March 2024 Energy Report

High Vibes Living with Jennifer

06-03-2024 • 22 mins

There’s so much going on in March that it is hard to know where to begin. If you have been following my facebook posts I shared one of my favorite orchestral pieces, the Parade of the  Charioteers from the movie  Ben-Hur. It is a piece I have played a lot when I played in orchestras and it is one of the most majestic, inspiring musical compositions. This is how I see the month of March entering the stage. I have posted a link to the Andre Rieu orchestra playing on the blog page below.

There is a lot happening in March, including an eclipse, Mercury shadow retro, the spring equinox, and easter. I will start with the numbers not because they are more important than anything else but because when we have a month or year with an 11 value a lot of things are going on. March is the 3rd month in an 8 value year, and that’s an 11. Now we will have another 11 month in December 2024, so bear in mind what you learn about this month because we get a repeat of this energy in December. I know that seems far off but it is only 8 months from now. Look at how quickly the year has gone by already (well, at least parts of it).

11 is a master number and the number of the spiritual initiate. This is the beginning of our initiation into spiritual integrity – not learning about spirituality but actually becoming the synergy of human and divine, spiritual and material, the integrated 3D/5D paradigm that is the soul mission of this lifetime.

When we work with the 11 energy we have to learn to integrate a spiritual perspective into everything and start thinking of ourselves as aligned with spirit. Sidebar here – we do not need to master spirit, go back 1000 lifetimes and try to figure out where it all began, get rid of the ego (this is very bad advice), find another thing to heal, go on silent retreats (I would never even consider that), spend hours in meditation, or fast for a month (also not a good idea).

Those activities are fine if we want to satisfy our curiosity about how much torture we can take, but they do not have any long term value when it comes to the step on our ascension path that we are being presented with and that is full integration – the merging of spiritual and material which creates a new paradigm of evolution.

Read the rest of the article on the blog at

Created, narrated, and produced by Jennifer Hoffman.

Artwork by Jennifer Hoffman.

Copyright (C) 2004-2024 by Jennifer Hoffman, all US and international rights reserved.

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