Shameeka Baptist: Overcoming the Foster Care System


20-03-2024 • 22 mins

Overcoming the Foster Care System

Shameeka Baptist’s story is as heartbreaking as it is inspiring. Shameeka talks about her tumultuous journey through the foster care system, the abuse she endured, and how she rose above her circumstances to become a beacon of hope for others.

Shameeka’s story is one of childhood neglect and abuse.  But despite the odds stacked against her, including a period of homelessness after aging out of foster care, Shameeka’s resilience shines through.  Today, Shameeka is a four-time self-published author and an inspirational speaker. She is a mother and a role model who proves that the past does not have to define the future. Her message is clear: no matter how bad things seem, there is always a way forward, and you are never alone in your struggles.


It's an Amazon best selling book!

What they're saying:

“This is a beautiful book about life, its imperfections, its challenges, and its joys. It is a book of hope and wisdom for all of us facing a bump in the road.” –Pragito Dove

“Pat has woven together beautiful stories of life setbacks that have been transformed into spiritual growth. This book is a gift and a must-read for

souls experiencing pain and yearning for growth.”

–Gary Hensel

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