6uvKMz9aGAxVt3ckDHW58CoUQFnoECBMQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1ZCILhGA-J2Ind-pV_HPf3https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2019/11/why-dont-i-see-you-anymore/598336/https://www.self.com/story/men-friendship-advicehttps://www.businessinsider.com/death-casual-fringe-friendships-gen-z-sad-jobs-alone-2024-2https://www.theguardian.com/society/2021/jul/18/loneliness-coping-with-the-gap-where-friends-used-to-be
Episode 016: Dealing with gossip
Episode 016: Dealing with gossip
In our last episode, we delved into the thorny subject of gossip. As we continue the discussion today, we'll be providing strategies to help you navigate through the gossip-laden world we live in. Just for a quick recap, we previously discussed how gossip, from a biblical perspective, is inherently damaging. It involves the unauthorized sharing of information that can tarnish someone's reputation. As Christians, we're called to spread good news and uplift others with our speech (Ephesians 4:29). Key Discussion Points 1. Handling Gossiping Friends - Mike's story: A case of disarming gossip through humble confession - Exiting the conversation: Why it can sometimes be the best action - The Christian approach: Having candid discussions about the harmful effects of gossip 2. Dealing with Workplace Gossip - Non-participation: Why it’s important to refrain from contributing to gossip - Direct communication: Encouraging gossipers to address their concerns with the person involved 3. Overcoming Personal Gossip Habits - Self-reflection: Understanding the root cause of the desire to gossip (Matthew 12:34-37) - Motive identification: Recognizing underlying incentives such as the need for acceptance or a desire to harm others 4. Combatting Gossip Targeted at You - Finding inspiration: Drawing strength from Psalm 55 and Jesus' experiences of betrayal - Self-evaluation: Checking for any truth in the gossip and having honest conversations with the source(s) While we can't control others' words, we hold complete control over ours. As stated by James, gaining mastery over our tongue leads to mastery over our entire selves. We encourage you to be intentional with your words, using them to uplift and encourage those around us.
Episode 011: things to talk about with your friend
Episode 011: things to talk about with your friend
The Issue at Hand The Problem: A dearth of genuine conversation, particularly the kind that resonates deeply within us.Opening Inquiry: Reflecting on the last truly profound conversation you shared with a friend, what elements made it particularly meaningful? Quote to Ponder: Sherry Turkle's research underscores how the digital age has eroded empathy, with a 40% decline observed among college students, largely attributed to increased digital communication. Scriptural Foundations: Proverbs 27:9 speaks to the uplifting power of sincere counsel from a friend.Proverbs 20:5 emphasizes the importance of understanding and drawing out the depths of one another's hearts. Insight from Turkle: Solitude fosters self-discovery, enabling us to engage authentically in conversation and deepen our capacity for empathy. However, technology disrupts this virtuous cycle, impeding both solitude and genuine connection. Identifying Barriers: Lack of Focus: Distractions hinder meaningful engagement; prioritizing presence is essential.Lack of Knowledge: Many struggle to navigate deeper conversations; cultivating the skill is vital.Lack of Time: Busy schedules impede our ability to slow down and connect authentically. Proposing Solutions: Schedule Intentionally: Allocate dedicated time for meaningful conversations, signaling value and commitment to friends.Pose Thoughtful Questions: Prompting deeper reflection with questions about the past, present, future, and expressions of gratitude.Eliminate Distractions: Create environments conducive to focused dialogue, free from technological interruptions.Practice Active Listening: Cultivate the art of deep listening, fostering understanding and empathy. Establishing Ground: Insights from Scripture and ScienceEngage in Dialogue: Identifying Barriers and Solutions
Episode 008: Friendship In The Bible
Episode 008: Friendship In The Bible
Hey there, friends! Today, we're diving deep into a topic that's close to our hearts: friendship. But not just any kind of friendship—we're talking about the real, authentic connections that make life meaningful. And where better to look for guidance on friendship than in the pages of Scripture? Now, before we get started, let's set the record straight. We're not experts in ancient languages or theology buffs. We're just two regular guys on a journey of faith, trying to figure out what it means to pursue real friendship in a world that often feels disconnected. So, what does the Bible have to say about friendship? Well, turns out, quite a lot! From Hebrew words like chabar and rea to Greek concepts like philos and philoi, the Bible is full of rich insights into the beauty and complexity of human relationships. But let's get real for a moment. How often do we prioritize depth over quantity when it comes to friendships? In a world where social media likes and followers reign supreme, it's easy to get caught up in surface-level connections. But true friendship—the kind that stands the test of time and weather life's storms—requires more than just a casual acquaintance. That's where biblical wisdom comes in. Through stories like that of Jesus and his disciples, we see the power of deep, loyal friendships that transcend mere association. We're reminded that friendship isn't just about having someone to hang out with—it's about sharing life's joys and struggles, supporting each other through thick and thin, and ultimately pointing each other towards the heart of God. So, as we journey through this episode, let's challenge ourselves to reevaluate our views on friendship. Let's dare to cultivate relationships that go beyond the surface, that are built on trust, loyalty, and genuine affection. And most importantly, let's not forget to include God in the picture. Because true friendship with others begins with a friendship with the One who knows us best and loves us most. Join us as we explore what it means to pursue real friendship, grounded in the timeless truths of Scripture. It's not always easy, but we believe it's worth it. Let's dive in together and discover the beauty of authentic connections that truly speak to the heart. 🎙️ Listen now and let's journey towards deeper, more meaningful friendships together. #HeartfeltFriendship #BiblicalWisdom #RealConnections 🎙️