December 2022 Energy Report

High Vibes Living with Jennifer

06-12-2022 • 28 mins

I am publishing the December Energy  Report a few days late but it is not by accident. I had it ready to go on December first but I also got the message to wait for a few days because there would be more to add. So I did because I have learned to follow my guidance. Then on December 2 we had a rare and beautiful aspect between the moon at 1 Aries and Jupiter at 29 Pisces, something I have called an Alpha/Omega portal. Usually I talk about these when there are two new moons in the same sign, the first at 1 degree and the second at 29 degrees.

Here we have a much bigger aspect between the moon, ruler of our emotions, and Jupiter, ruler of higher thought, spirituality as an intentional path, which has only happened 9 times since the year 1 (I checked). Most recently, this aspect happened in January 1845, July 1913, and September 2010.

September 2010 is the one we can all relate to because it happened in our lifetime. I remember that period, it was a rather crazy time as the internet was becoming more mainstream, social media was taking off, and everyone was selling the best way to do online marketing (usually with a lot of hype and not much substance). On December 2 we saw evidence of serious crimes using social media platforms and the clear evidence of the illegal use of social platforms to target people. The Alpha/Omega moment is a full circle, a becoming 360 moment of action and consequences. It has  been intense and rather revealing and this is a milestone on our ascension path, a full revelation of the dark by the light. It created a lot of awakening too. This is going to continue through 2023 so it’s not an isolated incident. The dominos have begun to fall.

2022 is nearly over and I am probably not the only person who reads that with a sigh of relief. What a tough year this has been and it is just one more in the past 2 challenging years. Since 2020 we have been bombarded with energy and tough astro aspects that have historically always heralded huge changes in humanity, society, and in the world when they happened. We had the Saturn/Pluto conjunction in  Capricorn, the Saturn/Uranus square, Jupiter conjunct Neptune in Pisces, and the US and global Pluto return. And in January 2022 we began Ascension 2.0, a new ascension cycle. That’s a lot and it is just some of the big ones, there were many more. It’s a lot to happen in a very short period of time.

We’re all battle worn and weary and we need a break. We’ll get that in December, along with a call to action that is more about inspiration than perspiration, expanding wonderful rather than doing more worry and work, and turning trauma into triumph. I have read comments from astrologers and people who issue predictions about December and they say to sit back, wait, and ponder. No thanks and I disagree.

You can do that if you want to but I’m going to use the wonderful, creative, inspiring energy of December to close some doors and open new portals. I looked up the tarot card and 7 of the major arcana is the chariot, hardly a vehicle for sitting back and waiting. When I think of chariots I think of the film Ben Hur and the chariot race, one of the more thrilling action scenes in film history. .

I have some joyful energy to bring into my life and clean out the dust of these past few years. I am ready for a fresh start and a new beginning at a new vibe, are you?

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Created, narrated, and produced by Jennifer Hoffman.

Artwork by Jennifer Hoffman.

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