Prepare to be enthralled and terrified by "Saya," a captivating Hindi horror series exclusively distributed on the Flitz network. As the moon casts its eerie glow and the night descends into darkness, "Saya" unfolds a world where the boundary between the living and the supernatural is perilously thin.
In the shadowy realm of "Saya," each episode takes you on a pulse-pounding journey through meticulously crafted tales of fear and dread. Inspired by real-life legends, folklore, and the darkest corners of human imagination, these stories come to life with spine-tingling realism.
"Saya" beckons you to explore the unseen as it delves into narratives of vengeful spirits, cursed places, malevolent entities, and inexplicable occurrences. With Flitz's cutting-edge technology, you'll become immersed in an unsettling atmosphere that will make it feel as if you've stepped into these chilling stories yourself.
Whether you're a die-hard horror aficionado or someone seeking a one-of-a-kind, heart-pounding viewing experience, "Saya" promises to take you on an unforgettable journey into the realm of terror. Brace yourself to be captivated, horrified, and spellbound by the relentless grip of fear as "Saya" reveals the secrets lurking in the darkness.
Join us on this hair-raising odyssey into the unknown, exclusively on Flitz. Are you brave enough to confront the malevolent forces that lurk in the night? Tune in to "Saya" and find out!