Andrew Richards - Leading Coach for Men

Who Needs Instructions

May 14 2021 • 36 mins

Don't worry, this isn't a sales pitch, in fact, it's the complete opposite. Andrew explains why some men need his services and others may not.

Despite me having employed the services of a coach already, I learnt something in this episode too; it's not about hiring a coach for success, it's about hiring a coach to help you find what you want from life.

Andrew takes us through the process of what is involved in coaching clients and how the experience can differ vastly from person to person.

The calm approach and well thought out answers in today's podcast are clearly traits that Andrew carries with him through his every day life and I truly enjoyed the short amount of time I spent getting to know him and his work.

You can find Andrew on LinkedIn or via his website, both links are below, cheers.

Find Andrew on LinkedIn here:

Andrew's website: