25. 1177 BC: The Year Civilization Collapsed with Eric Cline

The History of Cyprus Podcast

02-04-2024 • 1 hr 4 mins

My guest this month is renowned archaeologist, Eric Cline. You might be familiar with Dr. Cline from his seminal work, "1177 BC: The Year Civilization Collapsed," which was shortlisted for the Pulitzer Prize in 2014, in addition to "Three Stones Make a Wall" and "Digging up Armageddon." Eric, in collaboration with renowned illustrator, Glynnis Fawkes*, is releasing 1177 BC as a graphic novel this month to coincide with its 10 year anniversary since its initial release, along with a much anticipated sequel to 1177 called, "After 1177BC: The Survival of Civilizations."** Today, Eric is discussing both 1177 and its sequel -- and Cyprus' pivotal role during the Bronze and Iron ages! * In case you missed my interview with Glynnis, check out Primary Source XXV: 1177 BC: An Interview with Glynnis Fawkes, published on March 15th, 2024. ** You can purchase the Graphic Novel, 1177 B.C.: The Year Civilization Collapsed" from major bookstores or order it from amazon.com by clicking here! And "After 1177 B.C.: The Survival of Civilizations" here!