The Purpose, Practice, and Power of Prayer: A Saddleback Church Small Group Study

Buddy Owens | Saddleback Church | Lumivoz

The Scripture makes it clear that we are in a great cosmic battle. It is not a battle against people. It is a battle against spiritual forces of evil that are trying to destroy the work of God—in the world, and in our lives. But God has equipped us, empowered us, authorized us, and called us to partner with him in accomplishing his purposes on the earth. And we do it primarily through prayer. This is a small group Bible study series by Buddy Owens from Saddleback Church. Download the study guide here: A Lumivoz podcast read less
Religion & SpiritualityReligion & Spirituality


Session 1: Armed for Battle
Session 1: Armed for Battle
Promo: Making TimeYou have the same 24 hours in your day as the most accomplished people in the world. So why doesn't it feel that way? Follow along on this special 6 episode series as we take a look at how to make more time. By following biblical principles and taking a look at what you really want, Making Time shares the secret to having all the time you need... with a little help from some friends.Learn more and download group guides at questions, comments, or sharing your tips on how to make more time, reach out to 1 of The Purpose Practice and Power of Prayer series. This is a church small group Bible study series from Buddy Owens at Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, California.CHECKING IN 1. If your group is new, or if there are any new people, introduce yourselves. 2. Share something you are grateful for today. 3. How do you hope to grow through this study? KEY VERSE Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. Ephesians 6:10–11 (NIV)  DISCUSSION QUESTIONS “For most of us, our spiritual battlefield looks a lot likeour living room—it’s where we do life. Spiritual warfare happens in our day-to-day living, loving, and relating, and in the daily decisions and challenges we face.” How does this resonate with you? Which of the pieces of the armor of God do you feel you wear most comfortably? Why? Which of the pieces of the armor of God do you feel you wear least comfortably? Why? There is a huge difference between being in a war and being at war. In your spiritual battles, have you felt more like a refugee or a warrior? PUTTING IT INTO PRACTICE Would you say you currently approach the armor of God as a wish list or a checklist? What would you have to do differently to be sure all the pieces are in place? Make a plan for yourself to enact what you discussed. Think about how you have started new habits in your life and use those lessons to devise a plan here. PRAYER DIRECTION Share your prayer requests and pray for each other before you finish your meeting. Ask someone in the group to write them all down and then email them to all your group members. Commit to pray for each other throughout the week. DIVING DEEPER Dive deeper into Ephesians this week by listening to Pastor Tom Holladay’s DriveTime Devotions series going through the book of Ephesians.  This series was created for Saddleback Church's small group curriculum series. For more great Bible studies and small group curriculum, visit pastors.comAnd for more great podcasts, visit
Session 2: Covering Your Territory
Session 2: Covering Your Territory
Promo: Making TimeYou have the same 24 hours in your day as the most accomplished people in the world. So why doesn't it feel that way? Follow along on this special 6 episode series as we take a look at how to make more time. By following biblical principles and taking a look at what you really want, Making Time shares the secret to having all the time you need... with a little help from some friends.Learn more and download group guides at questions, comments, or sharing your tips on how to make more time, reach out to 2 of The Purpose Practice and Power of Prayer series. This is a church small group Bible study series from Buddy Owens at Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, California.CHECKING IN 1. Share something you are thankful for today. 2. How did our last session about spiritual armor impact you this week? KEY VERSEPray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. Ephesians 6:18 (NIV) PUTTING IT INTO PRACTICE Under the “Getting Organized” section of the message outline, Buddy talked about five ways to organize your prayer life. Which of these do you want to try to incorporate into your daily life? Be intentional with setting yourself up to succeed. If it’s scheduling, stop right now and set alarms on your phone. If it’s memorials, make a list for yourself of what different memorials could be for you. Whichever method you choose, take five minutes right now to get yourself set up to begin this new part of your prayer life. If you need help getting started, a simple way to begin the habit of daily prayer is to text “Pray21” (all one word) to 83000 and you will be subscribed to receive one text prayer prompt every day for the next 21 days. PRAYER DIRECTION As you listened to the message, did anyone come to mind who needs prayer? Take a moment in silent prayer to pray for that person. Then send them a text that says, “Praying for you today.” Share your prayer requests and pray for each other before you finish your meeting. Ask someone in the group to write them all down and then email them to all your group members. Commit to pray for each other throughout the week. DIVING DEEPER Seven Types of Prayer Thanksgiving Thanking God for what he has done should always be the starting point of prayer. So make it a habit to always begin prayer by saying thank you before asking God for anything. Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. Psalm 100:4 (NIV) We always thank God . . . when we pray for you. Colossians 1:3 (NIV)  This series was created for Saddleback Church's small group curriculum series. For more great Bible studies and small group curriculum, visit pastors.comAnd for more great podcasts, visit
Session 3: Your Authority In Prayer
Session 3: Your Authority In Prayer
Promo: Making TimeYou have the same 24 hours in your day as the most accomplished people in the world. So why doesn't it feel that way? Follow along on this special 6 episode series as we take a look at how to make more time. By following biblical principles and taking a look at what you really want, Making Time shares the secret to having all the time you need... with a little help from some friends.Learn more and download group guides at questions, comments, or sharing your tips on how to make more time, reach out to 3 of The Purpose Practice and Power of Prayer series. This is a church small group Bible study series from Buddy Owens at Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, California.CHECKING IN 1. Share something you are thankful for today. 2. How did last week’s lesson affect the way you prayed this week? KEY VERSEGod raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus. Ephesians 2:6 (NIV) DISCUSSION QUESTIONS What does it mean to you to pray in Jesus’ name? Have somebody in your group re-read Ephesians 1:18–23; 2:6–10 (in the video outline) aloud. How does this passage shape your perspective on where and how you stand in your authority in Christ? Talk about the relationship between praying in the authority of Jesus’ name and being a person of the Word. What stood out to you about the reality of standing on the earth and being seated in the heavenly realms? Does this make you think differently about God’s purpose for you on earth? PUTTING IT INTO PRACTICE Read Ephesians 1–2 every day this week and, as Buddy said, “Let these truths steep into your soul.” Try turning these chapters into a prayer, talking about them with God. For example, “Lord, enlighten the eyes of my heart so that I may better know the hope to which you have called me. Help me appreciate the riches of your glorious inheritance and understand your incomparably great power for me.” PRAYER DIRECTION The truth about your authority in prayer can feel daunting. As a group, turn any of these feelings into gratitude. Thank God for the authority which he has given you in Christ. Pray for strength and conviction to use this authority to be Christ’s ambassador on earth. Share your prayer requests and pray for each other before you finish your meeting. Ask someone in the group to write them all down and then email them to all your group members. Commit to pray for each other throughout the week. DIVING DEEPER Dive deeper this week by reading Praying for Peace by Jimmy, Carol, and Buddy Owens. Chapter 5, “Spiritual Warfare: Setting Captives Free” deals with your position of authority, your position of strength, taking back enemy territory, and dealing with spiritual attacks.  This series was created for Saddleback Church's small group curriculum series. For more great Bible studies and small group curriculum, visit pastors.comAnd for more great podcasts, visit
Session 4: Patterns Of Prayer
Session 4: Patterns Of Prayer
Promo: Making TimeYou have the same 24 hours in your day as the most accomplished people in the world. So why doesn't it feel that way? Follow along on this special 6 episode series as we take a look at how to make more time. By following biblical principles and taking a look at what you really want, Making Time shares the secret to having all the time you need... with a little help from some friends.Learn more and download group guides at questions, comments, or sharing your tips on how to make more time, reach out to 4 of The Purpose Practice and Power of Prayer series. This is a church small group Bible study series from Buddy Owens at Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, California.CHECKING IN 1. Share something you are thankful for. 2. Your group is now halfway through this study. What is one thing that has stuck with you so far? KEY VERSE “Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.” Matthew 6:9–13 (KJV) DISCUSSION QUESTIONS This week’s discussion questions center on the seven relationships seen in the Lord’s Prayer. For each statement, discuss what you hear, think, and feel. 1. “You are my father. I am your child. I trust your love.” 2. “You are my king. I am your subject. I trust your authority.” 3. “You are my master. I am your servant. I trust your wisdom.” 4. “You are my provider. I am your dependent. I trust your faithfulness.”5. “You are my savior. I am a sinner. I trust your mercy.”6. “You are my guide. I am a pilgrim. I trust your direction.” 7. “You are my deliverer. I am a captive. I trust you to set me free.” PUTTING IT INTO PRACTICE This week, practice praying the way Jesus taught us to pray. Think of the name by which the Lord will be most glorified in answering your prayer. Do you need him to be your Healer, your Provider, your Counselor or Comforter? Call on him by name, present your request, then surrender yourself to his sovereignty. Begin with praise and surrender by saying something like this: “My Father, let your name be glorified in my life . . . or My King, let your name be glorified in this challenge . . . or My Master, let your name be glorified in this decision that I’m about to make. My Provider, my Savior, my Guide, my Deliverer, let your name be glorified in whatever it is I’m facing.” Then present your petitions to God. Pour your heart out to God and let him know what you need. Finally, finish your prayer with surrender and praise by saying, “Having said all of that, Lord, I want your will to be done more than anything else because I want my life to be lived for your glory.” PRAYER DIRECTION Begin PUTTING IT INTO PRACTICE right now with your group. (See above.) Share your prayer requests. By what name will the Lord be most glorified in answering your prayer today? Call on him by name, present your requests, then surrender yourself to his sovereignty. DIVING DEEPER Dive deeper this week by watching Buddy Owens’ message, How to Pray When You Haven’t Got a Prayer.  This series was created for Saddleback Church's small group curriculum series. For more great Bible studies and small group curriculum, visit pastors.comAnd for more great podcasts, visit
Session 5: Praying With Persistence And Power
Session 5: Praying With Persistence And Power
Promo: Making TimeYou have the same 24 hours in your day as the most accomplished people in the world. So why doesn't it feel that way? Follow along on this special 6 episode series as we take a look at how to make more time. By following biblical principles and taking a look at what you really want, Making Time shares the secret to having all the time you need... with a little help from some friends.Learn more and download group guides at questions, comments, or sharing your tips on how to make more time, reach out to 5 of The Purpose Practice and Power of Prayer series. This is a church small group Bible study series from Buddy Owens at Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, California.CHECKING IN 1. Share something you are thankful for. 2. Did you try using the pattern for prayer we talked about last week? What did you experience? KEY VERSE “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.” Matthew 7:7–8 (NIV) DISCUSSION QUESTIONS Has there been a time when you had to pray persistently for something? Talk about your experience. What did you learn about God in the process? “The prayer of a man or woman of the Word is energized by the power of God and is a great force capable of extraordinary deeds.” What does this tell you about the relationship between Scripture and prayer? In the Lord’s Prayer, our requests come before our confession. What do you think Jesus is teaching us by putting the prayer in this order? Confession is a part of prayer. Just as we need daily bread, we also need daily forgiveness. And the Bible promises that, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9 NIV). How does this promise impact your confidence in coming to God in prayer? PUTTING IT INTO PRACTICE When you talk to God, it’s not the words but the intent that counts. God is not looking for eloquence. He just wants honesty. Pray from your heart. This week, continue practicing the way Jesus taught us to pray. Think of the name by which the Lord will be most glorified in answering your prayer.Do you need him to be your Healer, your Provider, your Counselor or Comforter? Call on him by name, present your request, then surrender yourself to his sovereignty. Begin with praise and surrender by saying something like this: “My Father, let your name be glorified in my life . . . or My King, let your name be glorified in this challenge . . . or My Master, let your name be glorified in this decision that I’m about to make. My Provider, my Savior, my Guide, my Deliverer, let your name be glorified in whatever it is I’m facing.” Then present your petitions to God. Pour your heart out to God and let him know what you need. Finish your prayer with surrender and praise by saying something like, “Having said all of that, Lord, I want your will to be done more than anything else because I want to live my life for your glory.” PRAYER DIRECTION If anybody shared any persistent prayers out of the first discussion question, take time as a group to pray for those together. DIVING DEEPER Dive deeper this week by watching Doable Discipleship: Episode 70, Buddy Owens and the Practice of Fasting.  This series was created for Saddleback Church's small group curriculum series. For more great Bible studies and small group curriculum, visit pastors.comAnd for more great podcasts, visit
Session 6: When God Says No
Session 6: When God Says No
Promo: Making TimeYou have the same 24 hours in your day as the most accomplished people in the world. So why doesn't it feel that way? Follow along on this special 6 episode series as we take a look at how to make more time. By following biblical principles and taking a look at what you really want, Making Time shares the secret to having all the time you need... with a little help from some friends.Learn more and download group guides at questions, comments, or sharing your tips on how to make more time, reach out to Episode! Episode 6 of The Purpose Practice and Power of Prayer series. This is a church small group Bible study series from Buddy Owens at Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, California.CHECKING IN 1. Share something you are thankful for. 2. How did our lesson on “Praying with Persistence and Power” impact your prayers this past week? KEY VERSEIn all things God works for the good of those who love him. Romans 8:28 (NIV) DISCUSSION QUESTIONS What do you take away from Job’s story and from his response to God? “Jesus knows what it’s like to pray to a God who says ‘no.’ ” Discuss this truth. Do you have a vivid example in your life of God’s “no” turning out to be a “yes”? How have you grown as a result of this study? What changes have you made or do you plan to make? How do you see prayer differently? PUTTING IT INTO PRACTICE This week, start and end each day praying with your hands the way Buddy closed this session. Start with your hands open and bring your requests before God. Turn your palms down, surrendering to God. Then turn your hands back up to receive God’s grace. PRAYER DIRECTION As a group, thank God for the work he has done and the seeds he has planted through this study. Ask him to continue growing each group member’s prayer life. Thank him for being a God who listens to us, cares about what we care about, and loves us unconditionally. DIVING DEEPER Dive deeper this week by watching Pastor Rick’s message, “What to Remember When Things Don’t Go Your Way.”  This series was created for Saddleback Church's small group curriculum series. For more great Bible studies and small group curriculum, visit pastors.comAnd for more great podcasts, visit
BONUS New Series: The Way of a Worshiper: A Saddleback Church Small Group Study
BONUS New Series: The Way of a Worshiper: A Saddleback Church Small Group Study
Promo: Making TimeYou have the same 24 hours in your day as the most accomplished people in the world. So why doesn't it feel that way? Follow along on this special 6 episode series as we take a look at how to make more time. By following biblical principles and taking a look at what you really want, Making Time shares the secret to having all the time you need... with a little help from some friends.Learn more and download group guides at questions, comments, or sharing your tips on how to make more time, reach out to November 13th, a brand new series from Pastor Buddy Owens at Saddleback Church. Are you looking for God? The pursuit of God is the chase of a life time. In fact, its been going on since the day you were born. The question is: Have you been the hunter or the prey? This small group study is not about music. Its not even about going to church. Its about living your life as an offering of worship to God. Its about tapping into the source of power to live the Christian life. And its about discovering the secret to friendship with God.In this four-week study, Buddy Owens, author and teacher, will help you understand the meaning of worship. Through his very practical, engaging, and at times surprising insights, Buddy shares truths from Scripture and from life that will help you understand in a new and deeper way just what it means to be a worshiper.Be sure to subscribe today so you don't miss this great new series! This series was created for Saddleback Church's small group curriculum series. For more great Bible studies and small group curriculum, visit pastors.comAnd for more great podcasts, visit
BONUS New Series: Making Time - Chapter 1
BONUS New Series: Making Time - Chapter 1
Promo: Making TimeYou have the same 24 hours in your day as the most accomplished people in the world. So why doesn't it feel that way? Follow along on this special 6 episode series as we take a look at how to make more time. By following biblical principles and taking a look at what you really want, Making Time shares the secret to having all the time you need... with a little help from some friends.Learn more and download group guides at questions, comments, or sharing your tips on how to make more time, reach out to a new series: Making Time!DIGITAL GROUP GUIDEHow are you at making time? Do you feel like you have enough time in the day? Do you know if you have enough time in the day? Is there a difference between how you feel about time and what you think about your time?This is the first of a 6 part series on Making Time. Everyone has the same number of hours in the day so why do some people seem to get so much more done? Why do some other people seem so rushed and others seem so casual?While this series can be listened to on your end, you’ll get more out of it if you listen to it together with someone else, your spouse, family, small group, book/podcast club or whatever. If you want to make it more fun and interactive with your group, download the GROUP Method discussion guide here: we are giving away 50 free GROUP Method  Notebooks. Each notebook has premium BLACK paper and comes with a white pen. To get a free notebook, you can do 1 of the following:1. Leave a review for Making Time on your podcast app of choice.2. Share the Making Time podcast on social media.Take a screenshot of either one and email it to makingtime@lumivoz.comThis podcast is just launching and still very small so if you enter, you are probably going to win! But here’s the catch, only 1 notebook and pen per email entry. If you want one for each member of your group, they each have to enter. Sorry, we can only afford to ship to the US and Canada at this time but will hopefully have some more international options soon, especially if y’all share this podcast and it gets popular enough ;)Music in this episode comes and Good Time by Ben Fox- The Sin by Francesco D’Andrea- Theater Magnus by Marco Martini- String Arpeggios- The Great Wild by Out of Flux- The Sky Within by Romeo- I Owe It To You- Premiere by Adrian Berenguer- Lily’s BounceEdited using DescriptAnd for more great podcasts check out This series was created for Saddleback Church's small group curriculum series. For more great Bible studies and small group curriculum, visit pastors.comAnd for more great podcasts, visit